title | keywords | f1_keywords | ms.assetid | ms.date | ms.localizationpriority | |
Event codes (Visio) |
vis_sdr.chm81901708 |
de8f5c7a-421d-ebcf-22b6-4310a202ef64 |
06/24/2019 |
medium |
When you are working with the Add or AddAdvise method, use the following table to find the event code for the event that you want to create. This table lists each Visio event and its corresponding event code and numeric code.
If you are using Visual Basic or Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), you don't need to create your own events. See the event topic in this reference that corresponds to the event that you want to use.
Event | Event code | Numeric code |
AfterModal | visEvtApp+visEvtAfterModal | &H1040 (4160) |
AfterResume | visEvtCodeAfterResume | &H00D1 (209) |
AfterResumeEvents | visEvtCodeAfterResumeEvents | &H00D5 (213) |
AfterRemoveHiddenInformation | visEvtRemoveHiddenInformation | &H000A (11) |
AppActivated | visEvtApp+visEvtAppActivate | &H1001 (4097) |
AppDeactivated | visEvtApp+visEvtAppDeactivate | &H1002 (4098) |
AppObjActivated | visEvtApp+visEvtObjActivate | &H1004 (4100) |
AppObjDeactivated | visEvtApp+visEvtObjDeactivate | &H1008 (4104) |
BeforeDataRecordsetDelete | visEvtDel+visEvtDataRecordset | &H4020 (16416) |
BeforeDocumentClose | visEvtDel+visEvtDoc | &H4002 (16386) |
BeforeDocumentSave | visEvtCodeBefDocSave | &H0007 (7) |
BeforeDocumentSaveAs | visEvtCodeBefDocSaveAs | &H0008 (8) |
BeforeMasterDelete | visEvtDel+visEvtMaster | &H4008 (16392) |
BeforeModal | visEvtApp+visEvtBeforeModal | &H1020 (4128) |
BeforePageDelete | visEvtDel+visEvtPage | &H4010 (16400) |
BeforeQuit | visEvtApp+visEvtBeforeQuit | &H1010 (4112) |
BeforeSelectionDelete | visEvtCodeBefSelDel | &H0385 (901) |
BeforeShapeDelete | visEvtDel+visEvtShape | &H4040 (16448) |
BeforeShapeTextEdit | visEvtCodeShapeBeforeTextEdit | &H0323 (803) |
BeforeStyleDelete | visEvtDel+visEvtStyle | &H4004 (16388) |
BeforeSuspend | visEvtCodeBeforeSuspend | &H00D0 (208) |
BeforeSuspendEvents | visEvtCodeBeforeSuspendEvents | &H00D4 (212) |
BeforeWindowClosed | visEvtDel+visEvtWindow | &H4001 (16385) |
BeforeWindowPageTurn | visEvtCodeBefWinPageTurn | &H02BF (703) |
BeforeWindowSelDelete | visEvtCodeBefWinSelDel | &H02BE (702) |
CalloutRelationshipAdded | visEvtCodeCalloutRelationshipAdded | &H01F8 (504) |
CalloutRelationshipDeleted | visEvtCodeCalloutRelationshipDeleted | &H01F9 (505) |
CellChanged | visEvtMod+visEvtCell | &H2800 (10240) |
ConnectionsAdded | visEvtAdd+visEvtConnect | &H8100 (33024) |
ConnectionsDeleted | visEvtDel+visEvtConnect | &H4100 (16640) |
ContainerRelationshipAdded | visEvtCodeContainerRelationshipAdded | &H01F6 (502) |
ContainerRelationshipDeleted | visEvtCodeContainerRelationshipDeleted | &H01F7 (503) |
ConvertToGroupCanceled | visEvtCodeCancelConvertToGroup | &H038C (908) |
DataRecordsetAdded | visEvtAdd+visEvtDataRecordset | &H8020 (32800) |
DataRecordsetChanged | visEvtMod+VisEvtDataRecordset | &H2020 (8224) |
DesignModeEntered | visEvtCodeDocDesign | &H0006 (6) |
DocumentAdded | visEvtAdd+visEvtDoc | &H8002 (32770) |
DocumentChanged | visEvtMod+visEvtDoc | &H2002 (8194) |
DocumentCloseCanceled | visEvtCodeCancelDocClose | &H0010 (10) |
DocumentCreated | visEvtCodeDocCreate | &H0001 (1) |
DocumentOpened | visEvtCodeDocOpen | &H0002 (2) |
DocumentSaved | visEvtCodeDocSave | &H0003 (3) |
DocumentSavedAs | visEvtCodeDocSaveAs | &H0004 (4) |
EnterScope | visEvtCodeEnterScope | &H00CA (202) |
ExitScope | visEvtCodeExitScope | &H00CB (203) |
FormulaChanged | visEvtMod+visEvtFormula | &H3000 (12288) |
GroupCanceled | visEvtCodeCancelSelGroup | &H038E (910) |
KeyDown | visEvtCodeKeyDown | &H02C8 (712) |
KeyPress | visEvtCodeKeyPress | &H02C9 (713) |
KeyUp | visEvtCodeKeyUp | &H02CA (714) |
MasterAdded | visEvtAdd+visEvtMaster | &H8008 (32776) |
MarkerEvent | visEvtApp+visEvtMarker | &H1100 (4352) |
MasterChanged | visEvtMod+visEvtMaster | &H2008 (8200) |
MasterDeleteCanceled | visEvtCodeCancelMasterDel | &H0191 (401) |
MouseDown | visEvtCodeMouseDown | &H02C5 (709) |
MouseMove | visEvtCodeMouseMove | &H02C6 (710) |
MouseUp | visEvtCodeMouseUp | &H02C7 (711) |
MustFlushScopeBeginning | visEvtCodeBefForcedFlush | &H00C8 (200) |
MustFlushScopeEnded | visEvtCodeAfterForcedFlush | &H00C9 (201) |
NoEventsPending | visEvtApp+visEvtNonePending | &H1200 (4608) |
OnKeystrokeMessageForAddon | visEvtCodeWinOnAddonKeyMSG | &H02C4 (708) |
PageAdded | visEvtAdd+visEvtPage | &H8010 (32784) |
PageChanged | visEvtMod+visEvtPage | &H2010 (8208) |
PageDeleteCanceled | visEvtCodeCancelPageDel | &H01F5 (501) |
QueryCancelConvertToGroup | visEvtCodeQueryCancelConvertToGroup | &H038B (907) |
QueryCancelDocumentClose | visEvtCodeQueryCancelDocClose | &H0009 (9) |
QueryCancelGroup | visEvtCodeQueryCancelSelGroup | &H038D (909) |
QueryCancelMasterDelete | visEvtCodeQueryCancelMasterDel | &H0190 (400) |
QueryCancelPageDelete | visEvtCodeQueryCancelPageDel | &H01F4 (500) |
QueryCancelQuit | visEvtCodeQueryCancelQuit | &H00CC (204) |
QueryCancelSelectionDelete | visEvtCodeQueryCancelSelDel | &H0387 (903) |
QueryCancelStyleDelete | visEvtCodeQueryCancelStyleDel | &H012C (300) |
QueryCancelSuspend | visEvtCodeQueryCancelSuspend | &H00CE (206) |
QueryCancelSuspendEvents | visEvtCodeQueryCancelSuspendEvents | &H0528 (210) |
QueryCancelUngroup | visEvtCodeQueryCancelUngroup | &H0389 (905) |
QueryCancelWindowClose | visEvtCodeQueryCancelWinClose | &H02C2 (706) |
QuitCanceled | visEvtCodeCancelQuit | &H00CD (205) |
RunModeEntered | visEvtCodeDocRunning | &H0005 (5) |
RuleSetValidated | visEvtCodeRuleSetValidated | &H000D (13) |
SelectionAdded | visEvtCodeSelAdded | &H0386 (902) |
SelectionChanged | visEvtCodeWinSelChange | &H02BD (701) |
SelectionDeleteCanceled | visEvtCodeCancelSelDel | &H0388 (904) |
SelectionMovedToSubprocess | visEvtCodeSelectionMovedToSubprocess | &H000B (12) |
ShapeAdded | visEvtAdd+visEvtShape | &H8040 (32832) |
ShapeChanged | visEvtMod+visEvtShape | &H2040 (8256) |
ShapeDataGraphicChanged | visEvtShapeDataGraphicChanged | &H0327 (807) |
ShapeExitedTextEdit | visEvtCodeShapeExitTextEdit | &H0324 (804) |
ShapeLinkAdded | visEvtShapeLinkAdded | &H0325 (805) |
ShapeLinkDeleted | visEvtShapeLinkDeleted | &H0326 (806) |
ShapeParentChanged | visEvtCodeShapeParentChange | &H0322 (802) |
ShapesDeleted | visEvtCodeShapeDelete | &H0321 (801) |
StyleAdded | visEvtAdd+visEvtStyle | &H8004 (32772) |
StyleChanged | visEvtMod+visEvtStyle | &H2004 (8196) |
StyleDeleteCanceled | visEvtCodeCancelStyleDel | &H012D (301) |
SuspendCanceled | visEvtCodeCancelSuspend | &H00CF (207) |
SuspendEventsCanceled | visEvtCodeCancelSuspendEvents | &H00D3 (211) |
TextChanged | visEvtMod+visEvtText | &H2080 (8320) |
UngroupCanceled | visEvtCodeCancelUngroup | &H038A (906) |
ViewChanged | visEvtCodeViewChanged | &H02C1 (705) |
VisioIsIdle | visEvtApp+visEvtIdle | &H1400 (5120) |
WindowActivated | visEvtApp+visEvtWinActivate | &H1080 (4224) |
WindowCloseCanceled | visEvtCodeCancelWinClose | &H02C3 (707) |
WindowOpened | visEvtAdd+visEvtWindow | &H8001 (32769) |
WindowChanged | visEvtMod+visEvtWindow | &H2001 (8193) |
WindowTurnedToPage | visEvtCodeWinPageTurn | &H02C0 (704) |
[!includeSupport and feedback]