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MOARdV edited this page Aug 18, 2020 · 11 revisions

MOARdV's Avionics Systems Installation Guide


  1. Download the latest version of MAS from Releases (from the "Code" tab). Do not select the green "Clone or Download" button - all you will do is download the data stored on GitHub, not the compiled DLL that you need to use MAS.

  2. Delete any existing GameData/MOARdV/AvionicsSystems directory. I recommend this approach over copying over an existing installation because sometimes I move files around, and having multiple copies could have side-effects that look like bugs.

  3. Unzip the GameData directory in the zip file into your GameData directory. The only directory in this zip file's GameData directory is the MOARdV directory, so telling it to overwrite the existing folder is safe (refer to step 1 above).

  4. Download and install the current version of Module Manager from the forum if you do not already have it.

  5. Download and install both ASET Props and ASET Avionics.

  6. If you have any questions, read the FAQ. If your question is not answered, ask me on the forum.

Avionics Systems does not require MM to function, but most IVA creators use MM to replace a stock IVA with a MAS-enabled version (including the example IVAs included in this distribution). There is a good chance you've installed MM already, so make sure you have the current version. It is not included in the MAS distribution.

If you have installed correctly, the directory structure should look like this:

GameData +
	 + MOARdV +
	          + AvionicsSystems
		  + FlightSystems
		  + MAS_ASET
		  + MAS_JSI
		  + MFD
		  + Patches
		  + Props
		  + Scripts
		  + Sounds

The contents of each directory are:

  • MOARdV/AvionicsSystems: The MAS plugin, the MoonSharp Lua interpreter, and other required files. If you delete this directory, the mod will not work.
  • MOARdV/FlightSystems: Config files for MAS-enabled example IVAs, and MM configs to supplement the IVAs. A text file is included for each IVA that provides supplemental information about that IVA.
  • MOARdV/MAS_ASET: MAS-enabled props using alexustas's ASET Props and ASET Avionics packs. These props DO NOT replace RPM props.
  • MOARdV/MAS_JSI: MAS-enabled replacement props for the RasterPropMonitor basic props (the props included in the core RPM distribution). A Module Manager patch under MOARdV/Patches replaces the RPM props with their MAS equivalents, and it ensures that the MAS part modules are added to IVAs.
  • MOARdV/MFD: Page definitions, text, and textures for MFDs.
  • MOARdV/Patches: Optional patches to support other mods, as well as the RPM-to-MAS and ASET-to-MAS upgrade patches.
  • MOARdV/Props: Props developed by alexustas that are not part of his official props packs.
  • MOARdV/Scripts: Lua scripts used by the props in MOARdV/Props. You may use these for reference writing your own scripts.
  • MOARdV/Sounds: Sound files bundled as part of the MAS installation.

Required Mods

The following mods are required. They are not included in the MAS distribution.

  • ASET Props: Required for most of the prop configs included in MAS. Visit ASET Props on the KSP forum.
  • ASET Avionics: Required for the rest of the prop configs included in MAS. Visit ASET Avionics on the KSP forum.
  • Module Manager: Required to apply MM patches that enable MAS IVAs in existing command pods. Visit Module Manager on the KSP forum.

Optional Mods

Some features in MAS require other mods in order to function. If the prerequisite mod is not installed, then MAS will still operate, but that feature will be unavailable.

  • Advanced Jet Engine: Required for some engine features. Visit AJE on the KSP forum.
  • Chatterer: Required for chatterer features. Visit Chatterer on the KSP forum.
  • Docking Port Alignment Indicator: Optional. MAS can display the DPAI name for docking ports. Visit DPAI on the KSP forum.
  • Ferram Aerospace Research: Optional for some core features, required for far features. Visit FAR on the KSP forum.
  • Kerbal Actuators: Required for vtol features. Visit Kerbal Flying Saucer on the KSP forum or one of the other WBI mods that include VTOL components.
  • Kerbal Alarm Clock: Required for kac features. Visit KAC on the KSP forum.
  • Kerbal Engineer Redux: Optional for some core features, required for ke features. Visit Kerbal Engineer Redux on the forum or the jrbudda branch of KER on GitHub.
  • MechJeb: Optional for some core features, required for mechjeb features. Visit MechJeb on the KSP forum.
  • RealChute: Required for some parachute features. Visit RealChute on the KSP forum.


Start KSP. In the VAB, grab the stock Mk1 command pod. Build the rest of a spaceship.

Once you're done building, launch the ship. When everything settles down, switch to IVA view. You'll be in the pilot's seat, with some buttons and instruments. Look at the Operations Manual Mk1 for a tour of the IVA and some tips for flying a basic suborbital flight.

Some things to note for later builds:

Cameras in MAS behave a little differently than they did in RPM. Most importantly, you should name each camera or docking port camera. To do this: in the editor, right-click the part. There is a button to change its name. Click that, and type in a name. Each name should be unique, and you should probably give it a useful name, since that name can be displayed on MFDs.

The SDHI Para-docks and stock Clamp-o-Tron docks have MM patches to add MAS cameras. The ALCOR external camera part included in the ALCOR advanced lander has a camera installed on it, as well.

Some of the more advanced instruments have user guides in the companion mod MOARdVPlus.

MAS supports the AGMEMO feature found in RPM. This feature allows you to specify memos for the stock action groups. Some MAS props will display your memo as a caption. For more info, refer to the FAQ question.

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