When touched, the game will save and the player will respawn in that location when they die.
Additionally, it resurrects all players in survival.
It's a solution I've made for when an autosave unexpectedly buffers the game for a second. Now players could invoke the buffer by choice.
It also solves the "Running To Evil" problem present in co-op. Players can get right back into the action with little to no delay with the spawnpoint moved.
- Zandronum and GZDoom Compatible.
- Uses an actor for it's position tracking so that it could be placed on moving sectors without any clips.
- Still Saves in GZDoom Multiplayer.
- Collision-Safe. It's unable to telefrag existing Players.
- Sprite Bridge Safe. (If a map uses one...)
- Fail-Safe. Holding zoom cancels you out of it's effects if the destination is undesirable.
- Warp-Safe. Gives you respawn protection to protect against sudden hazards after warps.
- Mod-Safe. Designed to run with anything!
- Comes with an option menu.
- Mapper Friendly. You only need to place the Save Disk object on the map to use the system.
- Presets.
The checkpoint system was primarilly designed as a resource for mappers, but the people I've shown this to expressed of adding sometype of way to place this into pre-existing maps.
So I made this.
A mistake I've made when first releasing this was to place this in the "Gameplay Mods" category on zdoom forums.
With presets, It is a gameplay mod, but it's not the main focus.
I really care about polishing this system more and more and making presets surprisingly is real draining for me.
Currently the only mapset supported is AUGER;ZENITH.