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Customer Churn Prediction

📋 This project focuses on predicting customer churn using a RandomForestClassifier.


The goal of this project is to build a predictive model that can accurately predict customer churn. Customer churn refers to the phenomenon where customers stop using a product or service. By identifying customers who are likely to churn, businesses can take proactive measures to retain them and reduce churn rate.


📊 The dataset used for this project is dataset.csv. It contains various customer attributes such as gender, tenure, monthly charges, and churn status.


🔧 The project workflow can be summarized as follows:

  1. Data Preprocessing: The dataset is preprocessed to handle missing values, convert data types, and encode categorical variables.

  2. Feature Engineering: The features are transformed and prepared for model training using OneHotEncoder and LabelEncoder.

  3. Data Balancing: The dataset is balanced using the SMOTE technique to address class imbalance.

  4. Model Training: A RandomForestClassifier model is built using a pipeline that includes data standardization.

  5. Model Evaluation: The model is evaluated using accuracy score and classification report on the test set.

  6. Hyperparameter Tuning: GridSearchCV is used to find the best hyperparameters for the RandomForestClassifier model.

  7. Saving the Model: The best model is saved as a pickle file (model.pkl) for future use.

How to Run

🚀 To run the project:

  1. Install the required libraries using pip install -r requirements.txt.

  2. Run the script to train the model and save it.

  3. Use the saved model to make predictions on new data.


📊 The best model achieved an accuracy score of XX% on the test set. It shows promising performance in predicting customer churn.

Future Improvements

🔍 Further improvements can be made to enhance the model's performance:

  • Explore additional feature engineering techniques to capture more predictive information.
  • Experiment with different machine learning algorithms to compare performance.
  • Collect more data to improve the model's accuracy and generalization.

📚 Feel free to contribute to this project by suggesting improvements or adding new features!