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Transfer Types119

Mowmaster edited this page Jun 22, 2022 · 1 revision

Pedestals are very useful blocks, that can transport around more then just items.

  • If you come from MC 1.16, and have used my other Pedestals for 1.16 You might have some experience with how they transport items, and either energy/fluid/ or xp when they have a specific upgrade on them.
  • HOWEVER NOW this is no longer a thing, Pedestals 1.19+ can now transport Items, Fluid, Energy, and Experience simultaneously!


Transport Types

  • Items (Any items) Displayed with the item rotating on top of the pedestal
  • Fluids (Any fluid, including the custom Immersive Engineering Potion Fluids) Pedestal emits a BLUE particle when fluid is present
  • Energy (This is RF, which a majority of tech mods use as their energy source) Pedestal emits a RED particle when energy is present
  • Experience (This is MowLib Specific Experience, There will be a way to convert other mods 'xp' into Experience later) Pedestal emits a GREEN particle when experience is present
  • Gasses ??? (Not currently Implemented, but might be possible later if mods with gasses are ported to 1.19+)



Getting Started
Info For Pack Devs


Getting Started
Machine Upgrades
Functional Upgrades
Item Transport
(Green Border) Exp Upgrades
(Red Border) Energy Upgrades
(Blue Border) Fluid Upgrades
(Purple Border) Ender Upgrades
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