UID | tech.root | title | ms.date | targetos | description | req.assembly | req.construct-type | req.ddi-compliance | req.dll | req.header | req.idl | req.include-header | req.irql | req.kmdf-ver | req.lib | req.max-support | req.namespace | req.redist | req.target-min-winverclnt | req.target-min-winversvr | req.target-type | req.type-library | req.umdf-ver | req.unicode-ansi | topic_type | api_type | api_location | api_name | f1_keywords | dev_langs | |||||||
NF:bcp47mrm.GetDistanceOfClosestLanguageInList |
menurc |
GetDistanceOfClosestLanguageInList |
05/12/2021 |
Windows |
Determines the distance between the specified language code and the closest match in a list of languages. |
function |
bcp47mrm.h |
Windows 10 Build 17763 |
Windows 10 Build 17763 |
Determines the distance between the specified language tag and the closest match in a list of languages.
A BCP-47 language tag that represents the candidate language.
A character delimited list of BCP-47 language tags to compare to the candidate language. This is typically the list of user languages.
If the wchListDelimiter parameter is L'\0'
, then the pszLanguagesList is a double null-terminated list of language tags.
Otherwise, the pszLanguagesList is a null-terminated string in which the language tags are separated by the provided delimiter.
Type: wchar_t
The character used as a delimiter in the language list, or L'\0'
to indicate that the language list is a double null-terminated list.
The function is slightly more efficient if this parameter is L'\0'
Type: double
Receives the distance between the candidate language and the closest language in the list. The value is in the range 0.0 to 1.0, where 1.0 is an exact match.
If there is no match to any language in the list, the function returns HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_MATCH)
and a distance of 0.0.
You can use this function for localization to find the closest match to a candidate language in the list of user languages.