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A jQuery plugin that parses and displays data from epgp.lua file created by the World of Warcraft EPGP addon (

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##Features (demo)

  • Parse epgp.lua file created by the World of Warcraft EPGP addon ( using javascript/jQuery only.
  • Display results as a table of standings, loot or both.
  • Adjust EPGP or Loot slider to show EP changes, GP changes & loot from a set number of days from the snapshot.
  • Loot links to wowhead show item quality color and tooltips.
  • Choose from either a dark or light stylesheet, or make your own.
  • Language options added to allow easy modification.

##Usage & Options (defaults)


// Optional Language Options
var languageOptions = {
 wowhead       : 'www',               // 'de' = Deutsch, 'www' = English, 'es' = Espanol, 'fr' = Francais, 'ru' = russian
 lootTitle     : 'Loot History for ', // Standings loot tooltip
 nameTitle     : 'Name',              // Standings table
 timeTitle     : 'Time',              // Loot table & tooltip
 dateTitle     : 'Date',              // Standings Date
 memberTitle   : 'Member',            // Loot table 
 itemTitle     : 'Item',              // Loot table & tooltip
 lastItemTitle : 'Last Item',         // Standings
 baseGPTitle   : 'BaseGP',            // Standings
 minEPTitle    : 'MinEP',             // Standings
 decayTitle    : 'Decay',             // Standings
 extrasTitle   : 'Extras',            // Standings
 epgpSlider    : 'EPGP ({days} days from snapshot)', // {days} will be replaced by the current slider position
 lootSlider    : 'Loot ({days} days from snapshot)', // {days} will be replaced by the current slider position
 noData        : 'No Data Found!',
 noGuild       : 'Guild Not Found!'
// end optional language options

 // EPGP Standings table options
 epgpfile         : 'epgp.lua',        // epgp.lua file name
 guild            : 'Wolfpax',         // Guild name (include capital letters and any spaces in the name)
 startEpgpHistory : 7,                 // EPGP Standings History - initial number of days to show prior to snapshot
 startLootHistory : 7,                 // Loot History - initial number of days to show prior to snapshot
 addSliders       : true,              // Add slider to adjust the changes in ep/gp (green & red values) or the loot history popup
 maxHistory       : 30,                // Slider max number of days.
 baseGP           : '1000',            // Base GP
 minEP            : '1000',            // Minimum EP
 decay            : '15',              // Decay
 extras           : '100%',            // Extras - set here because it's not in the lua
 lootIcon         : 'images/plus.gif', // Icon to hover over to see a list of recent loot, styled in the css
 sort             : [3,1],             // sort table by 3rd column (PR column, 0 indexed) in descending order (1).

 // Loot table only options (includes startLootHistory above)
 lootOnly         : false,             // if true, will only display a loot history table
 raidTime         : 4,                 // Approximate raid time in hours (substracted from snapshot time to ensure loot drops are included)
 fixClass         : []                 // fix class for toon not in the database (alt in a different guild), use as follows:
                                       // add a name: var x = []; x['Toon Name'] = 'class';
                                       // 'Toon Name' should be the exact name you see in the table (include capitals & spaces)
                                       // class = character class or defined CSS class (so you can add any color)
                                       // initialize script $(selector).epgp({ fixClass: x });
}, languageOptions);                   // remove ", languageOptions" if you aren't using them


Standings Table / Loot Table (use unique ID if both are on the same page):

<div id="epgp"></div>


Version 1.3 (3/11/2011)

  • Updated to work with jQuery 1.5+.
  • Fixed PR column sorting.

Version 1.2 (12/13/2010)

  • Updated to work with epgp addon v5.5.22.
  • Added options to set decay, baseGP and minEP which was removed from the lua in this latest version.
  • Added language options to change the text output in the tables.
  • Added wowhead option inside the language option to change the wowhead links to match the language.

Version 1.1 (9/19/2010)

  • Internalized Standings header & table HTML and sliders
  • Added slider options - addSliders & maxHistory

Version 1.0 (8/25/2010)

  • Epgp script posted on github.


A jQuery plugin that parses and displays data from epgp.lua file created by the World of Warcraft EPGP addon (






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