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Building a predictive model for the popularity of an unreleased hip hop track on Spotify

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In this project, I sought to build a tool that could help my cousin, a hip hop artist, to assess whether songs he hasn't released yet had potential to be popular. I gathered and used only audio preview samples and associated popularity scores of recently released hip-hop tracks from Spotify. These were processed into spectrograms and a binary target (popular/not popular). These were fed into a neural network, which was iteratively constructed with increasing complexity. The most complex model, based on a Recurrent Neural Network, performed the best, with 59.8% accuracy and 0.646 ROC-AUC. This signifies an improvement over baseline of 9.1% accuracy and 0.146. This is not a mindblowing result, but it isn't nothing! Especially considering that this model was very limited with only audio, this is a very promising result. I would not recommend this model for use on the individual song level, but it could still be useful for a larger number of samples. It could direct an artist's attention towards a subset to focus on, which saves effort and is thus still valuable. Further improvements will only make this a much more powerful tool at my client's disposal.


Audio classification is a classic use case for neural network models. I wondered how far I could take audio classification. Typically it is done with information that is easy to the human ear, such as music genres) and human speech.

However, I wanted to choose a project that involved audio to make a prediction on something that a human would have difficulty doing. I love music, so I wanted to see if a model trained only on song samples could predict a track's popularity. This is a pretty common idea (blog 1, blog 2, blog 3), but these all use Spotify's provided audio features (such as danceability, instrumentalness, and others). They don't use the audio samples themselves, and I thought that using the raw song samples with a neural net might work out better. Popularity is a tough target--the above blog posts have mixed success with more traditional (i.e. not neural network) techniques. Furthermore, a person can't listen to a song and say "oh yeah, that sounds popular". They might say that it sounds good but popularity is a bit more nebulous to quantify.

Business Problem

I sought to build a model that could predict whether a given previously unreleased hip hop track would be popular, based purely on the music itself. This model would be an extremely useful tool for my cousin, who is an artist on Spotify -- under the name KC Makes Music. He could use this tool to bounce his music off of to get a feeling for its popularity potential.

Data Gathering

I gathered data from the Spotify API, not only because it is the platform we are seeking to optimize on, but also because it is an extremely comprehensive database. I used the Spotipy python package to access the API. For more information on how I gathered the data, please look at my data gathering section in the main notebook, and in particular the custom function get_tracks in the glossary.

Data Understanding

This data represented 16168 tracks released 2019-2021, and included popularity scores (0-100, 100 being most popular) and http links for ~30 second preview mp3s. The data was not as complete as it could have been (some well-known artists were not fully represented), but it was still quite extensive and representative of the hip hop landscape for those years. Much more exploratory information in the main notebook.

Data Processing

Mp3s were gathered from these links and transformed into mel spectrograms. Mel spectrograms are a well-known tool to represent audio data in a visual format. It decomposes audio into frequencies and displays the frequency distributions over time. In this way, patterns regarding beat, timbre, etc. can be inferred by a model.

The associated target popularity for each preview mp3 was binned into popular and not popular. Using the training data, I determined popular to be >= 39.


Several models were attempted when attacking this problem, increasing in complexity. First, to get a sense for what a useless/untrained model would perform like, I used a dummy classifier to make predictions according to the majority class of the training data. This simulates a completely untrained model. I then iterated through a simple multilayer perceptron, two builds of a Convolutional Neural Network, and finally a Recurrent Neural Network which has a Convolutional component at the start.

Google Colab

The modeling section of this project was performed in Google Colab, as my computer couldn't handle it. Your mileage may vary. I noted in my notebook what cells are for Colab. Link to model .pkl files here


Evaluation was done using accuracy and ROC-AUC scores. Of paramount importance is the model's ability to separate popular and not popular. Either way it falsely categorizes a song means wasted effort so minimizing both was prioritized.

Overall the Recurrent Neural Network worked the best, and seemed to pick up on some underlying patterns. It didn't work amazingly well, but +9.1% more accurate and +0.146 ROC-AUC means that this idea has real potential. Please read the notebook for a more in-depth analysis.


Even though the model only learned a little bit, it still has great potential and some utility. Instead of being used on the individual song level, it could be used with a collection of tracks as a first-pass seive to point out a sub-group of standout songs. My client runs a recording studio and knows many fellow artists so this still can be a useful tool.

Next Steps

Moving forward, I will be looking into incorporating non-audio features, different audio features, different neural architectures, and more input tracks. Furthermore, I will use a tool like LIME to take a look under the hood to see what the model believes to be important factors for popularity.


Nicholas Indorf





Google Slides Presentation


requirements.txt lists all the packages necessary to run this project locally.


├── images/                <- A smattering of relevant images
├── notebooks/             <- Jupyter notebooks used in development
├── HipHopPopularity.ipynb <- The main notebook of the project. Goes through everything in detail
├── Presentation.pdf       <- pdf of the presentation I gave for this project. Google Slides link above
├──              <- Top-level README for anyone interested in this project
├── requirements.txt       <- The requirements file for reproducing the analysis environment

After running the data gathering/processing scripts, your local repo will also include:
└── data
    ├── collection_1/      <- Raw song csv data collected from Spotify via script in the main notebook
    ├── X_train/           <- X_train split data - via mp3 collection / wav transformation scripts    
    │   ├── mp3/           <- mp3 preview audio files    
    │   └── wav/           <- wav preview audio files    
    ├── X_test/            <- X_test split data - via mp3 collection / wav transformation scripts   
    │   ├── mp3/           <- mp3 preview audio files    
    │   └── wav/           <- wav preview audio files    
    ├── X_holdout/         <- X_holdout split data - via mp3 collection / wav transformation scripts  
    │   ├── mp3/           <- mp3 preview audio files   
    │   └── wav/           <- wav preview audio files  
    ├── collection_1_mp3s.csv <- Processed song csv data   
    ├── mel_spec_dict.pkl  <- Dictionary of unscaled mel spectrograms and target labels for all data splits    
    └── mel_spec_sc.pkl    <- Dictionary of scaled mel spectrograms and target labels for all data splits

[Google Colab directory:](
├── mlp_dict.pkl           <- Multilayer perceptron info dictionary - includes keras Sequential & History objects
├── cnn1_dict.pkl          <- Convolutional Neural Network (1st) info dictionary - includes keras Sequential & History objects
├── cnn2_dict.pkl          <- Convolutional Neural Network (2nd) info dictionary - includes keras Sequential & History objects
├── rnn_dict.pkl           <- Recurrent Neural Network info dictionary - includes keras Sequential & History objects
└── mel_spec_sc.pkl        <- Dictionary of scaled mel spectrograms and target labels for all data splits


Building a predictive model for the popularity of an unreleased hip hop track on Spotify







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