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Python module written in C++ for generating and solving rectangular Mazes with Graph Traversal Algorithms.

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MazeSolvingAlgos is a Python module written in C++ for generating and solving rectangular Mazes with Graph Traversal Algorithms. This Module is a part of TurtleInTheMaze Project (you can find it here) so it's especially created for 2D grids. You can see full documentation here.

Content of module

  • Helper Classes
    • Index
    • RandomMazeGenerator
  • Solving Algorithms Classes
    • DepthFirstSearch
    • BreadthFirstSearch
    • DijkstraAlgorithm
    • AStar
    • BellmanFord
    • FloydWarshall
    • BidirectionalSearch

How to build and install


  • C++11 or later compiler
  • pybind11 (via pip install pybind11)
  • setuptools (via pip install setuptools)

After Cloning repositry (via git clone, open cmd (run as administrator) and do the following:

  1. change the working directory to \MazeSolvingAlgos\src\
  2. run command: python build
  3. After building is finished, run python install

Update v1.7.0:

If you have a version before 1.7.0:

  • You can simply uninstall the module (via pip uninstall MazeSolvingAlgos) then, re-clone repositry and do the above instructions.
  • Or update modified files (main.cpp, RandomMazeGenerator.h, GraphTraversalAlgorithms.h, and and run as administrator after updating parentDir.

How to use


Use RandomMazeGenerator class with arguments H, W: Height and Width of the maze respectively and call generate() to get W × H random maze (H, W must be unsigned integers).

RMG = RandomMazeGenerator(50, 50) 
maze = RMG.generate()             # Now, maze is 50 * 50 random cells 

50 × 50 random maze from TurtleInTheMaze project:

sample output


Use Index class with arguments row, col to encapsulate a 2D cell's position and to pass start and end parameters to any Graph Traversal Algorithm (Note that row and col must be unsigned integers).

idx = Index(2, 13) 
print(idx)             # output: "2, 13" 
print(f"cell's column = {idx.col}, cell's row = {idx.row}")             
# output: "cell's column = 13, cell's row = 2"


Let GTA be any solving algorithm; GTA accepts grid: 2D boolean list representing the maze (True for orifice and False for block or wall), start: Index object representing the position of starting cell and end: same as start for the destination cell.

RMG = RandomMazeGenerator(HEIGHT, WIDTH) 
maze = RMG.generate()
start = Index(0, 4)
end = Index(49, 49)

solver = AStar(maze, start, end)    # Convert the maze to Graph. 
solver.solve()                      # Fires the algorithm logic.
solver.SrcToDestDistance()          # Exact cells' number from start to end cell.
solver.SrcToDestPath()              # List of Index objects representing route. 
solver.TraversedNodesNo()           # Number of cells the algorithm visited (may be > total cells of maze).
solver.TraversedNodes()             # List of Index objects representing unique traversed cells. 

Random 50 * 50 Maze Previous Maze Solved with A*

(Traversed cells are gray and solution is the colorful colorful path from green to red)

Note that:

  • Any algorithm have same constructor and methods including but not limited to Astar.
  • SrcToDestDistance() != len(SrcToDestPath()) and TraversedNodesNo() != len(TraversedNodes()) because I implemented the graph to be weighted for some algorithms and elemenate useless cells to increase memory efficiency and perfomance.

Source Files

  • MazeGenerator.h: Header file contains RandomMazeGenerator class.
  • Graph.h: Header file contains most preprocessing (Unweighted/weightedGraph, ...).
  • GraphTraversalAlgorithms.h: Header file contains all solving Algorithms.
  • main.cpp: Source file which handle Python–C++ binding with pybind11.
  • Helper file for packaging the project for python.
  • Simple script automates updating the module after any modification.


Update version 1.7.0:

  • Added BidirectionalSearch algorithm.
  • Enhanced RandomMazeGenerator and fixed odd dimensions bug.