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Releases: NCAR/DART

CLM bug-fixes

17 Jan 21:45
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CLM5-DART SourceMods path variable correction


  • Resolved compiler error by changing the arrays for number of snow layers (snlsno and clm_SNLSNO) to integer types
  • Forcing h2oliq_po to be slightly larger than zero to be consistent with h2oice_po and dzsno_po
  • Adding checks to ensure that the values for h2oliq_po, h2oice_po, dzsno_po, and snowdp_po are never negative


11 Jan 18:31
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Nonlinear and Non-Gaussian Data Assimilation Capabilities in DART

  • Adds a Quantile-Conserving Ensemble Filtering Framework (QCEFF) to DART.
    Publications: QCEFF part1, QCEFF part 2, QCEFF part3

  • The default QCEFF options are EAKF, normal distribution (no bounds).

  • User interface changes:

    • filter_kind is now a per-qty option through QCEFF table, not a namelist option

    • Two new required namelists (add to input.nml files):

      • probit_transform_nml
      • algorithm_info_nml
    • assim_tools_mod namelist:

      • filter_kind removed from namelist
      • sort_obs_inc namelist option applied to ENKF only, so default is now .true.
      • spread_restoration is not supported in this version
    • algorithm_info_mod QCEFF options read at runtime from .csv or .txt file

  • New probability distribution modules:

    • beta_distribution_mod contributed by Chris Riedel

    • bnrh_distribution_mod (bounded normal rank histogram)

    • gamma_distribution_mod

    • normal_distribution_mod

    • probit_transform_mod

    • distribution_params_mod

  • Update to lorenz_96_tracer_advection:

    • positive_tracer
    • more tracer namelist options available and changed defaults
    • updated perturbation routine
    • bug-fix: real(r8) rather than real(i8)
  • Fix: obs_def_1d_state_mod (oned forward operators):

    • For non-integer powers, fix up values for negative bases
  • Documentation:

    • main page section on Nonlinear and Non-Gaussian Data Assimilation Capabilities in DART
    • QCEFF instructions: Quantile-Conserving Ensemble Filter Framework
    • Example to work through: QCEFF: Examples with the Lorenz 96 Tracer Model

Derecho CLM-DART

09 Jan 18:33
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  • CLM-DART scripting updated for Derecho.
  • CLM-DART SourceMods packaged with DART.
  • Reinstituted both 'complete' and 'single_year' datm streamlist files in shell scripts
    due to delays when initializing the CAM reanalysis files through campaign/collections directory.


  • Fixed format statement in assert_mod to conform to Fortran standards.
  • Fixed debugging output for failed forward operators.


  • Remove broken link for register for dart.

Developer tests and bug fixes

13 Dec 15:52
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  • new developer tests to run all builds for all compilers on NSF NCAR machine
  • removed redundant nc_check routine from utilities_mod in favor of
  • Improved default thinning options for AIRS L2 converter.


  • AIRS L2 converter message prints correct number of obs.
  • MOM6 model_mod .eqv. used for logical comparison to conform to Fortran standard.

Note to developers: if you have your own code that makes use of DART's nc_check
replace use utilities_mod, only :: nc_check with use netcdf_utilities_mod, only :: nc_check

NSF documentation update

01 Dec 18:10
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  • Following official Policy on Brand Standards of the U.S. National Science Foundation for DART documentation.
  • Changes instances of “NCAR” to “NSF NCAR” and adds NSF logo to the DART logo in the navigation menu.

Github Actions MPI f08 check

09 Nov 21:37
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Adds a new check to the Github Actions workflow that uses the mpif08 module (compiles with ./quickbuild mpif08 and runs filter on 2 mpi tasks with the lorenz_96 model). #563

MPI f08 quickbuild option

07 Nov 20:00
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new features:

  • mpif08 option to build using the mpi_f08 module #261 #551 #497
  • nvhpc mkmf.template for use on Derecho #554


  • filter_mod.dopperlerfold in sync with filter_mod #565
  • unnecessary loop removed from Mersenne twister developer test


  • rename assim_model_mod.rst to match the module #282
  • fix various Sphinx warnings and broken link #546

Quantile methods pre-release: QCEFF Table

02 Nov 19:08
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Pre-release version of the quantile conserving and probit transform tools, including the new functionality of the QCEFF Table

The documentation for this branch is available online

Please contact if you would like to develop scientific collaborations using these new capabilities.

Below is a list of the changes to quantile_methods that are included with this release:

  • The QCEFF input table allows for the specification of QCEFF/probit input options, per QTY, at runtime.
  • This replaces the functionality of using an algorithm_info_mod specific to the model, which meant editing algorithm_info_mod.f90 to specify which distribution should be used for which quantity.
  • The algorithm_info_mod files for the lorenz_96_tracer_advection model examples have been replaced with set QCF tables (all_bnrhf_qcf_table.csv, all_eakf_qcf_table.csv, state_eakf_tracer_bnrhf_qcf_table.csv, neg_qcf_table.csv) and can be found in lorenz_96_tracer_advection/work.
  • Removed the ‘global’ version of filter_kind from assim_tools_mod.f90 and the &assim_tools_nml

Hybrid EnKF-OI filter

10 Jul 17:37
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Hybrid EnKF-OI filter Pre-release

A hybrid ensemble and optimal interpolation filter, combining flow-dependent ensemble covariances with time-invariant climatological backgrounds. The combination is done linearly and adaptively both in space and time.

For detail see El Gharamti, et al. (2024): Leveraging a Novel Hybrid Ensemble and Optimal Interpolation Approach for Enhanced Streamflow and Flood Prediction.

Note: This release is supported for WRF-Hydro only and is based on DART version v9.11.7

WRF-DART tutorial section on diagnostics

05 Oct 19:09
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  • Added a more complete diagnostics section to the WRF-DART Tutorial.
  • Developer test for Mersenne twister random number generator. #499
  • Bug-fix: 1D location subsetting fixed for obs_sequence_tool. #547 contributed by Henry Santer