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The Bro Java to Native Bridge

florianf edited this page Nov 18, 2017 · 1 revision

The Bro Java to Native Bridge

Bro is a RoboVM specific API that enables Java code to call directly into native code without using JNI. It has been inspired by JNA, BridJ and .NET's P/Invoke.

Bro is the Swedish word for bridge and is pronounced broo.

We'll introduce bro with a simple example:

import org.robovm.rt.bro.*;
import org.robovm.rt.bro.annotation.*;

@Library("c") // [1]
public class Abs {
    static {
        Bro.bind(); // [3]
    @Bridge private static native int abs(int i); // [2]
    public static void main(String[] args) {
  1. The @Library annotation tells Bro to look for symbols in the libc system library. Bro will prepend lib and append .so to the specified library name when searching for a matching library

  2. The @Bridge annotated Abs.abs() method will bind to the native abs() function in libc.

  3. The Bro.bind() call initiates the lookup of native functions and binds them to the corresponding @Bridge annotated methods. This process relies on dlopen() and dlsym() to find matching symbols.

Primitive type marshaling

Primitive Java types

Native integer types (e.g. char, int32_t, float) are mapped to Java integer types of the same size:

Java Bits Example C type *
byte 8 char, uint8_t
short 16 short
char 16 uint16_t
int 32 int, int32_t
long 64 long long, int64_t
float 32 float
double 64 double

* Depends on compiler and platform

NOTE: Unsigned types (e.g. uint32_t) are mapped to the signed Java type of the same bit size.

Platform dependent primitive types

Some native types have varying bit sizes depending on the target platform. E.g. the C long type is usually a 32-bit integer on 32-bit platforms but a 64-bit integer on 64-bit platforms. To support such types Bro provides three different annotations:


@MachineSizedFloat is used to bind floating point types which are 32-bit on 32-bit platforms and 64-bit on 64-bit platforms. The CGFloat type in Apple's Cocoa and CocoaTouch APIs is an example of such a type. CGFloat is bound using @MachineSizedFloat double in RoboVM's CocoaTouch bindings. On the Java side the value is kept in a float or double and Bro will take care of the native<-->Java conversion.

Example usage:

The C function which returns x^y^ of a CGFloat value

CGFloat pow(CGFloat x, CGFloat y);

would be bound like this using Bro:

public native @MachineSizedFloat double pow(
    @MachineSizedFloat double x,
    @MachineSizedFloat double y);

NOTE: The method parameter or return type annotated with @MachineSizedFloat must either have the Java type float or double.

CAUTION: When using @MachineSizedFloat float on 64-bit platforms Bro will cast the native value from a 64-bit double to a 32-bit float value when converting a native value to a Java value. This operation may result in loss of precision. The same situation occurs when using @MachineSizedFloat double on 32-bit platforms and passing a Java value to native code.


@MachineSizedSInt is used to bind signed integer types which are 32-bit on 32-bit platforms and 64-bit on 64-bit platforms. The NSInteger type in Apple's Cocoa and CocoaTouch APIs is an example of such a type. NSInteger is bound using @MachineSizedSInt long in RoboVM's CocoaTouch bindings. On the Java side the value is always kept in a long and Bro will take care of the native<-->Java conversion.

Example usage:

The C function which returns the asbolute of an NSInteger value

NSInteger abs(NSInteger v);

would be bound like this using Bro:

public native @MachineSizedSInt long abs(
    @MachineSizedSInt long v);

NOTE: The method parameter or return type annotated with @MachineSizedSInt must have the Java type long.


@MachineSizedUInt is used to bind signed integer types which are 32-bit on 32-bit platforms and 64-bit on 64-bit platforms. The NSUInteger type in Apple's Cocoa and CocoaTouch APIs is an example of such a type. NSUInteger is bound using @MachineSizedUInt long in RoboVM's CocoaTouch bindings. On the Java side the value is always kept in a long and Bro will take care of the native<-->Java conversion.

Example usage:

The C function which returns the max of two NSUInteger values

NSUInteger max(NSUInteger a, NSUInteger b);

would be bound like this using Bro:

public native @MachineSizedUInt long max(
    @MachineSizedUInt long a,
    @MachineSizedUInt long b);

NOTE: The method parameter or return type annotated with @MachineSizedUInt must have the Java type long.


Pointers are passed as Java long values annotated with the Bro @Pointer annotation. The Bro compiler will handle the 64-bit <--> 32-bit conversions on 32-bit platforms.

Example usage:

The C malloc() function

void *malloc(size_t size);

could be bound like this using Bro:

public native @Pointer long malloc(
    @MachineSizedUInt long size);

Primitive type pointer classes

Bro provides special pointer classes for each of the Java primitive types which makes it easier to work with pointers to primitive types. Using these classes facilitates converting between Java arrays of primitives and native memory, converting pointers to direct java.nio.Buffer instances and more. These classes are located in the org.robovm.rt.bro.ptr package.

Example of using the BytePtr class:

The C getenv() function

char *getenv(const char *name);

can be bound like this using Bro in RoboVM:

public native BytePtr getenv(BytePtr name);

And used like this to print out the value of $HOME:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    BytePtr value = getenv(BytePtr.toBytePtrAsciiZ("HOME"));


C struct types are mapped to Java by extending the bro Struct class. Each member of the C struct is bound using a getter method and a setter method that must be native and annotated with the bro @StructMember annotation. The @StructMember annotation specifies the index of the member in the struct. The getter method must take 0 parameters and return some value while the setter method must take 1 parameter of the same type as the getter returns. The return type for the setter must either be void or the Struct class it belongs to.

TIP: The names of the getter and setter methods don't have to follow the Java Beans style convention for Java Beans properties.

TIP: If the setter method is declared as returning an instance of the Struct class it belongs to the Bro compiler will make it return this making it possible to chain setter method calls.

Example struct:

The C struct timeval

struct timeval {
    time_t       tv_sec;   /* seconds since Jan. 1, 1970 */
    suseconds_t  tv_usec;  /* and microseconds */

can be bound like this using Bro in RoboVM:

public class Timeval extends Struct<Timeval> {
    @StructMember(0) public native int tv_sec();
    @StructMember(0) public native Timeval tv_sec(int i);
    @StructMember(1) public native int tv_usec();
    @StructMember(1) public native Timeval tv_usec(int i);

And used like this to call gettimeofday():

@Bridge static native int gettimeofday(Timeval tp, VoidPtr tzp);
public static void main(String[] args) {
    Timeval t = new Timeval();
    gettimeofday(t, null);
    System.out.format("Seconds since epoch: %d\n", t.tv_sec());


The size in bytes of a Struct can easily be queried by calling the static sizeOf() method on the Struct sub-class:

public class CGRect extends Struct<CGRect> { ... }
System.out.format("sizeof(CGRect) = %d\n", CGRect.sizeOf());

@ByRef and @ByVal

The @ByRef and @ByVal annotations can be used to control how a Struct object is returned from a method or passed as a parameter to a method. @ByRef means pass as pointer and is the default. @ByVal means pass by value. The default can be changed to @ByVal for a particular Struct class by annotating the class with @ByVal:

public class Person extends Struct<Person> { ... }

Nested structs

Struct classes can contain other Struct objects as members, either by value or by reference (i.e. by pointer). The default is @ByRef with the same possibilities to override the default as for methods.

Below is an example of how the CocoaTouch struct CGRect type is mapped to Java in the RoboVM Cocoa Touch bindings. A CGRect has two members: the origin is a CGPoint struct and the size is a CGSize struct.

struct CGRect {
    CGPoint origin;
    CGSize  size;
public class CGRect extends Struct<CGRect> {
    public CGRect() {}
    public CGRect(float x, float y, float width, float height) {
    public CGRect(CGPoint origin, CGSize size) {
    @StructMember(0) public native @ByVal CGPoint origin();
    @StructMember(0) public native CGRect origin(@ByVal CGPoint origin);
    @StructMember(1) public native @ByVal CGSize size();
    @StructMember(1) public native CGRect size(@ByVal CGSize size);


A C union is bound just like a C struct but has overlapping @StructMember indexes:

union TestUnion {
    int i;
    short s1;
    short s2;
public class TestUnion extends Struct<TestUnion> {
    @StructMember(0) public native int i();
    @StructMember(0) public native TestUnion i(int i);
    @StructMember(0) public native short s1();
    @StructMember(0) public native TestUnion s1(short s1);
    @StructMember(0) public native short s2();
    @StructMember(0) public native TestUnion s2(short s2);

Native array members

Bro provides the @Array annotation which is used to bind array struct members. The @Array annotation specifies the dimensions of the member's type. Space large enough to hold a native array of the specified type and dimensions will be reserved inside the struct.

Single-dimensional array:

struct Vector {
    int values[3];
public class Vector extends Struct<Vector> {
    public native @Array(3) int[] values();
    public native Vector values(@Array(3) int[] values);

Multi-dimensional array:

struct Matrix {
    int values[1, 2, 3];
public class Matrix extends Struct<Matrix> {
    public native @Array({1, 2, 3}) int[][][] values();
    public native Matrix values(@Array({1, 2, 3}) int[][][] values);

NOTE: The native data will be copied to and from the int[] and int[][][] arrays in these examples. Changes in the Java arrays will not be directly reflected in the native data. The setter has to be called to update the native data.

An alternative to using Java arrays is to use a sub-class of java.nio.Buffer instead:

Single-dimensional array:

struct Vector {
    int values[3];
public class Vector extends Struct<Vector> {
    public native @Array(3) IntBuffer values();
    public native Vector values(@Array(3) IntBuffer values);

Multi-dimensional array:

struct Matrix {
    int values[1, 2, 3];
public class Matrix extends Struct<Matrix> {
    public native @Array({1, 2, 3}) IntBuffer values();
    public native Matrix values(@Array({1, 2, 3}) IntBuffer values);

NOTE: The buffer's capacity() will be restricted to the dimension of the array. For multi-dimensional arrays this is the product of the dimensions, 123=6 for the Matrix example.

A third option is to use one of the pointer classes in the org.robovm.rt.bro.ptr package:

Single-dimensional array:

struct Vector {
    int values[3];
public class Vector extends Struct<Vector> {
    public native @Array(3) IntPtr values();
    public native Vector values(@Array(3) IntPtr values);

Multi-dimensional array:

struct Matrix {
    int values[1, 2, 3];
public class Matrix extends Struct<Matrix> {
    public native @Array({1, 2, 3}) IntPtr values();
    public native Matrix values(@Array({1, 2, 3}) IntPtr values);

It's also possible to have arrays of structs in a Struct:

struct Color {
    char r; char g; char b;
struct Gradient {
    Color stops[3];
public class Color extends Struct<Color> { ... }
public class Gradient extends Struct<Gradient> {
    @StructMember(0) public native @Array(3) Color[] stops();
    @StructMember(0) public native Gradient stops(@Array(3) Color[] stops);

Unbounded native array members

For unbounded native array members one should use one of the pointer classes in the org.robovm.rt.bro.ptr package combined with the @ByVal annotation:

struct PascalString {
    int length;
    char chars[];
public class PascalString extends Struct<PascalString> {
    @StructMember(0) public native int length();
    @StructMember(0) public native PascalString length(int length);
    @StructMember(0) public native @ByVal BytePtr chars();

NOTE: There's no setter for the chars member as that would have required the length to be known at compile time. Setting the individual bytes of chars has to be done through the BytePtr returned by the getter.

Struct memory handling

When creating an instance of a Struct class Bro actually allocates two memory regions: one for the Java object and one for the actual struct data. The default is to allocate the struct data on the Java heap. There are two way to make sure that the underlying struct data is allocated on the GCed heap:

CGRect r = new CGRect();
CGRect r = Struct.allocate(CGRect.class);

This means that the data will be garbage collected when the garbage collector determines that the struct data isn't referenced from any other memory allocated on the garbage collected heap.

Allocating struct data on the GCed heap won't work for native code that holds on to a pointer to the struct data beyond a Java call into a native function since the native heap is not searched by the garbage collector. If the native side assumes ownership of the data and later frees it by a call to free() the Java side has to use malloc() to allocate it on the native heap:

CGRect r = Struct.malloc(CGRect.class);

CAUTION: If the native side holds on to a memory region allocated on the GCed heap care must be taken on the Java side to make sure that the memory isn't collected until the native side is done with it. As long as the Java Struct instance is referenced on the Java side the struct data can't be collected.

TIP: The memory region allocated to hold a struct's data will always be zeroed out regardless of whether using the Java heap or the native heap.

Native arrays

This allocates an array of 10 CGRect instances:

public class CGRect extends Struct<CGRect> { ... }
CGRect l = Struct.allocate(CGRect.class, 10);

This allocates a contiguous memory region big enough to hold 10 CGRect instances. The Struct class defines a number of methods that can be used to iterate over these, e.g. next() and previous().

Struct also implements the Iterable interface:

for (CGRect r : l) {
    if (<some condition>) {

CAUTION: The Iterator used when for-looping like this is unbounded so a break is required to finish the loop.

The BytePtr class and the other pointer classes in org.robovm.rt.bro.ptr are in fact Struct classes so to allocate a native array of 100 int values one could do:

IntPtr myInts = Struct.allocate(IntPtr.class, 100);


Simple C enum constants are mapped using Java Enum types which implement the bro ValuedEnum interface. Here's an example:

enum {
public enum NSTextAlignment implements ValuedEnum {
    Left(0), Center(1), Right(2),
    Justified(3), Natural(4);

    private final long n;

    private NSTextAlignment(long n) { this.n = n; }
    public long value() { return n; }
    public static NSTextAlignment valueOf(long n) {
        for (NSTextAlignment v : values()) {
            if (v.n == n) {
                return v;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "No constant with value " + n + " found in "
                + NSTextAlignment.class.getName());

By default Bro marshals a ValuedEnum as a signed 32-bit value. The default can be changed by specifying an explicit @Marshaler on the enum type. Here's how to marshal NSTextAlignment values as platform dependent (32-bit on 32-bit platforms, 64-bit on 64-bit platforms) signed integer values:

Overriding the default marshaler for a ValuedEnum:
public enum NSTextAlignment implements ValuedEnum {

There are ValuedEnum marshalers for marshaling signed and unsigned 8-, 16-, 32- and 64-bit integer values. They are all available as inner classes in the ValuedEnum interface.

TIP: The @Marshaler annotation can also be placed on a particular method return type or parameter type to only change the marshaler for that specific value.


Bro provides a class called Bits that can be used to bind bitmask constants:

enum {
    UIPopoverArrowDirectionUp    = 1UL << 0,
    UIPopoverArrowDirectionDown  = 1UL << 1,
    UIPopoverArrowDirectionLeft  = 1UL << 2,
    UIPopoverArrowDirectionRight = 1UL << 3,
public final class UIPopoverArrowDirection
        extends Bits<UIPopoverArrowDirection> {

    public static final UIPopoverArrowDirection None =
            new UIPopoverArrowDirection(0L);
    public static final UIPopoverArrowDirection Up =
            new UIPopoverArrowDirection(1L);
    public static final UIPopoverArrowDirection Down =
            new UIPopoverArrowDirection(2L);
    public static final UIPopoverArrowDirection Left =
            new UIPopoverArrowDirection(4L);
    public static final UIPopoverArrowDirection Right =
            new UIPopoverArrowDirection(8L);

    private static final UIPopoverArrowDirection[] values =

    public UIPopoverArrowDirection(long value) { super(value); }
    private UIPopoverArrowDirection(long value, long mask) {
        super(value, mask);
    protected UIPopoverArrowDirection wrap(long value, long mask) {
        return new UIPopoverArrowDirection(value, mask);
    protected UIPopoverArrowDirection[] _values() {
        return values;
    public static UIPopoverArrowDirection[] values() {
        return values.clone();

Bits values can be ORed using the Bits.with(...) methods in a manner very similar to how java.util.EnumSet.of(...) works:

int upDown = UIPopoverArrowDirectionUp | UIPopoverArrowDirectionDown;
UIPopoverArrowDirection upDown = UIPopoverArrowDirection.with(
    UIPopoverArrowDirection.Up, UIPopoverArrowDirection.Down);

TIP: Bits types is the preferred way to bind bitmasks since it provides some degree of type-safety and an easier to understand API. It does however impose a performance penalty compared to using public static final constants.

By default Bro marshals a Bits instance as an unsigned 32-bit value. The default can be changed by specifying an explicit @Marshaler on the class. Here's how to marshal UIPopoverArrowDirection values as platform dependent (32-bit on 32-bit platforms, 64-bit on 64-bit platforms) unsigned integer values:

Overriding the default marshaler for a Bits:
public final class UIPopoverArrowDirection
        extends Bits<UIPopoverArrowDirection> {

There are Bits marshalers for marshaling unsigned 8-, 16-, 32- and 64-bit integer values. They are all available as inner classes in the Bits interface.

TIP: The @Marshaler annotation can also be placed on a particular method return type or parameter type to only change the marshaler for that specific value.

Type marshalers

Type marshalers are used by Bro to convert from native types into Java types and vice versa.

Pointer marshalers

Pointer marshalers marshal pointers to native objects to/from some Java object that wraps that pointer. The general contract for a pointer marshaler class looks like this:

public class MyTypeMarshaler {
    public static MyType toObject(Class<?> cls, long handle, long flags) {
    public static long toNative(MyType o, long flags) {

This marshaler marshals MyType instances to/from native pointers (handle). Bro uses the signatures of the @MarshalsPointer methods to determine whether it is a method which marshals Java->native or native->Java. The Java type it can handle is determined by the signature (MyType in this case).

The cls parameter specifies the actual Class used at the marshaling site. The passed in Class is assignment compatible with the MyType class or interface.

The flags parameter gives some information on the call site. The possible values are defined by MarshalerFlags class.

TIP: Marshaler method names are unimportant, the signatures are what matters.

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