All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- fsspec GUI via panel now tested
- register_implementation is no longer supported (use only "dcache" protocol)
- implements encode_url to solve compatibility issue with HTTPFileSystem
- added abstract to CITATION.cff
- included README file in documentation
- improved description in README file
- updated .zenodo.json
- updated notebook for documentation
- added request_kwargs to provide specific arguments to request calls
- added pipe_file method to dCacheFileSystem, which enables the usage in fsspec.get_mapper
- Fixed naming collision that prevented timeout to be set on ClientSessions or requests
- dCacheFS registers itself as fsspec implementation for "dcache" protocol
- adapt to changes in AsyncFileSystem in fsspec version 0.9.0
- block_size is an argument for the filesystem initialization
- when opening a file in stream mode, dcache API url is not needed
- bug in recursive remove
- Empty Python project directory structure