description | title | | keywords | topic_type | api_name | api_type | api_location | |||||
This is a continuation of the ICoreWebView2DevToolsProtocolEventReceivedEventArgs interface that provides the session ID of the target where the event originates from. |
WebView2 Win32 C++ ICoreWebView2DevToolsProtocolEventReceivedEventArgs2 |
05/20/2024 |
IWebView2, IWebView2WebView, webview2, webview, win32 apps, win32, edge, ICoreWebView2, ICoreWebView2Controller, browser control, edge html, ICoreWebView2DevToolsProtocolEventReceivedEventArgs2 |
[!INCLUDE deprecation-note]
interface ICoreWebView2DevToolsProtocolEventReceivedEventArgs2
: public ICoreWebView2DevToolsProtocolEventReceivedEventArgs
This is a continuation of the ICoreWebView2DevToolsProtocolEventReceivedEventArgs interface that provides the session ID of the target where the event originates from.
Members | Descriptions |
get_SessionId | The sessionId of the target where the event originates from. |
Product | Introduced |
WebView2 Win32 | 1.0.1185.39 |
WebView2 Win32 Prerelease | 1.0.1189 |
The sessionId of the target where the event originates from.
public HRESULT get_SessionId(LPWSTR * sessionId)
Empty string is returned as sessionId if the event comes from the default session for the top page.
The caller must free the returned string with CoTaskMemFree
. See API Conventions.
wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2DevToolsProtocolEventReceivedEventArgs2> args2;
if (SUCCEEDED(args->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&args2))))
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string sessionId;
if (sessionId.get() && *sessionId.get())
title = eventName + L" (session:" + sessionId.get() + L")";
std::wstring targetId = m_devToolsSessionMap[sessionId.get()];
std::wstring targetLabel = m_devToolsTargetLabelMap[targetId];
details = L"From " + targetLabel + L" (session:" + sessionId.get() +
L")\r\n" + details;