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Stuyvesant's Spanish Civil War Archives


This repository contains the code for all aspects of Stuyvesant's Spanish Civil War Archives. Included is the code for the original webscraper, the website, the biographies of the volunteers, and the backend interface for seamlessly updating it.

Original Web Scraping Code

The repository includes the original webscraping code that allowed us to find the New Yorkers who volunteered in the Spanish Civil War. It pulls and compiles the data from

Contained within the folder scraping:

  • data.txt: Contains all the volunteers from NYC and their data.
  • names.txt: Contains just the names of the volunteers.
  • stuy_volunteers.txt: Contains the names of volunteers that may have gone to Stuyvesant High School.
  • A script that pulled the data from and analyzed it, writing the volunteers from NYC to data.txt.
  • Finds the volunteers that may have gone to Stuyvesant High School. Depends on a file stuy_graduates.csv that I can't release.

The Website

Fairly straightforward. Can be visited here: The archive page contains all the information for the volunteers.

The Backend Interface

For all intents and purposes a fancy GUI wrapper for git in this very specific case.

How to use

Requires: Python2.7 (Will eventually be ported to Python3)

  1. Clone the repository to your computer.
  2. Navigate to the directory and execute the command './'.
  3. Open in your web-browser of choice.
  4. Make any changes you like.
  5. Click the button marked "Upload Changes".
  6. Select which changes you would like uploaded in the popup checklist.
  7. Enter your github username and password and then click "Save Changes".
  8. Assuming you have access to this repository, your changes will be live in just a few minutes!




Contains all the development history for the website, giving a day by day look into the repo's history. Viewable Here.


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