A collection of Monocle lenses for navigating Amazon's API models.
Include the following in your build.sbt
. If you're using AWS Java SDK version 1 change the awsSdkVersion
to "v1"
val awsSdkVersion = "v2"
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("nike", "maven"),
libraryDependencies += "com.nike.fawcett" %% s"fawcett-sqs-$awsSdkVersion" % "0.4.0",
The lenses for Amazon's models are contained in an object of the same name with "Lens" appended. For instance, if we
need to operate on a SendMessageBatchRequest
we have lenses defined on the object SendMessageBatchRequestLens
Example of getting all the message bodies from a com.amazonaws.services.sqs.model.ReceiveMessageResult
import com.nike.fawcett.sqs.ReceiveMessageResultLens
val messageBodies: List[String] = ReceiveMessageResultLens.allBodies(receiveMessageResult)
Example of setting random de-duplication identifiers on messages in a
. Here we start with an existing SendMessageBatchRequest,
, and then modify all the existing or unset de-duplication ids and get a new
, updatedRequest
. It's important to note these are two completely different values,
has not been modified.
import com.nike.fawcett.sqs.SendMessageBatchRequestLens
import java.util.UUID
val updatedRequest: SendMessageBatchRequest =
SendMessageBatchRequestLens.allMessageDeduplicationIds.modify(_ => UUID.randomUUID.toString)(originalRequest)
If we define a Getter
from Monocle, we can start composing lenses. Here we create a function to extract notes from
our message results.
import monocle.Getter
import monocle.functions.all._
import com.nike.fawcett.sqs.ReceiveMessageResultLens
import com.amazonaws.services.sqs.model.ReceiveMessageResult
case class Note(body: String)
val noteGetter: Getter[Message, Note] = Getter(message => Note(message.getBody))
val getNotes: ReceiveMessageResult => List[Note] =
ReceiveMessageResultLens.messages composeTraversal each composeGetter noteGetter getAll _
See our contributing guidelines before you start.
You can reduce the amount of typing required by using the giter8 scaffolding provided for lenses.
Inside of sbt run g8Scaffold lens
from the root project.
Or just from the command line sbt "g8Scaffold lens"
This will create the basic lens trait and test structure for you.
- vendamere Peter Vendamere
Fawcett is released under the BSD-3 clause license.