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NF:directxmath.XMStoreUInt3 |
XMStoreUInt3 function (directxmath.h) |
Stores unsigned integer data from an XMVECTOR in an XMUINT3 structure. |
dxmath\xmstoreuint3.htm |
dxmath |
M:Microsoft.directx_sdk.storing.XMStoreUInt3(XMUINT3@,XMVECTOR) |
12/05/2018 |
Use DirectX..XMStoreUInt3, XMStoreUInt3, XMStoreUInt3 method [DirectX Math Support APIs], dxmath.xmstoreuint3 |
directxmath.h |
Windows |
Use DirectX. |
Windows |
19H1 |
Stores unsigned integer data from an XMVECTOR in an XMUINT3 structure.
Address of an XMUINT3 structure in which to store the data.
Vector containing the data to store.
For 16-byte aligned memory, it may be faster to use XMStoreInt3A with a casting operator.
The following pseudocode shows the operation of this function.
N = XMVectorClamp(V, XMVectorZero(), MaxUInt );
N = XMVectorRound(N);
pDestination->x = (uint32_t)N.v[0];
pDestination->y = (uint32_t)N.v[1];
pDestination->z = (uint32_t)N.v[2];