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Table of Contents

  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Roadmap
  4. Contributing
  5. License
  6. Contact

About The Project

Aiming to make getting input from users easier, better inputs tries to provide a collection of classes to get input from users. With this API we hope that getting input from an user can be as easy as creating a simple command.

Built With

Getting Started

To get a local copy you only need to download it from Spigot or if you want to get the Source just fork this repository or download it as zip.


To install the plugin you only need to do following steps:

  1. Download the plugin
  2. Put it into your server's plugin folder
  3. Start or reload your server
  4. Enjoy the plugin!



To get started with maven you first need to setup your environment to get access to the api maven package. To do that simply go into your .m2 folder which can be found at %appData%\..\..\.m2 (Open Run on Windows and just paste the path into there and click Ok). Afterwards if the file doesn't exist yet create the file settings.xml in the folder. Then put following stuff into the file:

<settings xmlns=""




Now replace YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME with your github username.
Then go to your Github account settings and scroll down until you see Developer settings.
Go into the Developer settings and then click on Personal access tokens.
Once you are there click on the Generate new token button.
I would recommend you to enter Maven packages into the Note field and set the epiration to No expiration.
Then you need to enable repo:status and read:packages.
Once you enabled those click on Generate Token at the bottom.
Now github should show you the token, simply copy the token and replace A_GITHUB_TOKEN with it.
The token can be used for multiple servers so if you want to have access to another repository hosted on github simply copy the github0 repository replace MrNemo64 with the authors' name and copy the github0 server. Be sure to rename the repository and server id to for example github1 or something similar (they have to match up).

Once this is setup you can simply add the dependency like this in your pom.xml:


You can get the latest version here


Using the api to get input

package me.nemo_64.betterinputs.example;

import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.registry.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.*;

public final class ExampleClass {

  public static void expandedExample(BetterInputs api, Object actor) {
    // Create a input builder
    InputBuilder<String> builder = api.createInput(String.class);
    // Specify the input provider type that you want to use
    // Depedening on what is available you might get a exception later
    // Default types are:
    // - betterinputs:input/chat
    // - betterinputs:input/anvil
    // - betterinputs:input/command_block
    // Please note that the anvil and command_block input only work on
    // 1.16+ as they require some packet trickery, chat however is guaranteed
    // if BetterInputs is installed on your server
    // We will use the anvil input type as it helps to show everything better
    // Now simply add the actor
    // Please note that you can't just put anything in here
    // If the actor is not available on the platform then it just won't work
    // On bukkit everything that is a CommandSender will work though;
    // Now you can add parameters
    // All default input types do not need any parameters but you can still provide some
    // Check out the default input types at
    builder.param("name", "Our Anvil Input");
    builder.param("item", "Placeholder Text");
    // Now you can add a cancel listener
    // This step is not required and can theoretically be ignored
    builder.cancelListener((provider, reason) -> {
      provider.getActor().sendMessage("Cancelled because '" + reason + "'!");
    // Lastly we can provide a exception handler
    // I would recommend adding the exception handler but it's not required
    builder.execeptionHandler((throwable) -> {
      // TODO: Handle exception here
    // Now that our builder is fully configured we can get our InputProvider
    // Calling InputBuilder.provider() might cause some exceptions to arise if you made a mistake
    // This includes:
    // - Providing an invalid actor or no actor at all
    // - Trying to get a not valid input provider type
    InputProvider<String> provider = builder.provide();
    // Now that the process is created we can do a couple other things before starting it
    // Like adding modifiers
    // The timeout modifier will just cancel the process once the time is up
    // It works with ticks and therefore uses a class called TickUnit which can convert all
    // provided time units to ticks
    provider.withModifier(new TimeoutModifier(30, TickUnit.SECOND));
    // There is also the attempt modifier which has to be implemented by the input provider
    // The attempt modifier is there to validate the if a input attempt is acceptable
    // If the X attempts (in this case 5) were not acceptable it will cancel the input process
    // The last argument of this modifier is optional and can be removed
    // Its only purpose is to customize the message sent to the owning actor
    // There is a default function for it but null is not accepted
    provider.withModifier(new AttemptModifier(5, (string) -> string.endsWith("!"), (actor) -> actor.sendMessage("Please enter a valid string!")));
    // Lastly we can provide a modifier exception handler
    // Basically a handler for any exception which is thrown by any of our modifiers
    provider.withModifierExceptionHandler((modifier, exception) -> {
      // TODO: Handle modifier exception here
    // Okay now lets start the input process
    // The first call to this function starts it
    // Every other call will just get the future
    StagedFuture<String> future = provider.asFuture();
    // To get the value now simply accept it like this:
    future.thenAccept(string -> {
      // TODO: Do stuff with the value
    // You can theoretically also transform it or work with other different things here at the end
    // We basically used the CompletableFuture class by Java but with small improvements

  public static void compactExample(BetterInputs api, Object actor) {
    // Now lets do this in the more intended way of this api
    // The compact "easy" way
      .param("name", "Our Anvil Input")
      .param("item", "Placeholder Text")
      .cancelListener((provider, reason) -> {
        provider.getActor().sendMessage("Cancelled because '" + reason + "'!");
      }).exceptionHandler((throwable) -> {
        // TODO: Handle exception here
        .withModifier(new TimeoutModifier(30, TickUnit.SECOND))
        // I won't be using a custom message supplier here
        .withModifier(new AttemptModifier(5, (string) -> string.endsWith("!")))
        .withModifierExceptionHandler((modifier, exception) -> {
          // TODO: Handle modifier exception here
        .asFuture().thenAccept((string) -> {
          // TODO: Do stuff with the value


Using the api to provide input

The basics to providing input is done with two classes:

  1. The input class itself
package me.nemo_64.betterinputs.example;

import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.registry.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.*;

public final class ExampleInput extends AbstractInput<String> {

  protected void onStart(InputProvider<String> provider, IPlatformActor<?> actor){
    // Here the input process is started
    // We recommend doing your start logic here and not in the constructor
    // As everything before here is not guaranteed to be started

    // To complete the input you have to call:
    // completeValue(V); where the value is the type of your input or null (in this case a String)
    // or
    // completeException(Throwable); where the value is an exception
    // If you need to access the input provider somewhere that is not in this method
    // then you can just use AbstractInput.provider(); the method is publicly available
    // and works if you well got an input instance so just pass the input instance around I guess

  // This doesn't need to be here
  // But it would be best to add an implementation of it
  // So people can cancel their input process if they just don't need it anymore
  protected boolean onCancel() {
    return false; // Default is just disallowing the cancel

  1. The factory class which creates the input class based on the provided arguments
package me.nemo_64.betterinputs.example;

import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.registry.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.*;

public final class ExampleInputFactory extends InputFactory<String, ExampleInput> {

  public ExampleInputFactory(IPlatformKey key) {
    super(key, String.class);
    // Here in your constructor you should ready everything up that is required to work with your input.
    // Stuff like registering listeners or similar things should be done here

  // This method notifies the factory that it was unregistered
  // A implementation is not required but if you work with for example listeners
  // or other stuff that would be unregistered then this is the place to do it
  public void onUnregister(){


  // Here your input is created
  // You are provided all arguments that the other plugin using your input provided you with
  // As well as the actor that is owning the input process
  protected ExampleInput provide(IPlatformActor<?> actor, ArgumentMap map){
    return new ExampleInput();


To register everything you need a platform identifiable object. For bukkit a platform identifiable object is a plugin. So here a sample plugin class that provides input:

package me.nemo_64.betterinputs.example;

import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.input.modifier.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.platform.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.argument.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.registry.*;
import me.nemo_64.betterinputs.api.util.tick.*;

public final class ExamplePlugin extends JavaPlugin {

  public void onEnable() {
    // We recommend using this approach for getting the api
    BetterInputs<?> api = Bukkit.getServicesManager().getRegistration(BetterInputs.class).getProvider();
    // Theoretically you could also use:
    // BetterInputs<?> api = BetterInputs.getPlatform();
    IPlatformKeyProvider keyProvider = api.tryGetKeyProvider(this).get();
    // The key can be anything, really
    api.registerInputFactory(new ExampleInputFactory(keyProvider.getKey("input/example")));


And about the plugin.yml

main: me.nemo_64.betterinputs.example.ExamplePlugin
name: BetterInputsExample
authors: [MrNemo64, Lauriichan]
version: 0.1.0
api-version: 1.13
depend: [BetterInputs]


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


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