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This is a django-project which includes multiple useful features that can be used for educational purposes and beginners.

Setup and run

To run the project in development mode:

  • Install git and python3

  • Clone and cd to the project:

git clone && cd SampleProject-django/
  • Create and activate a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv env
# then:
source env/bin/activate
  • On windows:
python -m venv env
# then:
  • Install required packages:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Create database tables:
python3 ./ migrate
  • run:
python3 ./ runserver

The project will be running on this address: add it to your browser search path and you will be able to see your own version of the project running locally.

To add content to the site you need to get into the admin panel, for this follow these steps below:

  • Create a super user:
python3 ./ createsuperuser
  • Login to this address using the user you created before and add your content


This is a free software published under the MIT LICENSE, feel free to copy, modify, fork, override, change or do whatever you want. check the LICENSE file for more information.