Status: done
Grade: 125
FdF school42
Wireframe model. This project is about representing a landscape as a 3D object in which all surfaces are outlined in lines.
git clone
cd FdF
git clone
git clone
make bonus
./fdf 21.fdf
- Invalid number of arguments: only one argument with the name of file with map.
- Invalid file extension: extension of file has to ne .fdf .
- Define the number of rows and columns of a map.
- Invalid map in case of the numbers of columns it the rows don't match.
- Invalid map in case of empty file
- Allocate memory for two-dimensional arrays for altitudes and colors.
- Fill this arrays. If there isn't value for color, cell is filled by defoult.
- Invalid map in case of altitude: empty string, not integer
- Invalid map in case of colors: not hex RGB if not empty.
It is two ways for reading map:
- Open map file at first time and define number of rows anf columns. And then open file one more time for filling arrays .
- Use lists for define columns with opening map file only once.
At this step don't forget about leaks management, including protection of the malloc function.
leaks --atExit -- filename.fdf
You can check yourself at the end of this step with the function whis prints two-dimensional arrays for altitudes and colors:
void ft_print_int_array(int **arr, int row, int column, int base)
int i;
int j;
i = 0;
while (i < row)
j = 0;
while (j < column)
if (base == 10)
printf("%2d ", arr[i][j]);
if (base == 16)
printf("%6x ", arr[i][j]);
- Define max and min altitude value
- Define value of [R, G, B] in RGB: r = LOW_R + coeff_minimax_normalization_altitude * (HIGH_R - LOW_R)
- Define value in color use BitShifting
- Check maps colors in case where one value altitude for all maps points
- Connection login to the graphical server
- Create a pointer to the window
- Initialize the image
- Calculate the memory offset using the line length set by mlx_get_data_addr
- Put image to window
- Memory leak protection for minilibx fubctions
- Destroy image for protect memory leaks
Useful source:
man /usr/share/man/man3/mlx.1
A simple example use Minilibx:
//cc -I /usr/local/include main.c -L /usr/local/lib/ -lmlx -framework OpenGL -framework APPKit
void ft_putchar(char c)
write(1, &c, 1);
int deal_key(void)
return (0);
int main(void)
void *mlx_ptr;
void *win_ptr;
// connection login to the graphical server
mlx_ptr = mlx_init();
//man /usr/share/man/man3/mlx_new_window.1
win_ptr = mlx_new_window(mlx_ptr, 500, 500, "mlx-42");
// write 'X' in terminal when press a key in window
mlx_key_hook(win_ptr, deal_key, (void *)0);
- Draw a line of a define colore
- Draw a line with a gradient of colors
Bresenham's line algorithm -
Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm -
void ft_line(t_img *img, t_coord p0, t_coord p1, int color) { int error; int d_error; t_coord step; t_coord diff; ft_define_step_diff(&p0, &p1, &step, &diff); error = diff.x + diff.y; while ((p0.x != p1.x) || (p0.y != p1.y)) { ft_mlx_pixel_put_img(img, p0.x, p0.y, color); d_error = 2 * error; if (d_error >= diff.y && p0.x != p1.x) { error += diff.y; p0.x += step.x; } if (d_error <= diff.x && p0.y != p1.y) { error += diff.x; p0.y += step.y; } } ft_mlx_pixel_put_img(img, p1.x, p1.y, color); }
Checking draw line function with ft_asterisk:
void ft_asterisk(t_img *img, t_coord center, int r, int color)
t_coord p;
double alpha;
int i;
alpha = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < 12)
p.x = (int)(center.x + r * cos(alpha));
p.y = (int)(center.y + r * sin(alpha));
ft_line(img, center, p, color);
alpha += M_PI / 6;
- Define zoom depending on map size
- Fixed segmentation fault in case out-of-bounds image
- Align map to the center of image
- Connect map points (x, y) with lines
The loop algorithm for connectiom points:
0 -> 0 -> 0 -> 0 -> 0
| | | | |
0 -> 0 -> 0 -> 0 -> 0
| | | | |
0 -> 0 -> 0 -> 0 -> 0
| | | | |
0 -> 0 -> 0 -> 0 -> 0
| | | | |
0 -> 0 -> 0 -> 0 -> 0
- Function multiply 2 matriсes 3 * 3
- Define matrix rotate x
- Define matrix rotate y
- Define matrix rotate z
- Rotate map in isometric proection: 1) rotate; 2) scale; 3) translation.
- Zoom in case large altitude changes
Useful source:
Your program has to display the image in a window
Pressing ESC must close the window and quit the program in a clean way
Clicking on the cross on the window’s frame must close the window and quit the program in a clean way
void mlx_hook(mlx_win_list_t *win_ptr, int x_event, int x_mask, int (*f)(), void *param)
- Include one extra projection (such as parallel or conic)!
- Zoom in and out.
- Translate your model.
- Rotate your model.
- Text tips
- Zoom altitude