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Releases: MyHush/hush-swing-wallet-ui

HUSH Swing wallet (version 0.72.2 beta)

08 Oct 23:59
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Update October 13th, 2018:

Windows packages ( and updated. Those who downloaded before this date should download the package again. The updated packaged fixed an issue where the daemon would consume a entire CPU core even when idle. Other platforms (Linux and MAC) where unaffected.

This release includes the following:

  • Bundle Hush 2.0.0
  • Alert users when creating the HUSH daemon configuration file.
  • Disables editing of fields in transaction/address tables
  • Hide message about invalid/watch-only addresses.
  • Do not display those invalid/watch-only addresses.
  • Adds automatic reindex option at startup if block index fails to load.

The binary release packages listed here include the Hush daemon & command line utilities build from MyHush/hush.

Windows, at this moment, is the only platform with both a "runtime-free" version and a version that bundles the Java JRE with the distribution. Most users will want to download the version that includes the runtime (

All other platforms do not include the JRE runtime at this point and will require Java to be installed before use. See USAGE.txt for more information.

HUSH Swing wallet (version 0.71.3 beta)

21 Feb 17:24
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Update 03/04/2018:

Mac OS X package ( updated. Those who downloaded before this date should download the package again.

Update 02/21/2018:

Version 0.71.3b fixes an issue when trying to send money in 0.71.2b.

This release includes the following:

  • A proper release package builder for Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms
  • A more patient loading screen to reduce the number of startup errors while waiting for hushd.exe to start
  • Hides watch-only addresses from the address view table
  • Better cross-platform support (including proof verification auto-download on Mac and Linux, moves specific platform-release branches together into master)
  • Updates to default hush.conf seeders
  • A large code quality refactor (final correctness, structure refactors, & much more)

The binary release packages listed here include the Hush daemon & command line utilities build from MyHush/hush.

Windows, at this moment, is the only platform with both a "runtime-free" version and a version that bundles the Java JRE with the distribution. Most users will want to download the version that includes the runtime (

All other platforms do not include the JRE runtime at this point and will require Java to be installed before use. See USAGE.txt for more information.