The following tags are some of the first few being considered for alignment across Microsoft XAML UI systems (listed in alphabetical order). Several of these are already aligned; a few are being aligned currently. See for a preview of newly aligned tags in Xamarin.Forms.
- Binding
- BindingBase
- Border
- Button
- ColumnDefinition
- ColumnDefinitionCollection
- ComboBox
- ContentPresenter
- ControlTemplate
- DataTemplate
- DataTemplateSelector
- DatePicker
- Grid
- Image
- ListView
- ProgressBar
- ProgressRing
- ResourceDictionary
- RowDefinition
- RowDefinitionCollection
- Setter
- Slider
- StackPanel
- Style
- TextBlock
- TextBox
- TimePicker
- ToggleSwitch
- UserControl
- WebView
- BindingMode : { OneWay, TwoWay }
- FontStyle : { Italic, Normal }
- FontWeights : {Bold, Normal }
- GridLength
- InputScopeNameValue : { Default, Url, Number, TelephoneNumber, Text, Chat, EmailNameOrAddress }
- Orientation : { Vertical, Horizontal }
- Stretch : { Fill, Uniform, UniformToFill }
- TextAlignment : { Center, End, Start }
- TextWrapping : { NoWrap, Wrap, WrapWholeWords }
- Thickness
- x:Class
- x:Name
- x:Key
- x:Boolean
- x:String
- x:Double
- x:Int32