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Ivan Beschastnikh edited this page May 4, 2015 · 1 revision


The .hgrc file is typically located in your home folder (i.e, in ~/). It customizes the behavior of the hg command. You can find out more about this file here.


Note: replace the tokens FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, and EMAIL below with appropriate values.

shelve =
color =
hgext.convert =
hgext.graphlog = 
fetch =
pager =
progress =
hgext.purge =

pager = LESS='FSRX' less
ignore = version, help, update, serve, record

# Use compression:
ssh = ssh -C

status.modified = yellow
status.added = green
status.removed = red
status.deleted = magenta
status.unknown = cyan
status.ignored = cyan
diff.diffline = bold
diff.extended = cyan bold
diff.file_a = red bold
diff.file_b = green bold
diff.hunk = yellow
diff.deleted = red
diff.inserted = green
diff.changed = white
diff.trailingwhitespace = bold red_background