DigitalCrafts: Learning LocalStorage
- CoffeeRun's primary learning experience was working with localstorage and APIs.
- The first goal was to save to our personal localstorage.
- From there, I worked with an API that our instructor provided.
- This created the ability to work with an API on a smaller scale and learn how obtain the necessary data.
- Styling was optional; however, personally, I enjoy going back and fourth from HTML and CSS to JavaScript, Ajax, and jQuery.
- This project was my first incounter with APIs. Using another database with nested objects that I didn't personally create was interesting. Great learning experience to read through code and figure out how to extract the data needed.
// gets data from API in JSON format
function getDataFromAPI(){
return $.getJSON(URL);
// callback: gets all data from API and then prints to DOM
function getOrdersFromAPI(){
// appends orders to DOM from API
function appendOrderToDOM(data){
$.each(data, function(key, val){
$(".past-order span")
.append("Order: " + key + ": " +
"orders a " + val['coffee'] + " " +
checkForUndefined(val['size']) + " " +
checkForUndefined(val['flavor']) + " " +
setStrengthOfCoffee(val['strength']) + " " + "coffee." + " " + "<input id='chk_" + "'data-type='check-box' type='checkbox' value='" + true + "' />" + "<br />" );
// Delets order from API
function deleteOrderFromAPI(){
var $checkBoxContainer = $("[data-type='check-box-container']");
$checkBoxContainer.on('click', "input[type='checkbox']", function (){
prompt("Would you like to delete this order?");
// Code snipit of jQuery: searches item, then accounts for any blank values retreived from API
// --------------------------------
// when search container is filled out and search is click, this initializes</h5>
// gets data from API</h5>
// then searchs the API for particular email input by user</h5>
// then uses a counter so person can hide search bar</h5>
function searchForOrder(){
$('[data-type-button="find-order"]').on('click', function () {
// after getting data from API
// takes value submited in search area.
// creates a blank object so can sort through specific data associated with email address
// if email is found within data...
// order will be set to data[$email] / this enables the ability to print different key values of data[$email] object
// if the email has been found, the order will be appended to the DOM
// if email was NOT found, user will recieve error
function searchAPI(data){
emptyText($(".searched-order span"));
var $email = $('.email-search').val();
var order = {};
if (data[$email]){
order = data[$email];
$(".searched-order span")
.append($email + ": " +
checkForUndefined( + " " +
checkForUndefined(order.size) + " " +
checkForUndefined(order.flavor) + " " +
setStrengthOfCoffee(order.strength) +
" coffee." + "<br />");
} else {
$(".searched-order span").append("We do not have that email on file.");
// emptys DOM in certain text fields so if button is clicked multiple times, the information is not printed over and over and over.
function emptyText(className){