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Set up a business logic handler for Merge article |
Use replication programming or Replication Management Objects to configure a business logic handler for merge replication synchronization. |
MashaMSFT |
mathoma |
09/25/2024 |
sql |
replication |
how-to |
[!INCLUDE SQL Server] This topic describes how to implement a business logic handler for a merge article in [!INCLUDEssnoversion] by using replication programming or Replication Management Objects (RMO).
The xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport namespace implements an interface that enables you to write complex business logic to handle events that occur during the merge replication synchronization process. Methods in the business logic handler can be invoked by the replication process for each changed row that is replicated during synchronization.
The general process for implementing a business logic handler is:
Create the business logic hander assembly.
Register the assembly at the Distributor.
Deploy the assembly at the server on which the Merge Agent runs. For a pull subscription the agent runs on the Subscriber, and for a push subscription the agent runs on the Distributor. When you are using Web synchronization, the agent runs on the Web server.
Create an article that uses the business logic handler or modify an existing article to use the business logic handler.
The business logic handler you specify is executed for every row that is synchronized. Complex logic and calls to other applications or network services can impact performance. For more information about business logic handlers, see Execute Business Logic During Merge Synchronization.
In This Topic
To implement a business logic handler for a merge article, using:
In [!INCLUDEmsCoName] Visual Studio, create a new project for the .NET assembly that contains the code that implements the business logic handler.
Add references to the project for the following namespaces.
Assembly Reference Location xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport [!INCLUDEssInstallPath]COM (default installation) xref:System.Data GAC (component of the .NET Framework) xref:System.Data.Common GAC (component of the .NET Framework) -
Add a class that overrides the xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule class.
Implement the xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule.HandledChangeStates%2A property to indicate the types of changes that are handled.
Override one or more of the following methods of the xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule class:
xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule.CommitHandler%2A - invoked when a data change is committed during synchronization.
xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule.DeleteErrorHandler%2A - invoked when an error occurs when a DELETE statement is being uploaded or downloaded.
xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule.DeleteHandler%2A - invoked when DELETE statements are being uploaded or downloaded.
xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule.InsertErrorHandler%2A - invoked when an error occurs when an INSERT statement is being uploaded or downloaded.
xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule.InsertHandler%2A - invoked when INSERT statements are being uploaded or downloaded.
xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule.UpdateConflictsHandler%2A - invoked when conflicting UPDATE statements occur at the Publisher and Subscriber.
xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule.UpdateDeleteConflictHandler%2A - invoked when UPDATE statements conflict with DELETE statements at the Publisher and Subscriber.
xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule.UpdateErrorHandler%2A - invoked when an error occurs when an UPDATE statement is being uploaded or downloaded.
xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule.UpdateHandler%2A - invoked when UPDATE statements are being uploaded or downloaded.
Build the project to create the business logic handler assembly.
Deploy the assembly in the directory that contains the Merge Agent executable file (replmerg.exe), which for a default installation is [!INCLUDEssInstallPath]COM, or install it in the .NET global assembly cache (GAC). You should only install the assembly in the GAC if applications other than the Merge Agent require access to the assembly. The assembly can be installed into the GAC using the Global Assembly Cache tool (Gacutil.exe) provided in the .NET Framework SDK.
A business logic handler must be deployed on every server on which the Merge Agent runs, which includes the IIS server that hosts the replisapi.dll when using Web synchronization.
At the Publisher, execute sp_enumcustomresolvers (Transact-SQL) to verify that the assembly has not already been registered as a business logic handler.
At the Distributor, execute sp_registercustomresolver (Transact-SQL), specifying a friendly name for the business logic handler for @article_resolver, a value of true for @is_dotnet_assembly, the name of the assembly for @dotnet_assembly_name, and the fully-qualified name of the class that overrides xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule for @dotnet_class_name.
If the assembly is not deployed in the same directory as the Merge Agent executable, in the same directory as the application that synchronously starts the Merge Agent, or in the global assembly cache (GAC), you need to specify the full path with the assembly name for @dotnet_assembly_name. When using Web synchronization, you must specify the location of assembly at the Web server.
- Execute sp_addmergearticle (Transact-SQL) to define an article, specifying the friendly name of the business logic handler for @article_resolver. For more information, see Define an Article.
- Execute sp_changemergearticle (Transact-SQL), specifying @publication, @article, a value of article_resolver for @property, and the friendly name of the business logic handler for @value.
This example shows a business logic handler that creates an audit log.
The following example registers a business logic handler assembly at the Distributor and changes an existing merge article to use this custom business logic.
:::code language="sql" source="codesnippet/tsql/implement-a-business-log_3.sql":::
In [!INCLUDEmsCoName] Visual Studio, create a new project for the .NET assembly that contains the code that implements the business logic handler.
Add references to the project for the following namespaces.
Assembly Reference Location xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport [!INCLUDEssInstallPath]COM (default installation) xref:System.Data GAC (component of the .NET Framework) xref:System.Data.Common GAC (component of the .NET Framework) -
Add a class that overrides the xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule class.
Implement the xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule.HandledChangeStates%2A property to indicate the types of changes that are handled.
Override one or more of the following methods of the xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule class:
xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule.CommitHandler%2A - invoked when a data change is committed during synchronization.
xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule.DeleteErrorHandler%2A - invoked if an error occurs while a DELETE statement is being uploaded or downloaded.
xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule.DeleteHandler%2A - invoked when DELETE statements are being uploaded or downloaded.
xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule.InsertErrorHandler%2A - invoked if an error occurs when an INSERT statement is being uploaded or downloaded.
xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule.InsertHandler%2A - invoked when INSERT statements are being uploaded or downloaded.
xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule.UpdateConflictsHandler%2A - invoked when conflicting UPDATE statements occur at the Publisher and Subscriber.
xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule.UpdateDeleteConflictHandler%2A - invoked when UPDATE statements conflict with DELETE statements at the Publisher and Subscriber.
xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule.UpdateErrorHandler%2A - invoked if an error occurs when an UPDATE statement is being uploaded or downloaded.
xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule.UpdateHandler%2A - invoked when UPDATE statements are being uploaded or downloaded.
Any article conflicts not explicitly handled by your custom business logic are handled by the default resolver for the article. -
Build the project to create the business logic handler assembly.
Create a connection to the Distributor by using the xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection class.
Create an instance of the xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.ReplicationServer class. Pass the xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection from step 1.
Call xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.ReplicationServer.EnumBusinessLogicHandlers%2A and check the returned xref:System.Collections.ArrayList object to ensure that the assembly has not already been registered as a business logic handler.
Create an instance of the xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicHandler class. Specify the following properties:
xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicHandler.DotNetAssemblyName%2A - the name of the .NET assembly. If the assembly is not deployed in the same directory as the Merge Agent executable, in the same directory as the application that synchronously starts the Merge Agent, or in the GAC, you must include the full path with the assembly name. You must include the full path with the assembly name when using a business logic handler with Web synchronization.
xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicHandler.DotNetClassName%2A - the fully-qualified name of the class that overrides xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule and implements the business logic handler.
xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicHandler.FriendlyName%2A - a friendly name you use when you access the business logic handler.
xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicHandler.IsDotNetAssembly%2A - a value of true.
- Deploy the assembly on the server where the Merge Agent runs in the file location specified when the business logic handler was registered at the Distributor. For a pull subscription the agent runs on the Subscriber, and for a push subscription the agent runs on the Distributor. When you are using Web synchronization, the agent runs on the Web server. If the full path was not included with the assembly name when the business logic handler was registered, deploy the assembly in the same directory as the Merge Agent executable, in the same directory as the application that synchronously starts the Merge Agent. You may install the assembly in the GAC if there are multiple applications that use the same assembly.
Create a connection to the Publisher by using the xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection class.
Create an instance of the xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.MergeArticle class. Set the following properties:
The name of the article for xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Article.Name%2A.
The name of the publication for xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Article.PublicationName%2A.
The name of the publication database for xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Article.DatabaseName%2A.
The friendly name of the business logic handler (xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicHandler.FriendlyName%2A) for xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.MergeArticle.ArticleResolver%2A.
Call the xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Article.Create%2A method. For more information, see Define an Article.
Create a connection to the Publisher by using the xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection class.
Create an instance of the xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.MergeArticle class.
Set the xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Article.Name%2A, xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Article.PublicationName%2A, and xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Article.DatabaseName%2A properties.
Set the connection from step 1 for the xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.ReplicationObject.ConnectionContext%2A property.
Call the xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.ReplicationObject.LoadProperties%2A method to get the properties of the object. If this method returns false, either the article properties in step 3 were defined incorrectly or the article does not exist. For more information, see View and Modify Article Properties.
Set the friendly name of the business logic handler for xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.MergeArticle.ArticleResolver%2A. This is the value of the xref:Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicHandler.FriendlyName%2A property specified when registering the business logic handler.
This example is a business logic handler that logs information about inserts, updates, and deletes at the Subscriber.
This example registers a business logic handler at the Distributor.
This example changes an existing article to use the business logic handler.