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An object-oriented programing language that compiles to machine code through Linux NASM x86.

Currently, the compilation only targets x64 Linux. Support for other OS is scheduled sometimes.

The format is similar to TypeScript in many aspects.



Here a brief list of the language current or planned capabilities. As the project is a work in progress, this section and the different syntaxes are subject to change.

Variables and constants

Like any modern programing language, V-Script supports declaring scoped variables.

let   x = 8;                // x is now of type [int];
const y = 'Hello World!';   // y is now of type [str];

The language supports typing.

let my_string: str;         // my_string is a [str] (undefined);
const my_bool: bool;        // will throw an error;


The main complex data structure is the struct, it can hold data of different types, and even other struct instances.

struct MyStruct {
  field1: str,           
  field2: int,
  field3?: MyStruct         // the last field is optional


The language also supports functions.

fn my_function(arg1: str, arg2?: bool): int {
  // ...
  return arg1.length;



The default loop in every language.

while condition do {
  // ...

Control Flow

if ... else if ... else

You already know how it works.

if condition1 do {
  // ...
} else if condition2 do {
  // ...
} else {
  // ...
[WIP] switch

Not yet implemented.

switch val {
  1: { /** */ }
  2 | 3: { /** */ }
  default: { /** */ }
[WIP] goto

Not yet implemented.

label my_label;
goto my_label;
[WIP] for

Not yet implemented.

[WIP] for ... in

Not yet implemented.

[WIP] Objects

Not yet implemented.

obj Object [ param1: type, param2: type ] <T, Y> ( parent1, parent2, ... ) : {
  @properties {
      // ...with default values
      private name : [type] = value ;
      public  name : [type] = value ; 
      static  name : [type] = value ;

      // ...without default values
      private name : [type] ;
      public  name : [type] ;
  // default constructor
  @constructor default : ( args ) { ... }
  // named constructor
  @constructor name    : ( args ) { ... }

  // remark: methods are public by default
  @method          name ( args ) : [return_type] { ... }
  // private method
  @method private  name ( args ) : [return_type] { ... }
  // public method
  @method [public] name ( args ) : [return_type] { ... }
  // static method
  @method static   name ( args ) : [return_type] { ... }

  // operator overloading
  // strict operator overloading
  @operator [op, strict] : ( this, other: Object ) { ... }
  // loose operator overloading
  @operator [op]         : ( this, other: any ) { ... }
  // loose unary operator overloading (strict means nothing in this context)
  @operator [op, unary]  : ( this ) { }

⏩ Running

I am using Arch WSL for the developement, you may need to change the way Linux ASM compiler is ran on your side.

💻 Interpreter

  • npm start: Interprets the code using the TypeScript implementation.

👩‍💻 Assembly

  • npm run exec [args]: Runs the executable without recompiling.

  • npm run compile: Compiles the assembly file asm/asm.asm to an executable.

  • npm run compile:exec [args]: Compiles and runs the executable.

  • npm run assemble: Builds src/main.vsc to an executable without running.

  • npm run assemble:exec [args]: Builds src/main.vsc and runs it.

🧪 Testing

  • npm run test:new: Creates a new test from the current src/main.vsc recompilation.

  • npm run test <test_name>: Run a unit test.

  • npm run test:all: Runs all the unit tests inside tests.

🧩 VSCode Extension

The VSCode extension inside the extension directory provides syntax hilighting for .vsc and .test files.