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Max Bridgland edited this page Jan 11, 2020 · 10 revisions

Table of Contents

  • Home
  • Custom Plugins
  • Custom Replies
  • Listeners


The First Python Selfbot for Slack Workspaces

What is this?

Slacky was created as way to automate and make Slack more fun to use. It comes with many commands by default and even allows for custom plugins to be built and imported easily.

Slack as far as I can see have no rules against using selfbots so the only people who would probably find this annoying/against policy would be your organizer admistrators.

Slack Client

Bot Server

Default Commands

These will be improved over time

Command Description Usage
heartbeat Check if bot is up or not ~heartbeat
info Get info about the bot ~info
ascii Generate ASCII art from a phrase ~ascii msg
shift CrEaTe ShIfT tExT lIkE tHiS ~shift phrase
subspace Replace spaces with emojis ~subspace :emoji: msg
setprefix Sets bot command prefix ~setprefix prefix
xkcd Get Daily xkcd comic ~xkcd
delete Delete X num of your msgs ~delete num_of_msgs
react React to last sent message ~react :emoji:
reactrand React to with random emoji ~reactrand
reactspam Spam 23 Reactions (Notification Spam) ~randspam
howdoi Find code snippets from stack overflow ~howdoi loop over list python
listener Add or remove listeners ~listener add/delete phrase
listener list List all listener words ~listener list
help Display this message ~help


Contributions can be done through Pull Requests or by creating a plugin pack.


I ask that if you fork this do not release as your own. Please credit and mention it's built off this. In fact building a plugin pack rather than a new bot entirely would be best! The license is MIT so I won't stop you but I'm just asking that you respect my wishes 😄

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