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B.S. Computer Science @ University of Calgary

This is where I keep code from my B.S. Computer Science classes

  • CPP Practice: A simple tic tac toe practice written in C++
  • CPSC233: Introduction to Computer Science for Computer Science Majors II
  • CPSC331: Data Structures, Algorithms, and Their Analysis (O-notation, Sorting alg's, ...)
  • CPSC359: Computing Machinery II (ARM Assembly)
  • CPSC413: Design and Analysis of Algorithms I (Alg'm complexity, Recursion, Memoization, Formal proofs, ...)
  • CPSC433: Artificial Intelligence (AND-Tree-based project)
  • CPSC441: Computer Networks (TCP/IP, UDP, Multithreading, ...)
  • CPSC449: Programming Paradigms (Haskell, Prolog)
  • CPSC457: Principles of Operating Systems (Linux, RBAC and other access control, ...)
  • CPSC471: Data Base Management Systems (RDBMS, MySQL)
  • CPSC481: Human-Computer Interaction I (WPF Project, Wireframing, Ideation process, Solution architecting, ...)
  • CPSC503: Project in Computer Science (Interactive Roman Architecture Simulation in Unity3D)
  • SENG301: Large Scale Software (Understanding and improving a large legacy code base)
  • SENG513: Web-Based Systems (Node.js, Express.js, Frontend Frameworks, Full Stack project, ...)