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🌎 Java Wiki Api

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Java Wiki Api is a comprehensive tool for flexible creation of detailed queries to the Wikipedia online encyclopedia. It uses declarative approach and provides built-in types for results.


This library is available on maven central. The latest version is always shown in the releases page.

The build requires JDK 17 or later.




dependencies {


This section explains the basic principles of working with the MediaWiki API, commonly used in Wikipedia and other MediaWiki-based projects. The API allows you to retrieve and manipulate wiki data by sending requests with specific parameters like action, prop, list, and meta.

WikiApi api = new WikiApi();

var a = new WikiApiRequest.Builder()
        .action(new QueryAction.Builder().build())

Response r = api.execute(a);

1. Action

The action parameter defines what action the API should perform. Supported actions:

Name Description
antispoof Check a username against AntiSpoof's normalisation checks
block Block a user
centralauthtoken Fetch a centralauthtoken for making an authenticated request to an attached wiki
checktoken Check the validity of a token
compare Get the difference between two pages
createaccount Create a new user account
delete Delete a page
emailuser Email a user
languagesearch Search for language names in any script
opensearch Search the wiki using the OpenSearch protocol
parse Parses content and returns parser output
query Fetch data from and about MediaWiki
review Review a revision by approving or de-approving it
shortenurl Shorten a long URL into a shorter one
sitematrix Get Wikimedia sites list
spamblacklist Validate one or more URLs against the spam block list
thank Send a thank-you notification to an editor
titleblacklist Validate a page title, filename, or username against the TitleBlacklist
torblock Check if an IP address is blocked as a Tor exit node
validatepassword Validate a password against the wiki's password policies
watch Add or remove pages from the current user's watchlist


var a = new WikiApiRequest.Builder()
        .action(new QueryAction.Builder().build())

2. Properties

When using query action, the prop parameter specifies which properties of pages or objects you want to retrieve. This includes page content, contributors, templates, and more. Supported props:

Name Description
categories List all categories the pages belong to
categoryinfo Returns information about the given categories
contributors Get the list of logged-in contributors and the count of anonymous contributors to a page
extlinks Returns all external URLs (not interwikis) from the given pages
fileusage Find all pages that use the given files
globalusage Returns global image usage for a certain image
imageinfo Returns file information and upload history
images Returns all files contained on the given pages
info Get basic page information
isreviewed Determine if a page is marked as reviewed
pageviews Shows per-page pageview data
redirects Returns all redirects to the given pages
revisions Get revision information
templates Returns all pages transcluded on the given pages
videoinfo Extends imageinfo to include video source (derivatives) information


Returns all files contained on the wikipedia page about Java

var a = new WikiApiRequest.Builder()
        .action(new QueryAction.Builder()
                .prop(Set.of(new ImagesProp.Builder().build()))
                .titles(Set.of("Java (programming language)"))

3. Lists

The list parameter is used to retrieve lists of various objects, such as pages, categories, users, or links. Supported lists:

Name Description
allcategories Enumerate all categories
allfileusages List all file usages, including non-existing
allimages Enumerate all images sequentially
alllinks Enumerate all links that point to a given namespace
allpages Enumerate all pages sequentially in a given namespace
allusers Enumerate all registered users
backlinks Find all pages that link to the given page
betafeatures List all BetaFeatures
blocks List all blocked users and IP addresses
categorymembers List all pages in a given category
exturlusage Enumerate pages that contain a given URL
filearchive Enumerate all deleted files sequentially
imageusage Find all pages that use the given image title
prefixsearch Perform a prefix search for page titles
projects List all the projects
protectedtitles List all titles protected from creation
random Get a set of random pages
recentchanges Enumerate recent changes
tags List change tags
usercontribs Get all edits by a user
users Get information about a list of users


List recent changes.

var a = new WikiApiRequest.Builder()
        .action(new QueryAction.Builder()
                .list(Set.of(new RecentChangesList.Builder().build()))

4. Meta

The meta parameter is used to retrieve general information about the wiki, users, or statistics. Supported meta:

Name Description
globaluserinfo Show information about a global user
languageinfo Return information about available languages
siteinfo Return general information about the site
siteviews Shows sitewide pageview data
tokens Gets tokens for data-modifying actions
userinfo Get information about the current user


Show sitewide pageview totals.

var a = new WikiApiRequest.Builder()
        .action(new QueryAction.Builder()
                        new SiteViewsMeta.Builder()


Feel free to open an issue if you've found a bug or want to raise a question, or discuss a possible feature. Any help is appreciated :)

More Examples

Get a list of categories the page Albert Einstein belongs to
var a = new WikiApiRequest.Builder()
        .action(new QueryAction.Builder()
                        new CategoriesProp.Builder()
                .titles(Set.of("Albert Einstein"))

Response r = api.execute(a);
Fetch site information.
var a = new WikiApiRequest.Builder()
        .action(new QueryAction.Builder()
                        new SiteInfoMeta.Builder()

Response r = api.execute(a);
Return information for user Example.
var a = new WikiApiRequest.Builder()
        .action(new QueryAction.Builder()
                        new UsersList.Builder()

Response r = api.execute(a);
Show contributors to the page Main Page.
var a = new WikiApiRequest.Builder()
        .action(new QueryAction.Builder()
                        new ContributorsProp.Builder()
                .titles(Set.of("Main Page"))

Response r = api.execute(a);
Get a list of external links on the page Main Page.
var a = new WikiApiRequest.Builder()
        .action(new QueryAction.Builder()
                        new ExtLinksProp.Builder()
                .titles(Set.of("Main Page"))

Response r = api.execute(a);
Fetch information about versions of File:Test.jpg from 2008 and later.
var a = new WikiApiRequest.Builder()
        .action(new QueryAction.Builder()
                        new ImageInfoProp.Builder()
                                .iiEnd(LocalDateTime.of(2007, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))

Response r = api.execute(a);
Get a list of files used on the page Main Page.
var a = new WikiApiRequest.Builder()
        .action(new QueryAction.Builder()
                        new ImagesProp.Builder()
                .titles(Set.of("Main Page"))

Response r = api.execute(a);
Get information about the page Main Page.
var a = new WikiApiRequest.Builder()
        .action(new QueryAction.Builder()
                        new InfoProp.Builder()
                .titles(Set.of("Main Page"))

Response r = api.execute(a);
Show pageview statistics for the main page.
var a = new WikiApiRequest.Builder()
        .action(new QueryAction.Builder()
                        new PageViewsProp.Builder()
                .titles(Set.of("Main Page"))

Response r = api.execute(a);
Get last 5 revisions of the Main Page.
var a = new WikiApiRequest.Builder()
        .action(new QueryAction.Builder()
                        new RevisionsProp.Builder()
                .titles(Set.of("Main Page"))

Response r = api.execute(a);
Check if the IP address is blocked as a Tor exit node.
var a = new WikiApiRequest.Builder()
        .action(new TorBlockAction.Builder()

Response r = api.execute(a);

Please refer to the Wikipedia API Sandbox for in-depth exploration.