Course material / notes for EPFL CS-108, practice of object-oriented programming.
- Topic 1:
- Unit Tests - Unit Test with JUnit
- Immutability
- Topic 2:
- Topic 3:
- Collections - Sets, Lists, Maps, etc.
- Topic 4:
- Topic 5:
- Design Patterns - Decorator, Adapter, Composite
- Design Patterns ⇒ Observers - Observer / Subject
- Topic 6:
- Topic 7:
- Integral Types - Integer representation and Bit manipulations
- Topic 8:
- Input, Output - Input / Output with
- Topic 9:
- Topic 10:
- Lists - List implementation in Java
- Topic 11:
- Sets - Set implementation in Java
Below is are some resources useful for these course notes.
This is the entire documentation for OpenJFX version 22:
OpenJFX 22 Docs