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Headgets (Header only widgets library) is header-only library for building basic, simple applications for Windows which require some easy UI.


  • Header-only
  • No third-party dependecies, only native Win32 API
  • Features built-in widgets
  • Has built-in useful utility functions


  1. Getting Started
  2. Creating a window
  3. Events
  4. Event types
  5. Main application methods
  6. Widgets introduction
  7. Widgets list
  8. Label widget
  9. Button widget
  10. Editbox widget
  11. Progressbar widget
  12. Fonts
  13. Utilities
  14. File dialogs
  15. License

Getting Started

Include Headgets.h file in your C++ project:

#include "Headgets.h"

Headgets require Win32 Common Controls library for some widgets (Progressbar for example). You can force Headgets not to use of Common Controls by commenting/removing HDG_USE_COMMONCTRLS macro on line 42.

Visual C++:

You can manually link Common Controls library to your project (comctl32.lib) through Project -> Properties: -> Configurations -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependecies. Also you need to add manifest value to your project.


you can make Headgets link it automatically using #pragma directives. Make sure that definition of HDG_PRAGMA_COMMONCTRLS macro on line 47 is not commented, then Headgets will automatically link Common Controls (along with manifest addition):

#pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='*' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"")
#pragma comment( lib, "comctl32.lib" )

MinGW / GCC:

You have to pass -l parameter to linker manually:


Furthermore, for using Common Controls version 6, you need to add manifest to your project. Nice guide on using Common Controls with GCC

All Headgets classes and functions lie in hdg namespace.

Creating a window

To create a window, create an hdg::Application instance. You also need to pass your HINSTANCE, initial window title, width and height.


int CALLBACK WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {
	hdg::Application app(hInstance, "Test App", 800, 600);

hdg::Application::run() runs the main event loop of the application.

Handling events

In Windows, each window can receive certain events, for example: window created, mouse moved, button clicked, window resized, etc. Usually, you capture theese events and execute some code depending on event type and data.

With Headgets, you can also capture theese events, but in a little bit different way. Generally, Headgets process every native event and wraps it in own structure hdg::Event and then sends it to you using event callback. Here is an example how to capture mouse click event:

First, you need to create your callback function, in which you will process every hdg::Event. Function signature is: void function(hdg::Event);


//Somewhere in your code
void myCallback(hdg::Event ev) {
  //TODO: process `ev` event

Then you need to register it:

hdg::Application app(hInstance, "Test App", 800, 600);



After that you will receive events in your callback. For detecting mouse click, you can use next piece of code:

void myCallback(hdg::Event ev) {
  if (ev.type == hdg::EventType::MouseEvent) {
    if (ev.mouse == hdg::MouseEvent::LeftPressed) {
      //left click! mouse position can be found in
      //ev.mouse.num1 (X), ev.mouse.num2 (Y)

All available events

hdg::Event structure:

struct Event {
  hdg::EventType type;

  int num1;
  int num2;

  hdg::MouseEvent mouse;

  handle handle;

  hdg::Application* app;


  • sent on window creation
  • num1 is 0, num2 is 0
  • handle is created window handle
  • app is pointer to hdg::Application


  • sent when Close (X) button is clicked
  • num1 is 0, num2 is 0
  • handle is window handle
  • app is pointer to hdg::Application


  • sent when window was destroyed
  • num1 is 0, num2 is 0,
  • handle is NULL
  • app is pointer to hdg::Application


  • sent when window is moved
  • num1 is window X position, num2 is window Y position
  • handle is window handle
  • app is pointer to hdg::Application


  • sent when window is resized
  • num1 is new window width, num2 is new window height
  • handle is window handle
  • app is pointer to hdg::Application


  • event fired when any control sends a notification
  • num1 is control ID, num2 is 0
  • mouse field is hdg::MouseEvent::Nothing
  • handle is window handle
  • app is pointer to hdg::Application

Example on handling hdg::Button click event:

hdg::Button button("My Button", 100, 100);

//Event callback
if (ev.type == hdg::EventType::Command) {
		if (ev.num1 == button.getID()) {
			//button was clicked, do something


  • sent on mouse event (click or move)
  • num1 is mouse X position, num2 is mouse Y position
  • mouse field shows which button was pressed or released.
  • handle is window handle
  • app is pointer to hdg::Application


void hdg::Application::setUserCallback(std::function<void(hdg::Event)> func);

Sets event callback for Application.

int hdg::Application::getX();

Returns current window X position

int hdg::Application::getY();

Returns current window Y position

int hdg::Application::getWidth();

Returns current window width

int hdg::Application::getHeight();

Returns current window height

void hdg::Application::moveTo(int newX, int newY);

Moves window to newX and newY position.

void hdg::Application::moveBy(int dX, int dY);

Moves window by delta X and delta Y. Same as moveTo(x+dX, y+dY);

handle hdg::Application::getNativeHandle();

Returns native Win32 handle window handle

bool hdg::Application::isOpen();

Returns if window is open or not

void hdg::Application::setTitle(std::string title);

Sets window title

void hdg::Application::close();

Closes the window


Widgets are different controls in the window: buttons, label, text boxes. Headgets has some of them.

To create a widget, you just need to initialize widget instance.

Warning! Widgets depend on hdg::Application instance, so you must create your hdg::Application before creating any widgets.


hdg::Application app(hInstance, "Hello World", 800, 600);

hdg::Label label("Hello World!"); //that's all;

Every widget has 4 methods:

void hdg::Widget::show();

Shows the widget

void hdg::Application::hide();

Hides the widget

void hdg::Widget::setPosition(int x, int y);

Sets widget position (relative to parent window)

void hdg::Widget::setSize(int w, int h);

Sets widget size

All available widgets:


Simple static label (text).

hdg::Label(std::string text, int x = 0, int y = 0)


void hdg::Label::setText(std::string text);

Sets label text


Push button widget.

hdg::Button(std::string text, int x = 0, int y = 0)


void hdg::Button::setText(std::string text);

Sets button text

void hdg::Button::enable();

Enables the button

void hdg::Button::disable();

Disables the button

void hdg::Button::setDisabled(bool arg);

Sets button disabled state.

int hdg::Button::getID();

Returns button control ID (used in Command event)


Editable textbox.

hdg::Editbox(unsigned int style, int x, int y, int w, int h)


You can omit all arguments in constructor:

hdg::Editbox edit();

While specifying style argument you can set multiple styles using bitwise OR (|) operator:

hdg::Editbox edit(hdg::EditboxStyle::Uppercase | hdg::EditboxStyle::Password);

Available styles (hdg::EditboxStyle::):

  • None - default style
  • Center - center-align text in editbox
  • Left - left-align text
  • Lowercase - all characters will be converted into lowercase
  • Uppercase - all characters will be converted into uppercase
  • Multiline - creates multiline editbox
  • Number - only digits are allowed to be entered into editbox
  • Password - replaces all characters with dots
  • Right - right-aligns editbox text

void hdg::Editbox::setText(std::string txt);

Sets editbox text.

std::string hdg::Editbox::value();

Returns editbox value as std::string.

void hdg::Editbox::setReadonly(bool arg);

Toggles readonly mode of editbox.


Typical widget used to display progress of some action.

hdg::Progressbar::Progressbar(bool isMarquee, int x=0, int y=0, int w=100, int h=14)

Constructor. If isMarquee is true, progress bar will show some type of activity but won't show progress of task.

void hdg::Progressbar::setRange(int min, int max)

Sets progress bar range. Does nothing if marquee style is on.

void hdg::Progressbar::setStep(int step)

Sets progress bar step. Default step value is 10.

void hdg::Progressbar::step(int count=0)

Advances progress by count. If count is 0, step value is used.

void hdg::Progressbar::toggleMarquee(bool mode, int time=30)

Toggles marquee mode. time determines how fast progress bar part should move across the bar (in milliseconds).


You can change widget text font using hdg::Font class.

hdg::Font::Font(const std::string family, int weight=FontWeight::Default, int size = 0, bool italic=false)


  • family is font family
  • weight is weight of font. You can use predefined values from hdg::FontWeight enum.
  • size - font size
  • italic - should font be italic?

hdg::Font has setters for each of theese params plus 1 function for setting underline style:

hdg::Font::setUnderline(bool arg);

Apply font to widget using setFont method:

hdg::Wigdet::setFont(hdg::Font font);


hdg::Label myLabel("Font test", 100, 100);
hdg::Font font("Arial", hdg::FontWeight::Bold, 18, true);

Will create bold Arial font with 18 characters' size and italic style and apply it to previously created myLabel Label widget.


Show a message box

You can show a message box using next function:

hdg::showMessageBox(std::string text, std::string title,
   hdg::MessageBoxType type,
   hdg::MessageBoxButtons buttons

You can omit last 3 arguments, then message will use "Information" as title, hdg::MessageBoxType::Information as type and hdg::MessageBoxButtons::Ok as buttons.

Get environment variable

You can get environment variable as std::string using:

const std::string getEnvironmentVariable(const std::string var);

File dialogs

hdg::OpenDialog and hdg::SaveDialog are helper classes for opening system "Save" or "Open" dialogs for browsing files.

Methods (apply for both Save and Open dialogs):

void hdg::OpenDialog::setRawFilter(const char* str);

Sets file filter. Optional. str must end in double null-characters and each item must be separated by one null character:

Example: Text files\0.txt;*.rtf\0\0*

There are some built-in common filters in hdg::FileFilters:

  • hdg::FileFilters::AllFiles - all files (default dialog filter)
  • hdg::FileFilters::TextFiles - .txt files
  • hdg::FileFilters::ImageFiles - .jpg, .png, .bmp files
  • hdg::FileFilters::VideoFiles - .mp4, .avi
  • hdg::FileFilters::AudioFiles - .mp3, .ogg, .wav, .flac
  • hdg::FileFilters::ExecutableFiles - .exe
  • hdg::FileFilters::DLLFiles - .dll


hdg::OpenDialog dialog;
dialog.setTitle("Select an image for uploading");

if ( {
	//you code goes here

void hdg::OpenDialog::setTitle(std::string title);

Sets dialog title. Optional

void hdg::OpenDialog::setInitialPath(std::string dir);

Sets dialog initial path. Optional.

bool hdg::OpenDialog::open()

Opens the file dialog and returns true if user successfully selected a file, false otherwise.

Note: calling all prepartion methods (setTitle, setInitialPath, etc) will affect dialog only if they were called before opening the dialog.

const std::string hdg::OpenDialog::getFilename()

Returns filename, which user selected in a dialog.


If you are planning to create cross-platform applications with complex UI, I highly recommend using any popular and stable UI framework like Qt, wxWidgets or GTK instead of Headgets. This library was developed for personal use as an hobby project.


MIT (see Headgets.h file)


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