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This is an advanced cardsets/levelup bot script.


  • Steam account without limitations. Check steam support to see your account status
  • Steam Desktop authentication
  • Node.js v14 or higher
  • Steam Api Key
  • Steam Group
  • SteamLadder Api Key

Bot Currencies:

  • CS:GO Keys
  • Hydra Keys
  • TF2 Keys
  • Gems


Change Language

  • The bot has commands for the user to change the language

Inventory Smart

  • Bot recognizes what inventory need to be reload in every trade, avoiding extra requests (i.e a !buytf would only reload steam and tf inventory, csgo would be ignored)

Trade Tracking

  • Never lost track of your bot trades, bot will be warning about every single trade

Profits Tracking

  • Bot will be registering every single !sell/!buy to you keep track of your profits

Trade Size Limit

  • Limit the amount of keys bot will trade, large amounts means slow processing due to steam servers


  • Unlimited admins capacity, you can setup how many admins you want, no matter the size of it


  • Change botname, you can setup the script to change the botname in every startup, if needed, to display csgo rates (e.g '#BOT 21:1')

!level Limit

  • Setup the limit of the !level input to avoid over usage of your machine


  • Setup the bot to delete every user who has x days of inactivity


  • Never worry about spam anymore, bot will delete any spammer who abuses us (delete, not block)

Admin Trades

  • Accept any trade sent by admin, although is strong recommended to use bot commands instead, to keep track of your trades

Stock Control

  • Perfectly control your stock by limiting the amount of sets of each appid you want the bot to buy in !sell

Profiles comments

  • You can setup an specific comment to be made after a customer completes a trade, and this comments will be limited for each customer to avoid flood on that specific profile

Detailed Logs

  • Keep track of every action of your bot, every single log is registered by day, month and hour

CS:GO keys

  • Hand pick every key you want the bot to handle

Refuse Groups

  • Setup the bot to refuse any group invite that outcome to your bot

Group invites

  • Bot will be inviting every customer who completes a trade, grow up your community!

Perfectly Handle Gems

  • Perfectly parse any gems on inventories, even divided ones

Foil Mode

  • Setup the bot to perform as a foil bot (i.e bot will handle foil cardsets instead)


  • Bot has the ability to detect unset cards, and to handle them, a card is unset when there is extra cards that aren't able to complete another set.

STM Support

  • If you supply yourself, or if you have a 1:1 bot, setup this script to periodically request a desired amount of sets

SteamSupply Support

  • Automatic update the bot info in the website catalog

Automatic update Cards Database

  • Automatic update the database to keep in track of every appid and his sets

Handle donations

  • You can enable/disable donates on your bot


  • You can enable/disable the bot to handle suppliers (!sell commands)

Currency Management

  • You are able to enable/disable any type of currency, that way you can make a very specific bot (i.e a bot who only accept hydra keys)

Commands Management

  • You can enable/disable commands specific

Languages Management

  • You can enable/disable languages specific


  • Some commands like !help and !admin was builded to show in a stylized bbcode

Booster Packs

  • Easy Manage your booster packs, or just open them by using admin commands

Trade Messages

  • Every trade will have a message containing the currencies and sets that will be exchange

Commands: !commands

  • !EN - Change the bot's language to english.
  • !PT - Change the bot's language to portuguese.
  • !RU - Change the bot's language to russian.
  • !ES - Change the bot's language to spanish.
  • !CN - Change the bot's language to chinese.
  • !FR - Change the bot's language to french.
  • !JA - Change the bot's language to japanese.
  • !DE - Change the bot's language to german.
  • !LANG - Change the bot's language.
  • !TUTORIAL - Shows the video tutorial.
  • !SETS4SETS (amount_of_sets) - Trade your duplicate sets for new ones you can craft.
  • !PRICES - Shows our current rates.
  • !STOCK - Shows currencies stock of the bot.
  • !REPORT (desired_message) - Use to send messages directly to my owner.
  • !RANK - Shows your steam level rank (World / Region / Country).
  • !LEVEL (your_dream_level) - Will check how many Cardsets you need to reach desired level.
  • !KEYLIST - Shows all tradable Keys.
  • !OWNER - Shows owner account.
  • !INVITE - Sends you an invite to our Steamgroup.
  • !CHECK - Checks how many sets you can buy.
  • !CHECKONE - Checks how many individual sets you can buy.

CSGO Section.

  • !CHECKCSGO (amount_of_keys) - Shows how many sets and what level you would reach for a specific amount of keys.
  • !BUYCSGO (amount_of_keys) - Buy uncrafted Cardsets for a specific amount of CS:GO Keys.
  • !BUYANYCSGO (amount_of_keys) - Buy any Cardsets for a specific amount of CS:GO Keys.
  • !BUYONECSGO (amount_of_keys) - Use this if you are a badge collector. BOT will send only one set of each game, following the current BOT rate.

Hydra Section.

  • !CHECKHYDRA (amount_of_keys) - Shows how many sets and what level you would reach for a specific amount of HYDRA keys.
  • !BUYHYDRA (amount_of_keys) - Buy uncrafted Cardsets for a specific amount of HYDRA Keys.
  • !BUYANYHYDRA (amount_of_keys) - Buy any Cardsets for a specific amount of HYDRA Keys.
  • !BUYONEHYDRA (amount_of_keys) - Use this if you are a badge collector. BOT will send only one set of each game, following the current BOT rate.

TF2 Section.

  • !CHECKTF (amount_of_keys) - Shows how many sets and what level you would reach for a specific amount of tf2 keys.
  • !BUYTF (amount_of_keys) - Buy uncrafted Cardsets for a specific amount of TF2 Keys.
  • !BUYANYTF (amount_of_keys) - Buy any Cardsets for a specific amount of TF2 Keys.
  • !BUYONETF (amount_of_keys) - Use this if you are a badge collector. BOT will send only one set of each game, following the current BOT rate.

GEMS Section.

  • !CHECKGEMS (amount_of_gems) - Shows how many sets and what level you would reach for a specific amount of gems.
  • !BUYGEMS (amount_of_sets) - Buy a specific amount of uncrafted Cardsets for GEMS.
  • !BUYANYGEMS (amount_of_sets) - Buy a specific amount of amount of Cardsets per gems.
  • !BUYONEGEMS (amount_of_sets) - Use this if you are a badge collector. BOT will send only one set of each game, following the current BOT rate.

Suppliers Section.

  • !SELLCHECK - Checks for Sets the Bot can buy from you.
  • !SELLCSGO (amount_of_keys) - Sell Cardsets and get a specific amount of CS:GO Keys.
  • !SELLTF (amount_of_keys) - Sell Cardsets and get a specific amount of TF2 Keys.
  • !SELLHYDRA (amount_of_keys) - Sell Cardsets and get a specific amount of HYDRA Keys.
  • !SELLGEMS (amount_of_sets) - Sell a specific amount of Cardsets and get GEMS.

Admin Commands: !admin

  • !WITHDRAWCSGO (amount_of_keys) - Withdraw a specific amount of CS:GO keys.
  • !WITHDRAWHYDRA (amount_of_keys) - Withdraw a specific amount of HYDRA keys.
  • !WITHDRAWTF (amount_of_keys) - Withdraw a specific amount of TF2 keys.
  • !WITHDRAWGEMS (amount_of_gems) - Withdraw a specific amount of GEMS.
  • !WITHDRAWSETS (amount_of_sets) - Withdraw a specific amount of SETS.
  • !WITHDRAWBOOSTER (amount_of_booster) - Withdraw a specific amount of BOOSTER.
  • !WITHDRAWLEFTOVER - Remove leftovers.
  • !DEPOSITCSGO (amount_of_keys) - Deposits a specific amount of CS:GO keys.
  • !DEPOSITHYDRA (amount_of_keys) - Deposits a specific amount of HYDRA keys.
  • !DEPOSITTF (amount_of_keys) - Deposits a specific amount of TF2 keys amount.
  • !DEPOSITGEMS (amount_of_gems) - Deposits a specific amount of GEMS.
  • !DEPOSITSETS (amount_of_sets) - Deposits a specific amount of SETS.
  • !DEPOSITBOOSTER (amount_of_booster) - Deposits a specific quantity of BOOSTER.
  • !RESTOCK - Sends a trade offer to the owner requesting that all available sets be traded.
  • !USERCHECK (ID64) - Verify User.
  • !MYSTATS - Verify your inventory.
  • !BLOCK (ID64) - Block user.
  • !UNBLOCK (ID64) - Unlock user.
  • !CANCEL (OFFERID) - Cancel a trade offer.
  • !ROLLBACK (OFFERID) - Rollback a trade.
  • !RELOAD - Reload Inventory.
  • !REQUESTER - Forces the automatic request to be triggered.
  • !PROFIT (DAILY / MONTHLY / YEARLY) - Shows information about transactions made by the bot.
  • !AUTHCODE - Shows auth code.
  • !BROADCAST (message) - Send a message to all friends in the friends list.
  • !UNPACK - Unpack all boosters.
  • !DIE - Turn off the bot.
  • !RESTART - Restart the bot.