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Autotype Commands

Michael Starke edited this page Nov 10, 2016 · 3 revisions

Autotype Commands

KeePass uses special commands inside strings. Placeholders to reference and manipulate data inside a single entry, Field References to query other entries for data and lastly, Autotype Commands to send special keys or allow for other custom behaviour. MacPass does not support all of the commands that KeePass offers, but most should work.

Supported Commands


Tab						{TAB}
Enter					{ENTER} or ~
Arrow Up				{UP}
Arrow Down				{DOWN}
Arrow Left				{LEFT}
Arrow Right				{RIGHT}
Delete					{DELETE} or {DEL}
Home					{HOME}
End						{END}
Page Up					{PGUP}
Page Down				{PGDN}
Space					{SPACE}
Backspace				{BACKSPACE}, {BS} or {BKSP}
Caps-Lock				{CAPSLOCK}
Escape					{ESC}
Windows Key				{WIN} or {LWIN}
Left, Right Windows Key	{LWIN}, {RWIN}
Help					{HELP}
F1 - F16				{F1} - {F16}
Numeric Keypad +		{ADD}
Numeric Keypad -		{SUBTRACT}
Numeric Keypad *		{MULTIPLY}
Numeric Keypad /		{DIVIDE}
Numeric Keypad 0 to 9	{NUMPAD0} to {NUMPAD9}
Shift					+
Ctrl					^
Alt						%

The following keys are unsupported!

Apps / Menu				{APPS}
Insert					{INSERT} or {INS}
Break					{BREAK}
Numlock					{NUMLOCK}
Print Screen			{PRTSC}
Scroll Lock				{SCROLLLOCK}

Since Mac keyboards tend to not have the same layout as Windows machines, there are a few notable differences.

Cmd Ctrl Substitution

By default, MacPass is configured to send a instead of Ctrl. This is useful to allow for shortcuts across platforms. E.g. ^V is Evaluated to Ctrl + V on Windows and ⌘ + V on macOS. You can change this behaviour in the Integration Preferences.

Win Cmd Substitution

The keyboard for Macs has not real equivalent for the Windows key. MacPass just sends a ⌘ key stroke for every Windows key stroke.

Special Commands

{DELAY X}		Delays X milliseconds.
{DELAY=X}		Sets the default delay to X milliseconds for all following keypresses.
{CLEARFIELD}	Clears the contents of the edit control that currently has the focus (only single-line edit controls).

{DELAY=X}and {DELAY X} are currently both interpreted as {DELAY X}

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