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Releases: Nerdware-LLC/fixit-web


04 Mar 13:10
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v1.3.0-next.10 Pre-release

1.3.0-next.10 (2024-03-04)

Bug Fixes

  • add DOMPurify script integrity sha, update v to 3.0.9 (af6a53a)


01 Mar 18:44
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v1.3.0-next.8 Pre-release

1.3.0-next.8 (2024-03-01)


  • enable DevTools in AppBar by default (f161525)


22 Feb 16:05
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v1.3.0-next.7 Pre-release

1.3.0-next.7 (2024-02-22)


  • add API_HOSTS_BY_MODE (9b5f61c)
  • add env VITE_ENABLE_DEV_TOOLS (007e55e)
  • add handleAuthRefresh to pageRefresh logic (319daa3)


22 Feb 14:30
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v1.3.0-next.6 Pre-release

1.3.0-next.6 (2024-02-22)


  • add abortController for req cancels (4264c83)
  • add NON_BREAKING_SPACE_CHAR (931360f)
  • add useHandlePageRefresh to stop refreshes (ce92f02)


21 Feb 19:16
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v1.3.0-next.5 Pre-release

1.3.0-next.5 (2024-02-21)


21 Feb 18:51
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v1.3.0-next.4 Pre-release

1.3.0-next.4 (2024-02-21)

Bug Fixes

  • rm console.warn block, set default env-var values (c494975)


21 Feb 14:31
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v1.3.0-next.3 Pre-release

1.3.0-next.3 (2024-02-21)


  • bump engines.node to v20 (c163c95)


20 Feb 18:13
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v1.3.0-next.2 Pre-release

1.3.0-next.2 (2024-02-20)

Bug Fixes

  • add @font-face styles to fix font vertical alignment issues (5e261c5)
  • correct .vscode dir ignore pattern (95c616f)
  • correct err-log logic, rm unused namespaces (340e1fc)
  • correct FormProps type param handling (874cb90)
  • correct playLottie logic to achieve desired play behavior (e375a88)
  • correct props typing, add jsdoc (a43121f)
  • correct style syntax for preferred scroll behavior (3f743eb)
  • correct styles to achieve desired aesthetic (f968ed8)
  • correct svg import syntax to use SVGR ?react suffix (373b96f)
  • correct syntax for setting default font (0b0dab7)
  • ensure className prop is properly handled (ac1b39c)
  • impl gqlInfo namespace, rm old eslint directives (e780362)
  • improve THEMES typings (0d9bb16)
  • rm extraneous deepCopy util (e16ab80)
  • rm old storage util now in src/stores/ (313cd2c)
  • update exports to reflect file changes (c78ade4)
  • update gql import path from '@graphql' to '@/graphql' (88de3a2)
  • update import paths to use '@/*' (90dbb3a)
  • update import paths to use '@/*' (6f01796)
  • update TP exports (de0f108)


  • add 'stepContent' classNames to exported obj (32cc139)
  • add | SVGElement to type constraint of T (ce8cf20)
  • add base StyledChip comp for core-item chips (d15d4ff)
  • add better prop handling (bfe5882)
  • add ButtonLoadingIndicator (36bfec5)
  • add comp exports to Navigation module (f940de0)
  • add DataGrid helpers to simplify props formation (b86fbf8)
  • add dayjs setup side effect file (39a5a14)
  • add dayjs type-safety utils (3e57aa6)
  • add DevTools components (b1d60c5)
  • add dir for all DataGrid slots/ (7c7f9cd)
  • add export of App comp from app/ module (be63651)
  • add export of DataDisplay classNames (d2967fb)
  • add export of static elementIDs for Dialog (fa2acfe)
  • add exports of DataGrid classNames (88f9be4)
  • add exports of Intl.NumberFormat objects (17ae491)
  • add fwd ref, rm unused JSX exports (0daf0ce)
  • add getMuiPaperStyles helper fn (5b15db9)
  • add impl of ItemsPerMonthChart for INVs (3b42a35)
  • add impl of ItemsPerMonthChart for WOs (b46df7e)
  • add index file to Indicators module (3ab8c71)
  • add LeadingDotsSpan comp (d284b51)
  • add LP img assets and Carousel comp (56b01a6)
  • add NavLink comp, wraps RRD Link comp (6c4fe9b)
  • add NoMaxWidthTooltip component (a149eca)
  • add NoWrapSpace Text component (f69e74b)
  • add numeric utils (f05150c)
  • add open-api codegen script and types (759a476)
  • add PaymentRequiredToast for 402 error handling (b15abd5)
  • add PhoneShapedContainer comp (3bb2537)
  • add RainbowBorderBox comp (1eaef95)
  • add ReceiptShapedContainer comp (95627c4)
  • add ref fwd, rm unused JSX exports (185dede)
  • add ref fwd, rm unused JSX exports (4bac830)
  • add SearchUsers component (05ff4cb)
  • add static classNames exports (30a0a12)
  • add string formatter utils (3ab68f2)
  • add Tabs,TabPanel to expand upon tab a11y props (92b9447)
  • add typedefs for react-swipeable-views-react-18-fix (cae8ed3)
  • add useAppThemeObject hook (14cd65b)
  • add yup setLocale side effect file (9f78fa9)
  • add+export types for PLC (4453567)
  • centralize Checkout utils in helpers/ (ce540f8)
  • centralize List, list-items, virt-list, etc in comps/List (9329831)
  • extract CoreItemsListViewContent into own file (fb52fb3)
  • fix imports, impl Form helpers (9e2c981)
  • fix scroll behavior, impl new stores+helpers (e1a7f9d)
  • impl and wrap @nerdware getTypeSafeError (51f3b70)
  • impl BaseFormSubmitButton ([d2d84cc](
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09 Jul 15:48
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v1.3.0-next.1 Pre-release

1.3.0-next.1 (2023-07-09)

Bug Fixes

  • add 'handle' to RegisterNewUser form+type+etc (18bf2f8)
  • add 'isActiveAccountStore' read, if false nav to /products not /home (a06bb52)
  • add 'key' prop to map'd elements (83388dc)
  • add 'showDialog' to props (944bb23)
  • add 'User' prefix to sca fragment to match schema (a159f58)
  • cache: correct logic for list-query caching+merging (0edd257)
  • chart: add min y-axis value to prevent decimal tick-labels (71af378)
  • ensure 'handleWindowResize' updates context when user-agent changes (9e15ebb)
  • ensure 'name' doesnt render 'null' str (d535d70)
  • ensure 'selectedSubscription' value is init'd on mobile (b95b179)
  • ensure default viewContact logic is skipped if matches user (043b1fb)
  • ensure Intl objs aren't inst'd on each fn call (f6a6be5)
  • ensure mobile tabs never show in TABLE view, update a11y props (b6d9939)
  • ensure mock item id's don't contain 'CONTACT#' (b997a65)
  • ensure SearchUsers query uses ContactFields fragment (92a2333)
  • ensure some tick-labels hide on small viewports, add year (6057798)
  • ensure TextField value is empty string if nullish (38ed24c)
  • export all from Buttons (0d24694)
  • export raw WO+Inv-related icons for better styling (af312bf)
  • implement safeJsonStringify (17bc2f6)
  • mobile-style: ensure page scrolls on mobile (1e40454)
  • mocks: update mocks to reflect nullable GQL types (327c467)
  • pass 'backgroundIcon' prop into EmptyListFallback (f91f098)
  • provide 'onClick' prop to styled container for cursor styling (216a44a)
  • provide default selectedSub upon checkout in mobile (b1173d0)
  • replace 'contacts' query name w 'myContacts' (49e807f)
  • replace 'mergeUpdate' w shallow-merge to not break Observable (2baa88f)
  • replace dep'd JSX type namespace with React.JSX (ade9549)
  • replace double-quotes w backtick str to ensure proper parsing of newline char (72e300b)
  • replace inline destructure of apiResponse w conditional key option-chain check (a346969)
  • replace JSON.stringify w safeJsonStringify (8e63047)
  • rm cache-only fetchPolicy (a9d1f45)
  • rm console debug msg from localStorage util (1f1a6da)
  • rm duplicative export (60f6210)
  • rm dynamic import DevModeTools (58e3f05)
  • rm Node-env 'captureStackTrace' in PreFetchedItemError (61a87ed)
  • rm old 'EncodedAuthToken' opaque type (d8db58f)
  • rm old 'localIndex' Symbol-handling logic (baa8586)
  • rm old isItemOwnedByUser nav-state handling (be13d66)
  • rm unnecessary 'extends unknown in DataParser type (f34a145)
  • types: correct ItemDataParser types used to make context values (6bc7ffb)
  • types: correct reactiveVars typings (b09f7dd)
  • types: mv 'WorkOrderWithUpcomingEvent' type to this comp (8271b49)
  • update clear-mocks cache-mod to use DELETE sentinel obj (9b5e046)
  • update faker args to reflect pkg update (a371ffc)
  • update GQL fragments+queries to reflect field changes (364b859)
  • update logger timestamps to use Dayjs format-strs (4921b9c)
  • update logic to add Auth header on req (f8346e9)
  • update old jest references to vi (4182577)
  • update regex to ensure currency amounts dont begin with 0 (969fb03)
  • update stats key from 'TOTAL' to 'SUM' (c1d818e)
  • update types exports (6bfd6c5)
  • use dayjs for proper timestamp formatting (c235b5f)


  • a11y: add a11y props 'role' and 'aria-label' (a2ea93b)
  • add 'craco' for path aliasing (1dd39a6)
  • add 'createdAt' and 'updatedAt' fields to AuthTokenPayload (e79ed5a)
  • add 'deepCopy' util (10107f1)
  • add 'ItemDetailsGroup', rm nestability of 'ItemDetails' (dc9e623)
  • add 'json' to EOL fixer for Lotties (d742c58)
  • add 'license' property (0685ab9)
  • add 'mergeUpdate' override to merge nested props (0e87df1)
  • add 'MODE' to 'ENV' object (f7acb26)
  • add 'setDefaultIfEmpty' (efe94f9)
  • add 'svg' to EOL fixer exclude_types (1012e25)
  • add 'tableProps' to core item list views (f1546be)
  • add 'Tabs...
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14 Nov 17:29
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1.2.3 (2022-11-14)