My second GA SEI project is called Borrow Buddy.
I wanted to create an application that will allow friends to borrow household items from one another.
How many times have we all had a use for a certain item, but only need it for a one-off project, or a small amount of time?
What if you could just borrow that item from a friend? If you didn't have the space or the need for a miter saw year round, but a friend already owned one, you could just request to borrow it!
- JavaScript
- Node
- Express
- MongoDB (Atlas)
- Mongoose
- Figma
- Canva
- Heroku
Access at:
- Create OAuth/Log into Google
- AAU, I want to be able to add a new item
- AAU, I want to be able to see the full list of items that are available to be borrowed, and be able to move them from the available items list to a user's borrowed items list
- AAU, I want to be able to add, edit/update, and delete comments
- Currently my navigation menu isn't working, I had wanted a more stylized menu -I was able to sort my available items table by header, but it stopped working
- AAU, I want to select an item to borrow, remove it from the available items list, and add it to a borrowed list, attached to my username
- AAU, I want to be able to search the inventory list for a particular item
- AAU, I want to be able to delete items from my library of items that I'm willing to loan out
- AAU, i want to be able to update an item in order to express the item's condition