- Rewrite parts of the code for more fitting in XenForo Editor and other templates
- Change button style to standard XenForo buttons
- Fix issue with hidden buttons
- Change permission settings. Now, you can separate attachments and chevereto permissions.
- Change insert point in TMS to prevent a hidden button.
- Fixed code issue with svg button/icon
- Insert user permissions
- Fixed code issue with button/icon
- Insert new button code from Chevereto 3.10.15 (https://chevereto.com/community/threads/chevereto-v3-10-15-announcement.9947/#post-53890)
- Insert Button in Editor bar
- Rewrite add-on with changes in code
- Some changes and fixes in templates
- Change Add-on ID and name
- Fixes issue in Xenforo TMS
- Create add-on..