UID | title | description | helpviewer_keywords | old-location | tech.root | ms.assetid | ms.date | ms.keywords | req.header | req.include-header | req.target-type | req.target-min-winverclnt | req.target-min-winversvr | req.kmdf-ver | req.umdf-ver | req.ddi-compliance | req.unicode-ansi | req.idl | req.max-support | req.namespace | req.assembly | req.type-library | req.lib | req.dll | req.irql | targetos | req.typenames | req.redist | ms.custom | f1_keywords | dev_langs | topic_type | api_type | api_location | api_name | |||||||||||||||||||
NF:comsvcs.ITransactionContext.CreateInstance |
ITransactionContext::CreateInstance (comsvcs.h) |
Creates a COM object that can execute within the scope of the transaction that was initiated by the transaction context object. (ITransactionContext.CreateInstance) |
cos\itransactioncontext_createinstance.htm |
cos |
3dc08700-0872-4d60-a968-cffed974c7b2 |
12/05/2018 |
CreateInstance, CreateInstance method [COM+], CreateInstance method [COM+],ITransactionContext interface, ITransactionContext interface [COM+],CreateInstance method, ITransactionContext.CreateInstance, ITransactionContext::CreateInstance, _cos_ITransactionContext_CreateInstance, comsvcs/ITransactionContext::CreateInstance, cos.itransactioncontext_createinstance |
comsvcs.h |
Windows |
Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only] |
Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only] |
Windows |
19H1 |
Creates a COM object that can execute within the scope of the transaction that was initiated by the transaction context object.
A reference to the ProgID of the type of object to be instantiated.
A reference to the new object.
This method can return the standard return values E_INVALIDARG, E_OUTOFMEMORY, E_UNEXPECTED, E_FAIL, and S_OK.
If the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator is not running and the object is transactional, the object is successfully created. However, method calls to that object will fail with CONTEXT_E_TMNOTAVAILABLE. Objects cannot recover from this condition and should be released.