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707 lines (374 loc) · 23.8 KB
UID title description old-location keywords ms.keywords req.header req.include-header req.kmdf-ver req.umdf-ver req.ddi-compliance req.unicode-ansi req.idl req.max-support req.namespace req.assembly req.type-library req.lib req.dll req.irql targetos tech.root req.typenames f1_keywords topic_type api_type api_location api_name
D3DWDDM2_0DDI_DEVICEFUNCS (d3d10umddi.h)
This structure contains the user mode device function table for Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 2.0.
D3DWDDM2_0DDI_DEVICEFUNCS, D3DWDDM2_0DDI_DEVICEFUNCS structure [Display Devices], d3d10umddi/D3DWDDM2_0DDI_DEVICEFUNCS, display.d3dwddm2_0ddi_devicefuncs
Windows 10
Windows Server 2016



This structure contains the user mode device function table for Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 2.0. In general, unless a function is commented as optional in d3d10umdd.h (or optional under certain conditions), a driver must implement it.


-field pfnDefaultConstantBufferUpdateSubresourceUP

A pointer to the DefaultConstantBufferUpdateSubresourceUP function.

-field pfnVsSetConstantBuffers

A pointer to the VsSetConstantBuffers function.

-field pfnPsSetShaderResources

A pointer to the PsSetShaderResources function.

-field pfnPsSetShader

A pointer to the PsSetShader function.

-field pfnPsSetSamplers

A pointer to the PsSetSamplers function.

-field pfnVsSetShader

A pointer to the VsSetShader function.

-field pfnDrawIndexed

A pointer to the DrawIndexed function.

-field pfnDraw

A pointer to the Draw function.

-field pfnDynamicIABufferMapNoOverwrite

-field pfnDynamicIABufferUnmap

-field pfnDynamicConstantBufferMapDiscard

-field pfnDynamicIABufferMapDiscard

-field pfnDynamicConstantBufferUnmap

-field pfnPsSetConstantBuffers

A pointer to the PsSetConstantBuffers function.

-field pfnIaSetInputLayout

A pointer to the IaSetInputLayout function.

-field pfnIaSetVertexBuffers

A pointer to the IaSetVertexBuffers function.

-field pfnIaSetIndexBuffer

A pointer to the IaSetIndexBuffer function.

-field pfnDrawIndexedInstanced

A pointer to the DrawIndexedInstanced function.

-field pfnDrawInstanced

A pointer to the DrawInstanced function.

-field pfnDynamicResourceMapDiscard

-field pfnDynamicResourceUnmap

-field pfnGsSetConstantBuffers

A pointer to the GsSetConstantBuffers function.

-field pfnGsSetShader

A pointer to the GsSetShader function.

-field pfnIaSetTopology

A pointer to the IaSetTopology function.

-field pfnStagingResourceMap

-field pfnStagingResourceUnmap

-field pfnVsSetShaderResources

A pointer to the VsSetShaderResources function.

-field pfnVsSetSamplers

A pointer to the VsSetSamplers function.

-field pfnGsSetShaderResources

A pointer to the GsSetShaderResources function.

-field pfnGsSetSamplers

A pointer to the GsSetSamplers function.

-field pfnSetRenderTargets

A pointer to the SetRenderTargets function.

-field pfnShaderResourceViewReadAfterWriteHazard

A pointer to the ShaderResourceViewReadAfterWriteHazard function.

-field pfnResourceReadAfterWriteHazard

A pointer to the ResourceReadAfterWriteHazard function.

-field pfnSetBlendState

A pointer to the SetBlendState function.

-field pfnSetDepthStencilState

A pointer to the SetDepthStencilState function.

-field pfnSetRasterizerState

A pointer to the SetRasterizerState function.

-field pfnQueryEnd

A pointer to the QueryEnd function.

-field pfnQueryBegin

A pointer to the QueryBegin function.

-field pfnResourceCopyRegion

A pointer to the ResourceCopyRegion function.

-field pfnResourceUpdateSubresourceUP

A pointer to the ResourceUpdateSubresourceUP function.

-field pfnSoSetTargets

A pointer to the SoSetTargets function.

-field pfnDrawAuto

A pointer to the DrawAuto function.

-field pfnSetViewports

A pointer to the SetViewports function.

-field pfnSetScissorRects

A pointer to the SetScissorRects function.

-field pfnClearRenderTargetView

A pointer to the ClearRenderTargetView function.

-field pfnClearDepthStencilView

A pointer to the ClearDepthStencilView function.

-field pfnSetPredication

A pointer to the SetPredication function.

-field pfnQueryGetData

A pointer to the QueryGetData function.

-field pfnFlush

A pointer to the Flush function.

-field pfnGenMips

A pointer to the GenMips function.

-field pfnResourceCopy

A pointer to the ResourceCopy function.

-field pfnResourceResolveSubresource

A pointer to the ResourceResolveSubresource function.

-field pfnResourceMap

A pointer to the ResourceMap function.

-field pfnResourceUnmap

A pointer to the ResourceUnmap function.

-field pfnResourceIsStagingBusy

A pointer to the ResourceIsStagingBusy function.

-field pfnRelocateDeviceFuncs

A pointer to the RelocateDeviceFuncs function.

-field pfnCalcPrivateResourceSize

A pointer to the CalcPrivateResourceSize function.

-field pfnCalcPrivateOpenedResourceSize

A pointer to the CalcPrivateOpenedResourceSize function.

-field pfnCreateResource

A pointer to the CreateResource function.

-field pfnOpenResource

A pointer to the OpenResource function.

-field pfnDestroyResource

A pointer to the DestroyResource function.

-field pfnCalcPrivateShaderResourceViewSize

A pointer to the CalcPrivateShaderResourceViewSize function.

-field pfnCreateShaderResourceView

A pointer to the CreateShaderResourceView function.

-field pfnDestroyShaderResourceView

A pointer to the DestroyShaderResourceView function.

-field pfnCalcPrivateRenderTargetViewSize

A pointer to the CalcPrivateRenderTargetViewSize function.

-field pfnCreateRenderTargetView

A pointer to the CreateRenderTargetView function.

-field pfnDestroyRenderTargetView

A pointer to the DestroyRenderTargetView function.

-field pfnCalcPrivateDepthStencilViewSize

A pointer to the CalcPrivateDepthStencilViewSize function.

-field pfnCreateDepthStencilView

A pointer to the CreateDepthStencilView function.

-field pfnDestroyDepthStencilView

A pointer to the DestroyDepthStencilView function.

-field pfnCalcPrivateElementLayoutSize

A pointer to the CalcPrivateElementLayoutSize function.

-field pfnCreateElementLayout

A pointer to the CreateElementLayout function.

-field pfnDestroyElementLayout

A pointer to the DestroyElementLayout function.

-field pfnCalcPrivateBlendStateSize

A pointer to the CalcPrivateBlendStateSize function.

-field pfnCreateBlendState

A pointer to the CreateBlendState function.

-field pfnDestroyBlendState

A pointer to the DestroyBlendState function.

-field pfnCalcPrivateDepthStencilStateSize

A pointer to the CalcPrivateDepthStencilStateSize function.

-field pfnCreateDepthStencilState

A pointer to the CreateDepthStencilState function.

-field pfnDestroyDepthStencilState

A pointer to the DestroyDepthStencilState function.

-field pfnCalcPrivateRasterizerStateSize

A pointer to the CalcPrivateRasterizerStateSize function.

-field pfnCreateRasterizerState

A pointer to the CreateRasterizerState function.

-field pfnDestroyRasterizerState

A pointer to the DestroyRasterizerState function.

-field pfnCalcPrivateShaderSize

A pointer to the CalcPrivateShaderSize function.

-field pfnCreateVertexShader

A pointer to the CreateVertexShader function.

-field pfnCreateGeometryShader

A pointer to the CreateGeometryShader function.

-field pfnCreatePixelShader

A pointer to the CreatePixelShader function.

-field pfnCalcPrivateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput

A pointer to the CalcPrivateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput function.

-field pfnCreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput

A pointer to the CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput function.

-field pfnDestroyShader

A pointer to the DestroyShader function.

-field pfnCalcPrivateSamplerSize

A pointer to the CalcPrivateSamplerSize function.

-field pfnCreateSampler

A pointer to the CreateSampler function.

-field pfnDestroySampler

A pointer to the DestroySampler function.

-field pfnCalcPrivateQuerySize

A pointer to the CalcPrivateQuerySize function.

-field pfnCreateQuery

A pointer to the CreateQuery function.

-field pfnDestroyQuery

A pointer to the DestroyQuery function.

-field pfnCheckFormatSupport

A pointer to the CheckFormatSupport function.

-field pfnCheckMultisampleQualityLevels

A pointer to the CheckMultisampleQualityLevels function.

-field pfnCheckCounterInfo

A pointer to the CheckCounterInfo function.

-field pfnCheckCounter

A pointer to the CheckCounter function.

-field pfnDestroyDevice

A pointer to the DestroyDevice function.

-field pfnSetTextFilterSize

A pointer to the SetTextFilterSize function.

-field pfnResourceConvert

-field pfnResourceConvertRegion

-field pfnResetPrimitiveID

-field pfnSetVertexPipelineOutput

-field pfnDrawIndexedInstancedIndirect

A pointer to the DrawIndexedInstancedIndirect function.

-field pfnDrawInstancedIndirect

A pointer to the DrawInstancedIndirect function.

-field pfnCommandListExecute

A pointer to the CommandListExecute function.

-field pfnHsSetShaderResources

A pointer to the HsSetShaderResources function.

-field pfnHsSetShader

A pointer to the HsSetShader function.

-field pfnHsSetSamplers

A pointer to the HsSetSamplers function.

-field pfnHsSetConstantBuffers

A pointer to the HsSetConstantBuffers function.

-field pfnDsSetShaderResources

A pointer to the DsSetShaderResources function.

-field pfnDsSetShader

A pointer to the DsSetShader function.

-field pfnDsSetSamplers

A pointer to the DsSetSamplers function.

-field pfnDsSetConstantBuffers

A pointer to the DsSetConstantBuffers function.

-field pfnCreateHullShader

A pointer to the CreateHullShader function.

-field pfnCreateDomainShader

A pointer to the CreateDomainShader function.

-field pfnCheckDeferredContextHandleSizes

A pointer to the CheckDeferredContextHandleSizes function.

-field pfnCalcDeferredContextHandleSize

A pointer to the CalcDeferredContextHandleSize function.

-field pfnCalcPrivateDeferredContextSize

A pointer to the CalcPrivateDeferredContextSize function.

-field pfnCreateDeferredContext

A pointer to the CreateDeferredContext function.

-field pfnAbandonCommandList

A pointer to the AbandonCommandList function.

-field pfnCalcPrivateCommandListSize

A pointer to the CalcPrivateCommandListSize function.

-field pfnCreateCommandList

A pointer to the CreateCommandList function.

-field pfnDestroyCommandList

A pointer to the DestroyCommandList function.

-field pfnCalcPrivateTessellationShaderSize

A pointer to the CalcPrivateTessellationShaderSize function.

-field pfnPsSetShaderWithIfaces

A pointer to the PsSetShaderWithIfaces function.

-field pfnVsSetShaderWithIfaces

A pointer to the VsSetShaderWithIfaces function.

-field pfnGsSetShaderWithIfaces

A pointer to the GsSetShaderWithIfaces function.

-field pfnHsSetShaderWithIfaces

A pointer to the HsSetShaderWithIfaces function.

-field pfnDsSetShaderWithIfaces

A pointer to the DsSetShaderWithIfaces function.

-field pfnCsSetShaderWithIfaces

A pointer to the CsSetShaderWithIfaces function.

-field pfnCreateComputeShader

A pointer to the CreateComputeShader function.

-field pfnCsSetShader

A pointer to the CsSetShader function.

-field pfnCsSetShaderResources

A pointer to the CsSetShaderResources function.

-field pfnCsSetSamplers

A pointer to the CsSetSamplers function.

-field pfnCsSetConstantBuffers

A pointer to the CsSetConstantBuffers function.

-field pfnCalcPrivateUnorderedAccessViewSize

A pointer to the CalcPrivateUnorderedAccessViewSize function.

-field pfnCreateUnorderedAccessView

A pointer to the CreateUnorderedAccessView function.

-field pfnDestroyUnorderedAccessView

A pointer to the DestroyUnorderedAccessView function.

-field pfnClearUnorderedAccessViewUint

A pointer to the ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint function.

-field pfnClearUnorderedAccessViewFloat

A pointer to the ClearUnorderedAccessViewFloat function.

-field pfnCsSetUnorderedAccessViews

A pointer to the CsSetUnorderedAccessViews function.

-field pfnDispatch

A pointer to the Dispatch function.

-field pfnDispatchIndirect

A pointer to the DispatchIndirect function.

-field pfnSetResourceMinLOD

A pointer to the SetResourceMinLOD function.

-field pfnCopyStructureCount

A pointer to the CopyStructureCount function.

-field pfnRecycleCommandList

A pointer to the RecycleCommandList function.

-field pfnRecycleCreateCommandList

A pointer to the RecycleCreateCommandList function.

-field pfnRecycleCreateDeferredContext

A pointer to the RecycleCreateDeferredContext function.

-field pfnRecycleDestroyCommandList

-field pfnDiscard

A pointer to the Discard function.

-field pfnAssignDebugBinary

A pointer to the AssignDebugBinary function.

-field pfnDynamicConstantBufferMapNoOverwrite

-field pfnCheckDirectFlipSupport

A pointer to the CheckDirectFlipSupport function.

-field pfnClearView

A pointer to the ClearView function.

-field pfnUpdateTileMappings

A pointer to the UpdateTileMappings function.

-field pfnCopyTileMappings

A pointer to the CopyTileMappings function.

-field pfnCopyTiles

A pointer to the CopyTiles function.

-field pfnUpdateTiles

A pointer to the UpdateTiles function.

-field pfnTiledResourceBarrier

A pointer to the TiledResourceBarrier function.

-field pfnGetMipPacking

A pointer to the GetMipPacking function.

-field pfnResizeTilePool

A pointer to the ResizeTilePool function.

-field pfnSetMarker

A pointer to the SetMarker function.

-field pfnSetMarkerMode

A pointer to the SetMarkerMode function.

-field pfnSetHardwareProtection

A pointer to the SetHardwareProtection function.

-field pfnCalcPrivateShaderResourceViewSizeWDDM2_0

-field pfnCreateShaderResourceViewWDDM2_0

-field pfnCalcPrivateRenderTargetViewSizeWDDM2_0

-field pfnCreateRenderTargetViewWDDM2_0

-field pfnCalcPrivateQuerySizeWDDM2_0

-field pfnCreateQueryWDDM2_0

-field pfnCalcPrivateUnorderedAccessViewSizeWDDM2_0

-field pfnCreateUnorderedAccessViewWDDM2_0

-field pfnFlushWDDM2_0

-field pfnGetResourceLayout