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Original program here:

Docker container only, no automation:

Docker Hub:


WARNING: This is all alpha stuff, please follow common sense when using this application.

Kyanite is a tool for scraping certain sites, and auto_kyanite is a python script that wraps Kyanite to perform that task automatically. If you only want to scrape every so often, or only have one or two tags you are interested in, I would suggest using Docker_Kyanite instead.

Auto_Kyanite utilizes an SQL Lite DB to store your tags and then runs kyanite itself against it. The problem that caused me to start this project is that these websites will rate limit you, and if they do, Kyanite sometimes doesn't recover. Also running 10 Kyanite containers at once was a drain on my server. Auto_Kyanite solves both of these by introducing an adjustable inactivity checker, and the ability to just let it run without monitoring it. It also solves the problem of noting when you last ran a tag or keeping track of everything you want to keep up to date. Auto_Kyanite is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but it sure beats manually doing this. So if you're a data hoarder like me, I hope this helps!

Setup Instructions

-Build Yourself

  1. First you will need to create the container:

    gh repo clone MedicBehindYou/docker_kyanite
    cd docker_kyanite/
    docker build .

  2. This will create a local container with a random name, you can then run the container with the command example in the file adding the name of the new container to the end. Example (Please use the command in the file as that will have the most up-to-date syntax):

    docker run --rm -d --init --name "auto_kyanite" -e TZ=Your/TimeZone -v "/path/to/downloads:/app/downloads:rw" -v "/path/to/config:/config:rw" container_name --any_switches

  3. Run the container with any switch or with no switch to create the DB and complete the first migration, and run --bulk to import your tags. Then if you care that they download in alphabetical order like I do, run --organize.

  4. To start downloading, run with no switches (or run with -rev to run in reverse).

  5. Presto, you should be automatically downloading your selected tags.

-Pull From Docker Hub

  1. First decide what tag you want to use:

    • thiccc: Prebuilt latest with no size reduction applied. Approximately 450 MB compressed and 1.1 GB uncompressed.
    • latest: The latest slim image. Approximately 150 MB compressed and 500 MB uncompressed.
    • vX.X.X: Older versions of latest.
  2. Now that you've decided, go ahead and pull the image:

    docker pull medicbehindyou/auto_kyanite:YOUR_TAG_HERE

  3. You can now run the container with the latest run command, i.e.:

    docker run --rm -d --init --name "kyanite_db" -e TZ=America/Chicago -v "/path/to/stuff:/app/downloads:rw" -v "/path/to/configs:/config:rw" medicbehindyou/auto_kyanite:latest --any_switches

  4. Run the container with any switch or with no switch to create the DB and complete the first migration, and run --bulk to import your tags. Then if you care that they download in alphabetical order like I do, run --organize.


Switch Description
--setup Creates the "database.db" file for the program to use. Deprecated, now done automatically.
--bulk By default imports all tags in the file '/config/entries.txt' but can be run with a custome filepath.
--single Imports a single tag, i.e. --single "a,tag,you,want"
--organize Alphabetizes the tags from A-Z in the DB.
--uncensor Creates a list of tags that do not contain ",uncensored" and do not have a counterpart with ",uncensored" and adds the tags to the DB with ",uncensored" appended.
--reverse Runs backwards.

Important but IDK where it should go

  • Bulk imports should be entered into a txt file with each tag on its own line. Do not include any quotes or apostrophes.

  • Multiple tags in a run should be entered as tag1,tag2,tag3 as a line in a bulk import or as a single i.e. --single "tag1,tag2,tag3"

Known Issues

  • If you are seeing "OS Error" in your runs, check if you have anything other than the folders Kyanite generates in your /App/Download mount as that breaks Kyanite itself. For ease of use, I reccomend doing individual mappings for sites.

  • If you update your image, you may need to manually update your config.ini file as Docker will respect your version over the one it has.

Features to come

  • I want to implement site specific tags. As of now, each tag is run against all sites which may not be the desired outcome.