RCS is a risk control system for complete process, contains data-flow and customizable rules.
- Microservices.
- Asyncio everywhere.
- Full process for risk control. Defined rule and runer, receive data from api, clean and distribute data to rule engine, match rule and save punishment record.
- Customizable rules by simple and convenient http API.
- SceneScript, rule runner, simple use and wrote by Python for developers.
- Caches by modified retrieve method which get data from db.
- RabbitMQ for message queue.
- fastapi asynchronous http api.
- odmantic asynchronous ODM for MongoDB.
- aio-pika asynchronous rabbitMQ support.
Event gateway. Pre-processing data.
Processing data flow, saving event data snapshot, calculate aggregate data, trigger rules.
Rule checking and building. Simple rule engine wrote by Python.
Rule runner for Scene(pre-defined rules).
- MongoDB export/import
os CMD,not mongo Shell
mongodump --port 27017 -u "RCSAccess" -p "c972745e8083bc5226e07f54f4d2b8ab71db3425ee2dac05811c162759628171" --authenticationDatabase "admin" --db RCSAccess --collection scene --archive=gz --gizp
mongorestore --uri="mongodb://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT" --archive=backup.tgz
- MongoDB timezone is UTC,remember to convert it to local time(tool at