A pocketmine plugin implementing the legacy prison rank up system in addition to a form of prestiging.
- Download the phar here.
- Add it to your servers 'plugins' directory.
- Restart your server.
- Custom events for prestiging and ranking up.
- Add permissions, remove permissions and run commands when ranking up and prestiging via the config.
- Chat formatting via purechat.
- A scorehud addon for the new version of scorehud.
- Written in libasyncsql in order to improve performance.
- Compatible with both sqlite3 and mysql.
- /prestige - Reset your rank and multiply your rank up price by a specified amount.
- /rankup - Rank up to the next rank.
default: op
description: Allows access to all prison commands.
default: true
description: Allows user to use /rankup.
default: true
description: Allows players to use /prestige.
default: op
description: Allows players to mine/place blocks in areas that are not mine areas.
- Pureperms and Minereset are required for this plugin to operate.
- Scorehud and PrisonScore and required if you wish to implement scorehud tags.
- Purechat is required if you wish to implement a players rank and prestige into your chat format, use {PRISON_RANK} for the players prison rank and {PRISON_PRESTIGE} for their prestige.
- Version 2.0 of prisons has been written in a libasyncsql in order to reduce lag and align with poggit standards hopefully reducing stress on the main thread.
- Prisons now runs using custom player classes of some sort and also an event based system.
Here's an example of me getting and setting the prestige and rank of a player.
declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace TPE\Test;
use TPE\Prisons\Prisons;
use pocketmine\Player;
use TPE\Prisons\PrisonPlayer;
class TestPlugin extends PluginBase {
public function onEnable() {
// enabled
public function getPrisonPlayer(Player $player) : ?PrisonPlayer {
return Prisons::get()->getPlayerManager()->getPlayer($player) ?? null;
public function getPrisonRank(PrisonPlayer $player) : ?string {
return $player->getPrisonRank() ?? null;
// returns the prison rank of a player e.g 'a'.
public function setPrisonRank(PrisonPlayer $player, string $rank) : void {
// sets the prison rank to whatever '$rank' is
public function getPrestige(PrisonPlayer $player) : ?int {
return $player->getPrestige() ?? null;
// returns the prestige of a player, by default this is 0.
public function setPrestige(PrisonPlayer $player, int $prestige) : void {
// sets a players prestige to whatever '$prestige' is.
Keep in mind that none of those functions are implemented into this plugin, you create them yourself.
- In addition to that we have created some none cancellable events you can listen for when players rank up and prestige.
declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace TPE\Test;
use pocketmine\event\Listener;
use TPE\Prisons\Listener\PrisonListener\PrisonRankUpEvent;
use TPE\Prisons\Listener\PrisonListener\PrisonPrestigeEvent;
class EventListener implements Listener {
public function onRankUp(PrisonRankUpEvent $event) : void {
$player = $event->getPlayer(); // returns a 'Player' instance, not a 'PrisonPlayer' instance.
$currentRank = $event->getCurrentRank(); // returns a string representing the current rank of a player.
$newRank = $event->getNewRank(); // returns a string representing what the players rank will be set to when the event executes.
$addedperms = $event->getAddedPermissions(); // returns a string array representing all added permissions for the specific rankup.
$removedperms = $event->getRemovedPermissions(); // returns a string array representing all removed permissions for the specific rankup.
$commands = $event->getCommands(); // returns a string array of all commands ran during rankup.
$event->setAddedPermissions(["prisons.*"]); // sets the added permissions for that specific players rankup to 'prisons.*', you can specify multiple.
$event->setRemovedPermissions(["prisons.prestige"]); // sets the removed permissions for that specific players rankup to 'prisons.prestige'.
$event->setCommands(["say {PLAYER} has ranked up to {$newRank!"}]); // within all commands use {PLAYER} to represent the player in the event.
public function onPrestige(PrisonPrestigeEvent $event) {
$player = $event->getPlayer(); // returns a 'Player' instance, not a 'PrisonPlayer' instance.
$currentPrestige = $event->getCurrentPrestige; // returns an int representing the current prestige of a player.
$newPrestige = $event->getNewPrestige(); // returns an int representing what the players prestige will be set to when the event executes.
$addedperms = $event->getAddedPermissions(); // returns a string array representing all added permissions for the specific prestige.
$removedperms = $event->getRemovedPermissions(); // returns a string array representing all removed permissions for the specific prestige.
$commands = $event->getCommands(); // returns a string array of all commands ran during prestige.
$event->setAddedPermissions(["prisons.*"]); // sets the added permissions for that specific players prestige to 'prisons.*', you can specify multiple.
$event->setRemovedPermissions(["prisons.prestige"]); // sets the removed permissions for that specific players prestige to 'prisons.prestige'.
$event->setCommands(["say {PLAYER} has prestiged to {$newPrestige!"}]); // within all commands use {PLAYER} to represent the player in the event.
Contact me on discord TPE#1061
if you have any further queries related to this plugin.