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diptanu edited this page Nov 5, 2014 · 21 revisions


Prana is a Karyon & RxNetty based application that exposes features of java based client libraries of various NetflixOSS services over an HTTP API.

As a sidecar application, Prana is conceptually “attached” to the main application and complements it by providing features that are otherwise available as libraries within a JVM-based application.

We use Prana extensively within Netflix alongside applications built in non-jvm programming language like Python and NodeJS or services like Memcached, Spark, and Hadoop.


  • Advertising applications via the Eureka Service Discovery Service
  • Discovery of hosts of an application via Eureka
  • Health Check of services
  • Load Balancing http requests via Ribbon
  • Fetching Dynamic Properties via Archaius

Road Map

  • Ability to extend the http api by adding custom RxNetty request handler via Groovy scripts. More Details
  • Add support for command based Health Check handlers
  • Consideration of moving external configuration support from Prana down into Karyon 2.0 base.
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