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chore(release): version 1.3.0-next.1 [skip ci]
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# [1.3.0-next.1](v1.2.2...v1.3.0-next.1) (2023-07-09)

### Bug Fixes

* add 'handle' to RegisterNewUser form+type+etc ([18bf2f8](18bf2f8))
* add 'isActiveAccountStore' read, if false nav to /products not /home ([a06bb52](a06bb52))
* add 'key' prop to map'd elements ([83388dc](83388dc))
* add 'showDialog' to props ([944bb23](944bb23))
* add 'User' prefix to sca fragment to match schema ([a159f58](a159f58))
* **cache:** correct logic for list-query caching+merging ([0edd257](0edd257))
* **chart:** add min y-axis value to prevent decimal tick-labels ([71af378](71af378))
* ensure 'handleWindowResize' updates context when user-agent changes ([9e15ebb](9e15ebb))
* ensure 'name' doesnt render 'null' str ([d535d70](d535d70))
* ensure 'selectedSubscription' value is init'd on mobile ([b95b179](b95b179))
* ensure default viewContact logic is skipped if matches user ([043b1fb](043b1fb))
* ensure Intl objs aren't inst'd on each fn call ([f6a6be5](f6a6be5))
* ensure mobile tabs never show in TABLE view, update a11y props ([b6d9939](b6d9939))
* ensure mock item id's don't contain 'CONTACT#' ([b997a65](b997a65))
* ensure SearchUsers query uses ContactFields fragment ([92a2333](92a2333))
* ensure some tick-labels hide on small viewports, add year ([6057798](6057798))
* ensure TextField value is empty string if nullish ([38ed24c](38ed24c))
* export all from Buttons ([0d24694](0d24694))
* export raw WO+Inv-related icons for better styling ([af312bf](af312bf))
* implement safeJsonStringify ([17bc2f6](17bc2f6))
* **mobile-style:** ensure page scrolls on mobile ([1e40454](1e40454))
* **mocks:** update mocks to reflect nullable GQL types ([327c467](327c467))
* pass 'backgroundIcon' prop into EmptyListFallback ([f91f098](f91f098))
* provide 'onClick' prop to styled container for cursor styling ([216a44a](216a44a))
* provide default selectedSub upon checkout in mobile ([b1173d0](b1173d0))
* replace 'contacts' query name w 'myContacts' ([49e807f](49e807f))
* replace 'mergeUpdate' w shallow-merge to not break Observable ([2baa88f](2baa88f))
* replace dep'd JSX type namespace with React.JSX ([ade9549](ade9549))
* replace double-quotes w backtick str to ensure proper parsing of newline char ([72e300b](72e300b))
* replace inline destructure of apiResponse w conditional key option-chain check ([a346969](a346969))
* replace JSON.stringify w safeJsonStringify ([8e63047](8e63047))
* rm cache-only fetchPolicy ([a9d1f45](a9d1f45))
* rm console debug msg from localStorage util ([1f1a6da](1f1a6da))
* rm duplicative export ([60f6210](60f6210))
* rm dynamic import DevModeTools ([58e3f05](58e3f05))
* rm Node-env 'captureStackTrace' in PreFetchedItemError ([61a87ed](61a87ed))
* rm old 'EncodedAuthToken' opaque type ([d8db58f](d8db58f))
* rm old 'localIndex' Symbol-handling logic ([baa8586](baa8586))
* rm old isItemOwnedByUser nav-state handling ([be13d66](be13d66))
* rm unnecessary 'extends unknown in DataParser type ([f34a145](f34a145))
* **types:** correct ItemDataParser types used to make context values ([6bc7ffb](6bc7ffb))
* **types:** correct reactiveVars typings ([b09f7dd](b09f7dd))
* **types:** mv 'WorkOrderWithUpcomingEvent' type to this comp ([8271b49](8271b49))
* update clear-mocks cache-mod to use DELETE sentinel obj ([9b5e046](9b5e046))
* update faker args to reflect pkg update ([a371ffc](a371ffc))
* update GQL fragments+queries to reflect field changes ([364b859](364b859))
* update logger timestamps to use Dayjs format-strs ([4921b9c](4921b9c))
* update logic to add Auth header on req ([f8346e9](f8346e9))
* update old jest references to vi ([4182577](4182577))
* update regex to ensure currency amounts dont begin with 0 ([969fb03](969fb03))
* update stats key from 'TOTAL' to 'SUM' ([c1d818e](c1d818e))
* update types exports ([6bfd6c5](6bfd6c5))
* use dayjs for proper timestamp formatting ([c235b5f](c235b5f))

### Features

* **a11y:** add a11y props 'role' and 'aria-label' ([a2ea93b](a2ea93b))
* add 'craco' for path aliasing ([1dd39a6](1dd39a6))
* add 'createdAt' and 'updatedAt' fields to AuthTokenPayload ([e79ed5a](e79ed5a))
* add 'deepCopy' util ([10107f1](10107f1))
* add 'ItemDetailsGroup', rm nestability of 'ItemDetails' ([dc9e623](dc9e623))
* add 'json' to EOL fixer for Lotties ([d742c58](d742c58))
* add 'license' property ([0685ab9](0685ab9))
* add 'mergeUpdate' override to merge nested props ([0e87df1](0e87df1))
* add 'MODE' to 'ENV' object ([f7acb26](f7acb26))
* add 'setDefaultIfEmpty' ([efe94f9](efe94f9))
* add 'svg' to EOL fixer exclude_types ([1012e25](1012e25))
* add 'tableProps' to core item list views ([f1546be](f1546be))
* add 'Tabs' to list of comps exports ([65d5e0a](65d5e0a))
* add 'Tabs' with a11y comps+utils ([96e9da5](96e9da5))
* add 'XscrollContainer' for easy horizontal scrolling ([6a1b728](6a1b728))
* add 'yupCommonSchema' formUtils ([f5bfc05](f5bfc05))
* add ability to pass props to Loading comp ([d073b8e](d073b8e))
* add AddressCardIcon ([e02cc33](e02cc33))
* add authenticatedUserStore reactive var ([a868cfb](a868cfb))
* add Autocomplete,DatePicker,Select,Slider,PWinput ([94438e4](94438e4))
* add better prop typing ([7e25b3f](7e25b3f))
* add better typings for authService method params ([6d5f282](6d5f282))
* add better typings for MUI theme ([3f51933](3f51933))
* add BrowserTracing to Sentry config ([234c0bb](234c0bb))
* add btn to open GoogleMaps at location ([48d15a8](48d15a8))
* add ChecklistContainer to comps ([e93865a](e93865a))
* add checkoutValues storage token ([4217de3](4217de3))
* add codegen config for gql-related TS types ([fae079f](fae079f))
* add codegen types ([29681d5](29681d5))
* add codegen-made files to 'exclude' regex for EOL hook ([6672a43](6672a43))
* add CoreItemView layout + WO+Inv+Contact item pages ([095eaa5](095eaa5))
* add CoreItemView layout, migrate WOs+INVs item views ([337b2dc](337b2dc))
* add dateTime utils ([a5336cf](a5336cf))
* add default prop showLabel=true for BottomNav Mui Tabs ([fde2b4b](fde2b4b))
* add default props+styles to Mui Tab+Tabs comps ([989ad63](989ad63))
* add DevModeTools ([a5b3fea](a5b3fea))
* add displayName to ToggleButtonWithTooltip ([bd8db3a](bd8db3a))
* add effect to close popper on esc-press ([9c2ed5a](9c2ed5a))
* add exports of new comp dirs ([042737d](042737d))
* add fallback 'themeName' as a safety precaution ([2837cd8](2837cd8))
* add FixitUser type, add 'handle' to User+Contact ([7b63e98](7b63e98))
* add FormFieldHandlers form util ([b2bc0d3](b2bc0d3))
* add FormView for WOs+Invs+Contacts pages ([a922353](a922353))
* add global style for scrollbars via webkit ([699836e](699836e))
* add grid-related Mui system props like 'gridArea' ([11b09cc](11b09cc))
* add HomePageRoutes and StripeConnect state layer ([1aaf6cc](1aaf6cc))
* add Icons comp dir ([9d88a2d](9d88a2d))
* add ignore '.graphql' to EOL fixer hooks ([315d21d](315d21d))
* add init selected sub of TRIAL if unset ([72f6215](72f6215))
* add init storage-values to ReactiveStore's with storage ([039272c](039272c))
* add JSON-parseability to stored values that use JSON ([a809f07](a809f07))
* add light/dark variants of secondary+error ([b2af180](b2af180))
* add LinkToWorkOrder nav comp ([b13e7b3](b13e7b3))
* add ListHeader,CreateItemButton, update CILV ([b01090f](b01090f))
* add ListView for WOs+Invs+Contacts pages ([32fdc48](32fdc48))
* add ListViewSettingsStore to replace state/reducers ([8d1836e](8d1836e))
* add localization context wrapper ([ae042ec](ae042ec))
* add LocalizationProvider ([83e4733](83e4733))
* add lottie-react package ([8066350](8066350))
* add LottieAnimations comp dir ([8ddfe5e](8ddfe5e))
* add min+max height to header container ([87e20c0](87e20c0))
* add more default opts ([81971dc](81971dc))
* add Mui x- comp theme aug imports here ([6ec791c](6ec791c))
* add myInvoices query-type which gets invs' WOs ([a105b50](a105b50))
* add PageLayoutContext (mobile/desktop layout) ([4567fa3](4567fa3))
* add pages/Dashboard ([049036b](049036b))
* add pages/LandingPage ([b327723](b327723))
* add pages/MobileWebviewStripeBridge ([6adbee6](6adbee6))
* add pages/ProfilePage ([5c7315a](5c7315a))
* add ProfileView layout + ProfilePage impl ([240a2e5](240a2e5))
* add re-export of reactive vars for back-compat path refs ([484832d](484832d))
* add ref fwd'ing to link comps for Mui Tooltips ([de1d2f2](de1d2f2))
* add safeJsonStringify util ([76f1b23](76f1b23))
* add src/layouts dir ([5cde053](5cde053))
* add styleOverrides for Mui AppBar,Avatar,Chip ([ce429ea](ce429ea))
* add TermsOfServicePage ([fc578f2](fc578f2))
* add Tooltip to Avatar comps, lower css select specificity ([9b63388](9b63388))
* add Vite envs dec, rm Window, update ProcessEnv ([345fbbf](345fbbf))
* add Vite-built bundle analysis result html file ([281d55d](281d55d))
* add WO status chip ([b8b67e4](b8b67e4))
* change limit of max toast msgs to 1 from 2 ([20e983a](20e983a))
* **ci:** add 'no-commit-to-branch' hook to forbid pushing to main ([71d6960](71d6960))
* **ci:** add index.html to paths triggering release on PR ([96047ff](96047ff))
* **ci:** rm PR from events triggering Release Workflow ([a03e203](a03e203))
* **ci:** set engines.node to '>=16.0.0', set explicit node-version in Test Workflow ([4b9b19b](4b9b19b))
* **comps:** add re-usable buttons ([25b4250](25b4250))
* **comps:** add reusable Checklist ([083136e](083136e))
* **comps:** add reusable DataGrid ([62fa389](62fa389))
* **comps:** add reusable HelpInfo ([499ec18](499ec18))
* **comps:** add reusable ItemEventsTimeline ([c0854e7](c0854e7))
* **comps:** add reusable modal comps ([45a47cf](45a47cf))
* ensure Sentry is only enabled in non-test envs ([4700d45](4700d45))
* export new utils from utils dir ([a977108](a977108))
* extract InvoiceProcessStepper into Stepper comp ([dd22b78](dd22b78))
* **gql:** rm unused phoneContact files ([eb7359e](eb7359e))
* **html:** expand meta tag entries for 'Keywords' and 'Description' ([1d14194](1d14194))
* impl codegen'd SubscriptionPriceLabels type ([b6bd983](b6bd983))
* **Invite:** add CreateInvite mutation gql def ([2a850c3](2a850c3))
* **locale:** add dayjs localization imports ([130b76f](130b76f))
* lower 'autoClose' to 1.2 seconds ([7f63867](7f63867))
* misc package updates (minor+patch only) ([be6f85b](be6f85b))
* mv ProtectedRoute comps to navigation dir ([86406e0](86406e0))
* mv setupTests to tests dir, update for Vitest ([605f63c](605f63c))
* overhaul WO item view ([853083c](853083c))
* proliferate ListViewSettings to storage util, core-item list views ([05e1a2f](05e1a2f))
* replace 'cache-only' fetchPolicy w 'network-only' ([d81c01e](d81c01e))
* replace all direct env-var reads with ENV object ([aacefe0](aacefe0))
* replace AuthToken types w codegen'd API types ([85d7e8c](85d7e8c))
* replace CategoryScale w TimeSeriesScale for Dashboard charts ([9c7057b](9c7057b))
* replace HTTP log lvls from debug to info ([665dcd9](665dcd9))
* replace momentjs with dayjs ([c6aa7a4](c6aa7a4))
* rm 'draggable' prop ([e357c10](e357c10))
* rm 'pauseOnHover:false' from toast.success ([6a1b6c8](6a1b6c8))
* rm all Webview context,comps,etc ([8ff0608](8ff0608))
* rm CanvasGradientBG from LandingPage ([1cd8060](1cd8060))
* rm CheckoutContext (replaced w reactive var) ([5f8b2db](5f8b2db))
* rm components/ChecklistContainer ([d1977dd](d1977dd))
* rm comps/Typography, Mui comps used directly now ([5221db5](5221db5))
* rm deprecated 'NewConnection' possibleTypes ([628682f](628682f))
* rm deprecated Stripe 'bridge pages' ([7cc6eb6](7cc6eb6))
* rm DevNavMenu ([9d4105b](9d4105b))
* rm DialogButton, place styles in StyledMuiDialog ([eb0840d](eb0840d))
* rm ExplainerText standalone comp ([c61b436](c61b436))
* rm hasSeenIntroStore ([41f1820](41f1820))
* rm index file to enforce specific imports ([45600ff](45600ff))
* rm mocks, prep for pre-release ([44de9fd](44de9fd))
* rm old 'ListSettingsReactiveStore' type ([dac6eeb](dac6eeb))
* rm old isItemOwnedByUser nav state ([824d953](824d953))
* rm old utils/logger dir ([f708b67](f708b67))
* rm padding from scroll container ([a205ba4](a205ba4))
* rm tokenFieldsStore ([b3d307d](b3d307d))
* rm unused 'Expand' global typedef ([26397f4](26397f4))
* rm unused Form/FileInput comp ([fc57a10](fc57a10))
* rm unused util files ([32a317f](32a317f))
* rm useQueryParams hook ([8116c7f](8116c7f))
* rm web-vitals ([be6a20b](be6a20b))
* rm wo w inv fields query ([2934b83](2934b83))
* uninstall lodash.merge, rm'd from ReactiveStore ([d8e58eb](d8e58eb))
* update ApolloCache type policies ([30bf7e1](30bf7e1))
* update ApolloLink links ([411452f](411452f))
* update Button ([5d4dc06](5d4dc06))
* update codegen'd gql types, add types exports ([27c0473](27c0473))
* update codegen'd types to reflect API changes ([ea122a8](ea122a8))
* update components ([567c632](567c632))
* update Dialog ([03766c8](03766c8))
* update env vars ([ccc9f1c](ccc9f1c))
* update ErrorBoundary ([41283c2](41283c2))
* update GQL schema for API changes ([2259217](2259217))
* update GQL schema for API changes ([1a35c4e](1a35c4e))
* update GQL schema for API changes ([481ac9e](481ac9e))
* update GQL schema used for codegen ([d888ab2](d888ab2))
* update hooks ([0ae4e1b](0ae4e1b))
* update Indicators ([ef63a3d](ef63a3d))
* update layouts ([01e0a8a](01e0a8a))
* update Logo comps ([abed25f](abed25f))
* update packages ([5903dd8](5903dd8))
* update PageNotFound, add DragonIcon ([0cb1b44](0cb1b44))
* update pages ([9142357](9142357))
* update pages/CheckoutPage ([ba47c32](ba47c32))
* update pages/LoginPage ([602661e](602661e))
* update pages/PageNotFound ([97c6527](97c6527))
* update pages/PrivacyPolicyPage ([9560389](9560389))
* update pages/ProductsPage ([139eaf1](139eaf1))
* update pages/RegisterPage ([7a5bc0b](7a5bc0b))
* update paths to svg files in StripeBadge ([6997375](6997375))
* update reactive vars ([61d61c2](61d61c2))
* update README w project layout ([9fbe33e](9fbe33e))
* update StripeForm ([84d2104](84d2104))
* update types ([862b40b](862b40b))
* update Typography comps ([e143dec](e143dec))
* update WebView components ([37c0a25](37c0a25))
* **website-expansion:** init commit of 'new' fixit-web pwa files BREAKING_CHANGE ([9ad26f2](9ad26f2))
* whole new look and better perf for ChecklistInput ([5736ec3](5736ec3))
* WIP update BREAKING_CHANGE ([c62a505](c62a505))

### Performance Improvements

* **http:** add link attr's and manifest props to improve load time ([c014f44](c014f44))
* **images:** replace PNGs w WEBPs, rm unused ([f25512b](f25512b))
* rm index file to enforce specific imports for tree-shaking ([35171d8](35171d8))
* rm index files to enforce specific imports for tree-shaking ([72f1b43](72f1b43))
  • Loading branch information
semantic-release-bot committed Jul 9, 2023
1 parent 4b9b19b commit 81b6880
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Showing 3 changed files with 247 additions and 3 deletions.

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