Releases: MassOS-Linux/MassOS
MassOS 2022.02
Please see the Installation Guide for installation instructions and guidance on which file to download. To upgrade an existing MassOS installation, you can use the MassOS Release Upgrade Utility.
This is version 2022.02 of MassOS. It contains the following changes since the previous version, 2022.01.2:
- MassOS now has a live ISO image which can be used to try out MassOS, and install MassOS more easily. See below for more information.
- The original rootfs-based installation guide has been moved to
- Most MassOS repositories are now found in the MassOS-Linux organisation. Old repository links will automatically redirect to the new ones.
- Added Fakeroot.
- Added libisoburn, for xorriso utility.
It also includes the following upgraded software:
- Audit:
3.0.6 --> 3.0.7
- BIND Utilities:
9.16.24 --> 9.16.25
- CMake:
3.22.1 --> 3.22.2
2.4.0 --> 2.4.1
- dialog:
1.3-20211214 --> 1.3-20220117
- FFmpeg:
4.4.1 --> 5.0
- Firefox:
96.0.1 --> 96.0.3
- Flatpak:
1.12.3 --> 1.12.4
- Git:
2.34.1 --> 2.35.1
- GLib:
2.70.2 --> 2.70.3
3.7.2 --> 3.7.3
- iana-etc:
20211229 --> 20220128
- libcap:
2.62 --> 2.63
- libgpg-error:
1.43 --> 1.44
- libical:
3.0.12 --> 3.0.13
- libwacom:
1.12 --> 2.0.0
- Linux Kernel:
5.16.1 --> 5.16.4
- Mesa:
21.3.4 --> 21.3.5
- p11-kit:
0.24.0 --> 0.24.1
1.0.32 --> 1.1.1
- Sudo:
1.9.8p2 --> 1.9.9
- systemd:
250.2 --> 250.3
- Thunderbird:
91.5.0 --> 91.5.1
- util-linux:
2.37.2 --> 2.37.3
- Vim:
8.2.4100 --> 8.2.4250
- Vulkan-Headers:
1.2.203 --> 1.3.204
- Vulkan-Loader:
1.2.203 --> 1.3.204
- wayland-protocols:
1.24 --> 1.25
- WebKitGTK:
2.34.3 --> 2.34.4
- wpa_supplicant:
2.9 --> 2.10
- x264:
0.164.3075 --> 0.164.3081
- xf86-input-libinput:
1.2.0 --> 1.2.1
1.5.1 --> 1.5.2
IMPORTANT NOTE: This version was released on 2021-01-31, however the ISO images were refreshed on 2022-02-07 to fix some critical bugs. Therefore, they are now labelled with -2
appended to the filename. The SHA256 checksums have also changed (see below). If you already installed MassOS using the old ISO, you don't need to reinstall with this one, however please use this new one for any future installs of version 2022.02.
SHA256 checksums:
3b896469addce753905ec6f2601eca11f67048ae26877923a5ff040967765d04 massos-2022.02-rootfs-x86_64.tar.xz
c86ff2ae68201d37e128f1515265beadb41b529ed96963279dbd71c85cc01c55 massos-2022.02-x86_64-nofirmware-2.iso
52453cd87604a7e176c67ee8aa6fae115c77d9c3cff25fd7573e24f87b2c4b30 massos-2022.02-x86_64-2.iso
MassOS 2022.01.2
Please see the Installation Guide for installation instructions. To upgrade an existing MassOS installation, you can use the MassOS Release Upgrade Utility.
This is version 2022.01.2 of MassOS. It contains the following changes since the previous version, 2022.01:
- Improved Vulkan graphics support by including Vulkan-Headers and Vulkan-Loader.
- Added screensaver capability (xfce4-screensaver).
- Replaced cdrtools with cdrkit due to license incompatibility with the GPL.
- Made the licenses for included software easier to find (in
). - Prepended a notice about software licensing to the LICENSE file.
It also includes the following upgraded software:
- Arc Theme:
20211018 --> 20220102
- Bash:
5.1.12 --> 5.1.16
- BlueZ:
5.62 --> 5.63
- btrfs-progs:
5.15.1 --> 5.16
- Busybox:
1.34.1 --> 1.35.0
- cryptsetup:
2.4.2 --> 2.4.3
- cups-filters:
1.28.10 --> 1.28.11
- curl:
7.80.0 --> 7.81.0
- Expat:
2.4.2 --> 2.4.3
- Firefox:
95.0.2 --> 96.0.1
- Flatpak:
1.12.2 --> 1.12.3
- GNOME Software:
41.2 --> 41.3
- iana-etc:
20211112 --> 20211229
- IPRoute2:
5.15.0 --> 5.16.0
- ISO-Codes:
4.8.0 --> 4.9.0
- JACK2:
1.9.19 --> 1.9.20
- libgusb:
0.3.8 --> 0.3.10
- libhandy:
1.4.0 --> 1.5.0
- libostree:
2021.6 --> 2022.1
- libpipeline:
1.5.4 --> 1.5.5
- libsigsegv:
2.13 --> 2.14
- libunistring:
0.9.10 --> 1.0
- Linux Kernel:
5.15.12 --> 5.16.1
- mdadm:
4.1 --> 4.2
- Mesa:
21.3.3 --> 21.3.4
- Meson:
0.60.3 --> 0.61.1
- mtools:
4.0.36 --> 4.0.37
- NetworkManager:
1.32.12 --> 1.34.0
- NSS:
3.73.1 --> 3.74
- Poppler:
21.12.0 --> 22.01.0
- Pygments:
2.10.0 --> 2.11.2
- Python:
3.10.1 --> 3.10.2
- Readline:
8.1 --> 8.1.2
- rpcsvc-proto:
1.4.2 --> 1.4.3
- SDL2:
2.0.18 --> 2.0.20
- Shadow:
4.9 --> 4.11.1
- SQLite:
3.37.0 --> 3.37.2
- Sysprof:
3.40.1 --> 3.42.1
- systemd:
250 --> 250.2
- Thunderbird:
91.4.0 --> 91.5.0
- tree:
2.0.0 --> 2.0.1
- Vala:
0.54.5 --> 0.54.6
- Vim:
8.2.3950 --> 8.2.4100
- whois:
5.4.3 --> 5.5.11
- Xorg-Server:
21.1.2 --> 21.1.3
SHA256 checksum: 250e77671394082a6d18051656e303a1d79aed9738cc436f4492687b7ea03664
MassOS 2022.01
Please see the Installation Guide for installation instructions. To upgrade an existing MassOS installation, you can use the MassOS Release Upgrade Utility.
This is version 2022.01 of MassOS. It contains the following changes since the previous version, 2021.12.2:
- Parole now supports MP4 playback via OpenH264 and FAAD2 in GStreamer.
- Added OpenAL, JACK2 and gst-libav.
- Optimised the initramfs better by excluding some unnecessary modules.
- Added FUSE support for ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystems.
- Firmware for some Intel sound cards (sof-bin) is now installed alongside other firmware if the user answers 'y' in the MassOS installer.
- (Re-)added rtmpdump (patched to work with OpenSSL), for RTMP protocol support in curl and FFmpeg.
- The
utility can now (optionally) have the username of the new user passed an argument. - Added the
utility. - Fixed minor bugs in some packages with OpenSSL 3.
It also includes the following upgraded software:
- AppStream:
0.15.0 --> 0.15.1
- Asciidoc:
9.1.1 --> 10.1.1
- BIND Utilities:
9.16.23 --> 9.16.24
3.0.2 --> 3.0.3
- e2fsprogs:
1.46.4 --> 1.46.5
- Expat:
2.4.1 --> 2.4.2
- Firefox:
95.0 --> 95.0.2
- GTK3:
3.24.30 --> 3.24.31
3.21.10 --> 3.21.12
- librsvg:
2.52.4 --> 2.52.5
- Linux Kernel:
5.15.8 --> 5.15.12
- Mesa:
21.3.1 --> 21.3.3
- Meson:
0.60.2 --> 0.60.3
4.32 --> 4.33
- NSS:
3.73 --> 3.73.1
- OpenSSL:
3.0.0 --> 3.0.1
- OpenSSL Legacy:
1.1.1l --> 1.1.1m
- Pango:
1.50.1 --> 1.50.3
- Qpdf:
10.4.0 --> 10.5.0
- Ruby:
3.0.3 --> 3.1.0
- Shadow:
4.8.1 --> 4.9
- slang:
pre2.3.3-59 --> pre2.3.3-64
- systemd:
250-rc2 --> 250
- tree:
1.8.0 --> 2.0.0
- Vala:
0.54.4 --> 0.54.5
- Vim:
8.2.3808 --> 8.2.3950
- WebKitGTK:
2.34.2 --> 2.34.3
1.5.0 --> 1.5.1
SHA256 checksum: b256480b770b5bc766b6c0ab486e4d10d991096639d590840156029e37c9671d
MassOS 2021.12.2
Please see the Installation Guide for installation instructions. To upgrade an existing MassOS installation, you can use the MassOS Release Upgrade Utility.
This is version 2021.12.2 of MassOS. It contains the following changes since the previous version, 2021.12:
- Migrated MassOS programs to OpenSSL 3. Retained OpenSSL 1.1 libraries for compatibility with binary-only programs which depend on the OpenSSL 1.1 libraries.
- Added OpenH264 for better H264 support in GStreamer/FFmpeg.
It also includes the following upgraded software:
- alsa-lib: -->
- AppStream:
0.14.6 --> 0.15.0
- Boost:
1.77.0 --> 1.78.0
- CMake:
3.22.0 --> 3.22.1
- dialog:
1.3-20210621 --> 1.3-20211214
- Enchant:
2.3.0 --> 2.3.2
- Exo:
4.16.2 --> 4.16.3
- Firefox:
94.0.2 --> 95.0
- FreeType:
2.11.0 --> 2.11.1
- HarfBuzz:
3.1.2 --> 3.2.0
- GLib:
2.70.1 --> 2.70.2
- glib-networking:
2.70.0 --> 2.70.1
- GNOME Software:
41.0 --> 41.2
- Graphviz:
2.49.3 --> 2.50.0
- libcap:
2.61 --> 2.62
- libical:
3.0.11 --> 3.0.12
- libinput:
1.19.2 --> 1.19.3
- libX11:
1.7.2 --> 1.7.3
- libxmlb:
0.3.3 --> 0.3.6
- Linux:
5.15.6 --> 5.15.8
- Mesa:
21.3.0 --> 21.3.1
- mpg123:
1.29.2 --> 1.29.3
- Nano:
5.9 --> 6.0
- NSS:
3.72 --> 3.73
- OpenSSL:
1.1.1l --> 3.0.0
- Pahole:
1.22-5-ge38e89e --> 1.23
- Pango:
1.48.10 --> 1.50.1
- Pangomm:
2.46.1 --> 2.46.2
- Poppler:
21.11.0 --> 21.12.0
- PyParsing:
2.4.7 --> 3.0.6
- systemd:
249 --> 250-rc2
- Thunderbird:
91.3.2 --> 91.4.0
- Vim:
8.2.3715 --> 8.2.3808
- VTE:
0.66.1 --> 0.66.2
- Wayland:
1.19.0 --> 1.20.0
- xfsprogs:
5.14.0 --> 5.14.2
- Xorg-Server:
21.1.1 --> 21.1.2
- Xwayland:
21.1.3 --> 21.1.4
SHA256 checksum: 7757319b72e00a9b59b7ab0f0203b7c55e4d092d0d782858659fe94dc6955528
MassOS 2021.12
Please see the Installation Guide for installation instructions. To upgrade an existing MassOS installation, you can use the MassOS Release Upgrade Utility.
This is version 2021.12 of MassOS. It contains the following changes since the previous version, 2021.11:
- The MassOS installer now supports setting up Swap space.
- Switched the default application menu to Whisker Menu.
- Set the default fonts to Noto and removed the trivial Xorg fallback fonts.
- Updated the first login welcome program.
- Added xfsprogs (for XFS filesystem support).
- Fixed AppArmor Python bindings with Python 3.10+.
- Added MassOS ASCII art for Neofetch.
- Added MassOS container tool, which is a utility for creating/managing containers for several GNU/Linux distributions.
- Updated some of the included landscape wallpapers.
- Added cdrtools, dmg2img, tree.
- Added a clipboard manager and plugin for the Xfce panel (xfce4-clipman-plugin).
- Replaced Ristretto with Shotwell as default image viewer.
It also includes the following upgraded software:
- Arc (GTK Theme):
20210412 --> 20211018
- Bash:
5.1.8 --> 5.1.12
- bc:
5.1.1 --> 5.2.1
- BIND Utilities:
9.16.22 --> 9.16.23
- btrfs-progs:
5.14.2 --> 5.15.1
- CMake:
3.22.0-rc2 --> 3.22.0
- cryptsetup:
2.4.1 --> 2.4.2
2.3.3op2 --> 2.4.0
- curl:
7.79.1 --> 7.80.0
3.0.1 --> 3.0.2
- elfutils:
0.185 --> 0.186
- exfatprogs:
1.1.2 --> 1.1.3
- Firefox:
93.0 --> 94.0.2
- Git:
2.33.1 --> 2.34.1
- GLib:
2.70.0 --> 2.70.1
- glslang:
11.6.0 --> 11.7.1
- gnome-online-accounts:
3.40.0 --> 3.40.1
- Harfbuzz:
3.0.0 --> 3.1.2
3.21.8 --> 3.21.10
- htop:
3.1.1 --> 3.1.2
- iana-etc:
20211004 --> 20211112
- ICU:
69.1 --> 70.1
- IPRoute2:
5.14.0 --> 5.15.0
- ISO-Codes:
4.7.0 --> 4.8.0
- Jinja2:
3.0.1 --> 3.0.3
- libcap:
2.60 --> 2.61
- libdrm:
2.4.107 --> 2.4.109
- libevdev:
1.11.0 --> 1.12.0
- libgpg-error:
1.42 --> 1.43
- libjpeg-turbo:
2.1.1 --> 2.1.2
- libmbim:
1.26.0 --> 1.26.2
- libostree:
2021.4 --> 2021.6
- libpipeline:
1.5.3 --> 1.5.4
- librsvg:
2.52.3 --> 2.52.4
- libseccomp:
2.5.2 --> 2.5.3
- libsoup:
2.74.1 --> 2.74.2
- libtasn1:
4.17.0 --> 4.18.0
- Linux Kernel:
5.15.0 --> 5.15.6
- lxml:
4.6.3 --> 4.6.4
- Mako:
1.1.5 --> 1.1.6
- Mesa:
21.2.5 --> 21.3.0
- Meson:
0.59.2 --> 0.60.2
- ModemManager:
1.18.2 --> 1.18.4
- Mousepad:
0.5.7 --> 0.5.8
- mtools:
4.0.35 --> 4.0.36
- Ncurses:
6.2 --> 6.3
- OpenLDAP:
2.5.8 --> 2.6.0
- PCRE2:
10.37 --> 10.39
- Poppler:
21.10.0 --> 21.11.0
- Qpdf:
10.3.2 --> 10.4.0
- Ruby:
3.0.2 --> 3.0.3
- SDL2:
2.0.16 --> 2.0.18
- SQLite:
3.36.0 --> 3.37.0
- Thunderbird:
91.2.1 --> 91.3.2
- Tcl:
8.6.11 --> 8.6.12
- Tk:
8.6.11 --> 8.6.12
- Vala:
0.54.3 --> 0.54.4
- Vim:
8.2.3565 --> 8.2.3715
- VTE:
0.66.0 --> 0.66.1
- wayland-protocols:
1.23 --> 1.24
- WebKitGTK:
2.34.1 --> 2.34.2
- xauth:
1.1 --> 1.1.1
- Xorg-Server:
1.20.13 --> 21.1.1
SHA256 checksum: 3d3ccef82622b914ba2f0785a4b5861c404c131125ec2e061501e4470c354967
MassOS 2021.11
Please see the Installation Guide for installation instructions. To upgrade an existing MassOS installation, you can use the MassOS Release Upgrade Utility.
This is version 2021.11 of MassOS. It contains the following changes since the previous version, 2021.10.2:
- MassOS now has a guided installer! You can use this to install MassOS
- Added a welcome/introduction program which is run on the user's first login.
- Added a graphical boot splash screen (Plymouth).
- Updated the default MassOS wallpaper.
- Added Vulkan support to Mesa.
- Added FFmpeg, for MP4/H264/H265 support/playback in Firefox.
- Added some very small command-line games (bsd-games and vitetris).
- Added the 'dig', 'host' and 'nslookup' utilities from ISC BIND.
- Patched krb5 against security vulnerability CVE-2021-37750.
- Switched to using a precompiled for LVM2 (for now), to avoid a segfault which occurred at runtime if the package was built in chroot.
It also includes the following upgraded software:
- Audit:
3.0.5 --> 3.0.6
- c-ares:
1.17.2 --> 1.18.1
- CMake:
3.22.0-rc1 --> 3.22.0-rc2
- File:
5.40 --> 5.41
1.21 --> 1.22
2.2.29 --> 2.2.32
- Graphviz:
2.49.1 --> 2.49.3
- htop:
3.1.0 --> 3.1.1
- iana-etc:
20210924 --> 20211004
- libcap:
2.59 --> 2.60
- libdrm:
2.4.107 --> 2.4.107-32-gd77ccdf3
- libinput:
1.19.1 --> 1.19.2
- librsvg:
2.52.0 --> 2.52.3
- libsoup:
2.74.0 --> 2.74.1
- libwpe:
1.10.1 --> 1.12.0
- Linux Kernel:
5.14.12 --> 5.15.0
- LVM2:
2.03.13 --> 2.03.14
- Mesa:
21.2.3 --> 21.2.5
- mpg123:
1.29.0 --> 1.29.2
- nghttp2:
1.45.1 --> 1.46.0
- NSS:
3.71 --> 3.72
- Python:
3.9.7 --> 3.10.0
- slang:
2.3.2 --> 2.3.2-60-g3d8eb6c
- Thunderbird:
91.2.0 --> 91.2.1
- tzdata:
2021c --> 2021e
- Vala:
0.54.2 --> 0.54.3
- Vim:
8.2.3496 --> 8.2.3565
- WebKitGTK:
2.34.0 --> 2.34.1
- wpebackend-fdo:
1.10.0 --> 1.12.0
SHA256 checksum: da5562ccb73686cce86f79335003cf5eee7f37cadd7a9e32f2825454a0473081
Thanks to poopman97 for testing and locating major issues with the build process, so we could fix them and allow for a successful build/release.
MassOS 2021.10.2
Please see the Installation Guide for installation instructions. To upgrade an existing MassOS installation, you can use the MassOS Release Upgrade Utility.
This is version 2021.10.2 of MassOS. It contains the following changes since the previous version, 2021.10:
- Added acpi, AppStream, Baobab, dmidecode, fcron, laptop-detect, libimobiledevice, lm-sensors, thunar-archive-plugin.
- Added HP printer support in CUPS (HPLIP).
- Added scanning capability (SANE).
- Added a wrapper tool to generate an initramfs:
. - Fixed a possible DNS-resolve bug with NetworkManager.
- Added Microcode information/installation instructions.
- Tried to center windows by default.
- Use
) as the defaulttar
implementation. It supports far more compression formats (even non-tar ones) than GNU tar. GNU tar will still be installed (asgtar
) however, in case it is needed. - Added Linux-Headers and DKMS (custom kernel modules) support.
- Added support for additional media codecs.
It also includes the following upgraded software:
- adwaita-icon-theme:
40.1.1 --> 41.0
- at-spi2-core:
2.40.3 --> 2.42.0
- Automake:
1.16.4 --> 1.16.5
- bc:
5.0.2 --> 5.1.1
- Bluez:
5.61 --> 5.62
- btrfs-progs:
5.14.1 --> 5.14.2
- Busybox:
1.34.0 --> 1.34.1
- CMake:
3.21.3 --> 3.22.0-rc1
- Firefox:
92.0.1 --> 93.0
- Flatpak:
1.11.3 --> 1.12.2
- Fribidi:
1.0.9 --> 1.0.11
- Gcr:
3.40.0 --> 3.41.0
- Git:
2.33.0 --> 2.33.1
- GLibmm:
2.66.1 --> 2.66.2
- JS78:
78.14.0 --> 78.15.0
- libgusb:
0.3.7 --> 0.3.8
- libical:
3.0.10 --> 3.0.11
- libvpx:
1.10.0 --> 1.11.0
- Linux Kernel:
5.14.9 --> 5.14.12
- LLVM/Clang:
12.0.1 --> 13.0.0
- Nano:
5.8 --> 5.9
- OpenLDAP:
2.5.7 --> 2.5.8
- OpenSSH:
8.7p1 --> 8.8p1
- Polkit:
0.119 --> 0.120
- PyGObject:
3.40.1 --> 3.42.0
- Ristretto:
0.11.0 --> 0.12.0
- SoundTouch:
2.3.0 --> 2.3.1
- Thunar:
4.16.9 --> 4.16.10
- Thunderbird:
91.1.2 --> 91.2.0
- tzdata:
2021b --> 2021c
- Vala:
0.54.1 --> 0.54.2
- Vim:
8.2.3458 --> 8.2.3496
- xf86-video-intel:
20210222 --> 20211007
- XKeyboard-Config:
2.33 --> 2.34
SHA256 checksum: 8fb7aa8fbe84389a3baa50d534c60a01d5820849b98a83de6183e392eba359c2
MassOS 2021.10
Please see the Installation Guide for installation instructions.
This is version 2021.10 of MassOS. It contains the following changes since the previous version, 2021.09.2:
- Prefer the libinput driver over the evdev and synaptics drivers. Fixes buggy Elan touchpads.
- Fixed the defult cursor theme.
- Added Bubblewrap, Ed, libgphoto2, libmtp, libnfs, libsigsegv, LZ4, Netcat, ppp, squashfs-tools, squashfuse, xdg-dbus-proxy.
- Build kmod after OpenSSL, so kmod can be built with OpenSSL support.
- Added Audit and AppArmor support.
- Build CMake packages with
It also includes the following upgraded software:
- Asciidoc:
9.1.0 --> 9.1.1
- bc:
5.0.0 --> 5.0.2
- Bison:
3.8.1 --> 3.8.2
- btrfs-progs:
5.14 --> 5.14.1
- cryptsetup:
2.3.6 --> 2.4.1
- CMake:
3.21.2 --> 3.21.3
- Coreutils:
8.32 --> 9.0
- curl:
7.78.0 --> 7.79.1
- Firefox:
92.0 --> 92.0.1
- Ghostscript:
9.54.0 --> 9.55.0
- GLib:
2.68.4 --> 2.70.0
- glib-networking:
2.68.2 --> 2.70.0
- gnome-software:
40.4 --> 41.0
- gobject-introspection:
1.68.0 --> 1.70.0
- Graphviz:
2.49.0 --> 2.49.1
- gsettings-desktop-schemas:
40.0 --> 41.0
- gst-plugins-bad:
1.18.4 --> 1.18.5
- gst-plugins-base:
1.18.4 --> 1.18.5
- gst-plugins-good:
1.18.4 --> 1.18.5
- gstreamer:
1.18.4 --> 1.18.5
- HarfBuzz:
2.9.1 --> 3.0.0
- htop:
3.0.5 --> 3.1.0
- iana-etc:
20210611 --> 20210924
- IPRoute2:
5.13.0 --> 5.14.0
- itstool:
2.0.6 --> 2.0.7
- libcap:
2.57 --> 2.59
- libinput:
1.18.1 --> 1.19.1
- librsvg:
2.50.7 --> 2.52.0
- libva:
2.12.0 --> 2.13.0
- libXi:
1.7.10 --> 1.8
- Linux Kernel:
5.14.4 --> 5.14.9
- make-ca:
1.8.1 --> 1.9
- Mesa:
21.2.1 --> 21.2.3
- Meson:
0.59.1 --> 0.59.2
- ModemManager:
1.18.0 --> 1.18.2
- Mousepad:
0.5.6 --> 0.5.7
- NetworkManager:
1.32.10 --> 1.32.12
- nghttp2:
1.44.0 --> 1.45.1
- NSS:
3.70 --> 3.71
- Poppler:
21.08.0 --> 21.09.0
- Sudo:
1.9.8 --> 1.9.8p2
- Thunderbird:
91.1.0 --> 91.1.2
- tzdata:
2021a --> 2021b
- UDisks:
2.9.3 --> 2.9.4
- UPower:
0.99.12 --> 0.99.13
- Vala:
0.52.5 --> 0.54.1
- Vim:
8.2.3424 --> 8.2.3458
- VTE:
0.64.2 --> 0.66.0
- wayland-protocols:
1.22 --> 1.23
- WebKitGTK:
2.32.3 --> 2.34.0
- xf86-input-libinput:
1.1.0 --> 1.2.0
- xorgproto:
2021.4 --> 2021.5
SHA256 checksum: 47729bf11bdd93433bb8474f48a7d9c33155838302c1d295d3bf43bc2d2305b8
MassOS 2021.09.2
This is version 2021.09.2 of MassOS. It contains the following changes since the previous version, 2021.09:
- Added Flatpak package manager and GUI Gnome Software program.
- Complete theme overhaul, to make MassOS look cleaner and more modern.
- Removed Qt-based CMake GUI.
- The
utility now copies all files present in/etc/skel
to the new user's home directory. - exfatprogs is now used instead of exfat-utils (allows exFAT support in Gparted).
- Patched Ghostscript to fix security vulnerability CVE-2021-3781.
- Added Busybox (will NOT replace any of the better GNU alternatives, however the standalone binary will be installed).
It also includes the following upgraded software, however there may be more upgrades before the next version of MassOS is released:
- btrfs-progs:
5.13.1 --> 5.14
- Firefox:
91.0.2 --> 92.0
- FUSE3:
3.10.4 --> 3.10.5
1.20 --> 1.21
- Graphviz:
2.48.0 --> 2.49.0
- gtksourceview:
4.8.1 --> 4.8.2
- Gzip:
1.10 --> 1.11
- HarfBuzz:
2.9.0 --> 2.9.1
- Inetutils:
2.1 --> 2.2
- JS78:
78.13.0 --> 78.14.0
- libcap:
2.53 --> 2.57
- libexif:
0.6.22 --> 0.6.23
- libhandy:
1.2.3 --> 1.4.0
- libqmi:
1.30.0 --> 1.30.2
- libseccomp:
2.5.1 --> 2.5.2
- libssh2:
1.9.0 --> 1.10.0
- libwacom:
1.11 --> 1.12
- libxfce4ui:
4.16.0 --> 4.16.1
- libxkbcommon:
1.3.0 --> 1.3.1
- Linux Kernel:
5.14.0 --> 5.14.4
- Linux-PAM:
1.5.1 --> 1.5.2
- make-ca:
1.7 --> 1.8.1
- mobile-broadband-provider-info:
20201225 --> 20210805
- ModemManager:
1.16.10 --> 1.18.0
- mpg123:
1.28.2 --> 1.29.0
- NSS:
3.69 --> 3.70
- Pango:
1.48.9 --> 1.48.10
- Sudo:
1.9.7p2 --> 1.9.8
- Thunar:
4.16.8 --> 4.16.9
- Thunderbird:
91.0.3 --> 91.1.0
- Vim:
8.2.3377 --> 8.2.3424
- wayland-protocols:
1.21 --> 1.22
- Wget:
1.21.1 --> 1.21.2
SHA256 checksum: ddf2f7a2acbb5cf2eebba6dbf0bfc36b62e3b0363e95558fbbc570c05d5310a1
MassOS 2021.09
This is version 2021.09 of MassOS. It contains the following changes since the previous version, 2021.08.2:
- Fixed bug in
causing an annoying warning. - Added the following software: CMatrix, cowsay, figlet, Galculator, Gparted, Gutenprint, htop, pavucontrol, Thunderbird, xfce4-taskmanager, sl.
- Libtool archives (*.la) are now removed after the MassOS system is built.
- The bootstrap compiler built in stage1 is now removed after the full compiler is built.
- Switch sourceforge sources to to avoid connection timeouts and other download problems.
- Fixed incorrect permissions which prevented
from working. - Syntax highlighting is now enabled in Nano by default.
It also includes the following upgraded software, however there may be more upgrades before the next version of MassOS is released:
- BlueZ:
5.6.0 --> 5.6.1
- CMake:
3.21.1 --> 3.21.2
- Cups Filters:
1.28.9 --> 1.28.10
- e2fsprogs:
1.46.3 --> 1.46.4
- Firefox:
91.0.1 --> 91.0.2
- GLib:
2.68.3 --> 2.68.4
- HarfBuzz:
2.8.2 --> 2.9.0
- ISO-Codes:
4.6.0 --> 4.7.0
- json-glib:
1.6.2 --> 1.6.6
- libarchive:
3.5.1 --> 3.5.2
- libcap:
2.52 --> 2.53
- libgcrypt:
1.9.3 --> 1.9.4
- libnma:
1.8.30 --> 1.8.32
- libsoup:
2.72.0 --> 2.74.0
- Linux Kernel:
5.13.12 --> 5.14.0
- Mako:
1.1.4 --> 1.1.5
- man-pages:
5.12 --> 5.13
- Mesa:
21.1.6 --> 21.2.1
- Meson:
0.59.0 --> 0.59.1
- network-manager-applet:
1.22.0 --> 1.24.0
- NetworkManager:
1.32.8 --> 1.32.10
- ntfs-3g:
2017.3.23 --> 2021.8.22
- OpenSSH:
8.6p1 --> 8.7p1
- OpenSSL:
1.1.1k --> 1.1.1l
- pinentry:
1.1.1 --> 1.2.0
- Python:
3.9.6 --> 3.9.7
- SoundTouch:
2.2 --> 2.3.0
- Util-Linux:
2.37.1 --> 2.37.2
- Vim:
8.2.3338 --> 8.2.3377
SHA256 checksum: fa91dcfdea66cbef9e3e19efebee730dce6c28acf86110d296e1e8eff0aaf763