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Xideco Error Codes

Alan Yorinks edited this page Feb 2, 2016 · 7 revisions

When executing Xideco Scratch scripts, some debugging information is provided by using the Debugger Block.

Using the Debugger Block

Each time a Xideco Scratch block is executed, the Debugger value is set to 0 and if any errors are encountered the Debugger value is updated with the error code. So if you have two sequential blocks executing, and the first has an error condition, the error code will be overwritten when the second block executes.

If your script is not working as expected, to use the Debugger block, you may need to separate your blocks and execute them individually to find the error. You can add your blocks one by one, back to the script until you are satisfied all blocks are operating without any detected errors.

Arduino Error Messages

1-0      No Error Detected
1-1      Pin Must Be Specified as an Integer
1-2      Pin number exceeds the maximum number of pins for the arduino
1-3      Pin does not support digital input mode
1-4      Pin does not support digital output mode
1-5      Pin does support PWM mode
1-6      Pin does not support servo mode
1-7      Pin does not support tone mode
1-8      Pin does not support SONAR mode
1-9      Unknown Pin Mode specified
1-10     Pin must be input mode to be disabled

ANALOG PIN MODE BLOCK 2-0 No Error Detected 2-1 Pin Must Be Specified as an Integer 2-2 Pin is not a valid analog pin

DIGITAL PIN WRITE 3-0 No Error Detected 3-1 Pin Must Be Specified as an Integer 3-2 Pin number is invalid 3-3 Pin is not configured for digital output

ANALOG PIN WRITE 4-0 No Error Detected 4-1 Pin Must Be Specified as an Integer 4-2 Pin number is invalid 4-3 Pin is not configured for PWM output 4-4 Value must be specified as an integer 4-5 Value must be in the range of 0-255

PLAY TONE 5-0 No Error Detected 5-1 Pin Must Be Specified as an Integer 5-2 Pin number is not valid 5-3 Pin was not properly configured 5-4 Frequency must be specified as an integer 5-5 Duration must be specified as an integer

NO TONE 6-0 No Error Detected 6-1 Pin Must Be Specified as an Integer 6-2 Pin number is not valid 6-3 Pin was not properly configured

SERVO POSITION 7-0 No Error Detected 7-1 Pin Must Be Specified as an Integer 7-2 Pin number is not valid 7-3 Pin was not properly configured 7-4 Position must be specified as an integer 7-5 Position must be in the range of 0 - 180

Raspberry Pi Error Messages

1-0      No Error Detected
1-1      Illegal Pin Number
1-2      Illegal Sonar Trigger Pin Number
1-3      Illegal Sonar Echo Pin Number

ANALOG PIN MODE BLOCK 2-0 No Error Detected 2-1 Illegal Pin Number - must be in range of 0-3

DIGITAL PIN WRITE 3-0 No Error Detected 3-1 Pin number is invalid 3-2 Pin is not configured for digital output

ANALOG PIN WRITE 4-0 No Error Detected 4-1 Pin number is invalid 4-2 Pin is not configured for output 4-3 Pin has been disabled

PLAY TONE 5-0 No Error Detected 5-1 Pin number is invalid

NO TONE 6-0 No Error Detected 6-1 Pin number is invalid

SERVO POSITION 7-0 No Error Detected 7-1 Pin number is invalid 7-2 Pin is not configured for output

BeagleBone Black Error Messages

1-0      No Error Detected
1-1      Illegal Pin Number
1-2      Pin does not support selected mode

ANALOG PIN MODE BLOCK 2-0 No Error Detected 2-1 Illegal Pin Number - must be in range of 0-3

DIGITAL PIN WRITE 3-0 No Error Detected 3-1 Pin number is invalid 3-2 Pin is not configured for digital output

ANALOG PIN WRITE 4-0 No Error Detected 4-1 Pin number is invalid 4-2 Pin has been disabled 4-3 Data value is out of range. Must be 0-100

PLAY TONE 5-0 No Error Detected 5-1 Pin number is invalid 5-2 Pin has been disabled

NO TONE 6-0 No Error Detected 6-1 Pin number is invalid 6-2 Pin has been disabled

SERVO POSITION 7-0 No Error Detected 7-1 Pin number is invalid 7-2 Pin is not configured for output