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Runs a command or expression as a Windows PowerShell Workflow.


Command (Default)

Invoke-AsWorkflow [-CommandName <String>] [-Parameter <Hashtable>] [-InputObject <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]


Invoke-AsWorkflow [-Expression <String>] [-InputObject <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]


The Invoke-AsWorkflow workflow runs any command or expression as an inline script in a workflow. These workflows use the standard workflow semantics, have all workflow common parameters, and have all benefits of workflows, including the ability to stop, resume, and recover.

Workflows are designed for long-running commands that collect critical data, but can be used to run any command. For more information, see about_Workflows.

You can also add workflow common parameters to this command. For more information about workflow common parameters, see about_WorkflowCommonParameters

This workflow is introduced in Windows PowerShell 3.0.


Example 1: Run a cmdlet as a workflow

Invoke-AsWorkflow -PSComputerName (Get-Content Servers.txt) -CommandName Get-ExecutionPolicy
PSComputerName                     PSSourceJobInstanceId                   Value
--------------                     ---------------------                   -----
Server01                           77b1cdf8-8226-4662-9067-cd2fa5c3b711    AllSigned
Server02                           a33542d7-3cdd-4339-ab99-0e7cd8e59462    Unrestricted
Server03                           279bac28-066a-4646-9497-8fcdcfe9757e    AllSigned
localhost                          0d858009-2cc4-47a4-a2e0-da17dc2883d0    RemoteSigned

This command runs the Get-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet as a workflow on hundreds of computers.

The command uses the CommandName parameter to specify the cmdlet that runs in the workflow. It uses the PSComputerName workflow common parameter to specify the computers on which the command runs. The value of the PSComputerName parameter is a Get-Content command that gets a list of computer names from the Servers.txt file. The parameter value is enclosed in parentheses to direct Windows PowerShell to run the Get-Command command before using the value.

As with all remote commands, if the command runs on the local computer, (if the value of the PSComputerName parameter includes the local computer), you must start Windows PowerShell with the "Run as administrator" option.

Example 2: Run a cmdlet with parameters

$s = Import-Csv .\Servers.csv -Header ServerName, ServerID
Invoke-AsWorkflow -CommandName Get-ExecutionPolicy -Parameter @{Scope="Process"} -PSComputerName {$s.ServerName} -PSConnectionRetryCount 5

The first command uses the Import-Csv cmdlet to create an object from the content in the Servers.csv file. The command uses the Header parameter to create a ServerName property for the column that contains the names of the target computers, also known as "remote nodes." The command saves the result in the $s variable.

The second command uses the Invoke-AsWorkflow workflow to run a Get-ExecutionPolicy command on the computers in the Servers.csv file. The command uses the CommandName parameter of Invoke-AsWorkflow to specify the command to run in the workflow. It uses the Parameter parameter of Invoke-AsWorkflow to specify the Scope parameter of the Get-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet with a value of Process.The command also uses the PSConnectionRetryCount workflow common parameter to limit the command to five attempts on each computer and the PSComputerName workflow common parameter to specify the names of the remote nodes (target computers). The value of the PSComputerName parameter is an expression that gets the ServerName property of every object in the $s variable.

These commands run a Get-ExecutionPolicy command as a workflow on hundreds of computers. The command uses the Scope parameter of the Get-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet with a value of Process to get the execution policy in the current session.

Example 3: Run an expression as a workflow

Invoke-AsWorkflow -Expression "ipconfig /all" -PSComputerName (Get-Content DomainControllers.txt) -AsJob -JobName IPConfig
Id     Name          PSJobTypeName   State         HasMoreData   Location                Command
--     ----          -------------   -----         -----------   --------                -------
2      IpConfig      PSWorkflowJob   Completed     True          Server01, Server01...   Invoke-AsWorkflow

This command uses the Invoke-AsWorkflow workflow to run an Ipconfig command as a workflow job on the computers listed in the DomainControllers.txt file.

The command uses the Expression parameter to specify the expression to run. It uses the PSComputerName workflow common parameter to specify the names of the remote nodes (target computers).

The command also uses the AsJob and JobName workflow common parameters to run the workflow as a background job on each computer with the "Ipconfig" job name.

The command returns a ContainerParentJob object (System.Management.Automation.ContainerParentJob) that contains the workflow jobs on each computer.



Runs the specified cmdlet or advanced function as a workflow. Enter the cmdlet or function name, such as Update-Help, Set-ExecutionPolicy, or Set-NetFirewallRule.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: Command

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies the expression that this cmdlet runs as a workflow. Enter the expression as a string, such as "ipconfig /all". If the expression includes spaces or special characters, enclose the expression in quotation marks.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: Expression

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Used to allows pipeline input.

Type: System.Object
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False


Specifies the parameters and parameter values of the command that is specified in the CommandName parameter. Enter a hash table in which each key is a parameter name and its value is the parameter value, such as @{ExecutionPolicy="AllSigned"}.

For information about hash tables, see about_Hash_Tables.

Type: System.Collections.Hashtable
Parameter Sets: Command

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.


This cmdlet also supports workflow specific common parameters. For information, see about_WorkflowCommonParameters.



You can pipe any object to this cmdlet.



This command returns no output of its own, but the workflow it runs might return output.





