UID | title | description | helpviewer_keywords | old-location | tech.root | ms.assetid | ms.date | ms.keywords | req.header | req.include-header | req.target-type | req.target-min-winverclnt | req.target-min-winversvr | req.kmdf-ver | req.umdf-ver | req.ddi-compliance | req.unicode-ansi | req.idl | req.max-support | req.namespace | req.assembly | req.type-library | req.lib | req.dll | req.irql | targetos | req.typenames | req.redist | ms.custom | f1_keywords | dev_langs | topic_type | api_type | api_location | api_name | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NF:netfw.INetFwIcmpSettings.get_AllowInboundMaskRequest |
INetFwIcmpSettings::get_AllowInboundMaskRequest (netfw.h) |
Indicates whether this is allowed. (INetFwIcmpSettings.get_AllowInboundMaskRequest) |
ics\inetfwicmpsettings_allowinboundmaskrequest.htm |
ics |
5d34c60a-115b-4882-bc41-ea8b3528f9df |
12/05/2018 |
AllowInboundMaskRequest property [ICS/ICF], AllowInboundMaskRequest property [ICS/ICF],INetFwIcmpSettings interface, INetFwIcmpSettings interface [ICS/ICF],AllowInboundMaskRequest property, INetFwIcmpSettings.AllowInboundMaskRequest, INetFwIcmpSettings.get_AllowInboundMaskRequest, INetFwIcmpSettings::AllowInboundMaskRequest, INetFwIcmpSettings::get_AllowInboundMaskRequest, INetFwIcmpSettings::put_AllowInboundMaskRequest, get_AllowInboundMaskRequest, ics.inetfwicmpsettings_allowinboundmaskrequest, netfw/INetFwIcmpSettings::AllowInboundMaskRequest, netfw/INetFwIcmpSettings::get_AllowInboundMaskRequest, netfw/INetFwIcmpSettings::put_AllowInboundMaskRequest |
netfw.h |
Windows |
Windows Vista, Windows XP with SP2 [desktop apps only] |
Windows Server 2003 with SP1 [desktop apps only] |
FirewallAPI.dll; Hnetcfg.dll on Windows XP with SP2 |
Windows |
19H1 |
[The Windows Firewall API is available for use in the operating systems specified in the Requirements section. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions. For Windows Vista and later, use of the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security API is recommended.]
Indicates whether this is allowed.
This property is read/write.
This setting is for IPv4 only.