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Revamping college's website. This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Tech stack


  • Server-side pagination
  • Reusable data-table component
  • Authorization implementation via next-auth
  • Editor component for easy news editing
  • Usage of markdown(mdx)
  • Image storage in uploadthing
  • News caching by redis

Running locally

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies using npm

    npm install
  3. Configure environment file

  4. Usage locally

    npm run dev # run the application in development mode
    npm run build # compile current version of the website
    npm run start # start the website in production mode

Customizing .env

Important: if you add a variable in .env, you should also add the same variable in src/env.js. All client-side variables should be prefixed with: NEXT_PUBLIC_.

First, copy .env.example to .env.

cp .env.example .env



We will start by setting up our database. You can use any Postgres. Get the variables from your database environment and paste them into .env. When you've inserted all the variables associated with the database use the following command.

npm i -g prisma
prisma db push

Note: If you are using an environment file called like this: .env.development or .env.production, then use the following command.

npm install -g dotenv-cli
dotenv -e .env.[development/production] -- prisma db push


Now we should get the api keys for uploadthing. Go to website and sign in. Create new application, or use an existing one. Navigate to API Keys in the left sidebar menu, copy UPLOADTHING_SECRET and UPLOADTHING_APP_ID and paste them into .env.


For Redis we need to get two api keys. Go to Upstash, create Redis database, go to details tab, scroll down to REST API, copy UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL, UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN and paste them into .env.


The auth variables: NEXTAUTH_SECRET can take any value.

It is desirable to make this field long and completely random, you can use this randomkeyget.

NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_URL in development mode paste your localhost, and in production paste the url to your site.


Important: each markdown must be starts with:

title: Your title here

All markdowns are stored in the src/content/pages. The path for each page generated in this way: to add a page about the director, for example, the following steps should be followed:

  1. Create a folder in the src/content/pages and name it director.

  2. Create the file index.mdx and fill it with the code.

The file name affects on url to the page. File with name index.mdx mean, that its root page in current path.

Let explain an example of nesting a file inside a folder. If we want to visit */director/merits after */director, we need to create another file in the director folder and name it merits.mdx.


So now explain a longer path nesting: folder -> folder -> ... -> file. Now we want to visit */director/merits/some-another-path, for this we change merits.mdx to folder merits, in merits folder create index.mdx, in which trasfer code from the recently deleted merits.mdx, and another file called some-another-path.mdx.


Custom component

You can use components that have already been written, such as:

import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";

import { ResponsiveImage } from "@/components/responsive-image";
import Image from "@/assets/images/landing.jpg";

<Button>Some text here</Button>
<Button variant="outline" size="sm">Button with props</Button>


Style guide

The @tailwindcss/typography plugin gives us the opportunity to write styles for any HTML tag using Tailwindcss. Here is how it do:

import { NewsCardSkeleton } from "@/components/skeletons/news-card-skeleton";

<div className="grid grid-cols-2 gap-2">
  <NewsCardSkeleton />
  <NewsCardSkeleton />

Markdown elements

You can read about basic markdown syntax here.

Code styling

Recommend to use the Prettier extension, .prettierrc file already configured.

Package versions

  • node: v20.16.0
  • npm: v10.8.1