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dockerTools.streamLayeredImage: Store the customisation layer as a ta…
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This fixes as issue described here[1], where permissions set by 'extraCommands'
were ignored by Nix.

[1] #91084 (comment)
  • Loading branch information
utdemir committed Sep 4, 2020
1 parent 0ea35cf commit ae82f81
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Showing 4 changed files with 73 additions and 85 deletions.
9 changes: 1 addition & 8 deletions nixos/tests/docker-tools.nix
Expand Up @@ -219,18 +219,11 @@ import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, ... }: {
with subtest("Ensure correct behavior when no store is needed"):
# This check tests two requirements simultaneously
# 1. buildLayeredImage can build images that don't need a store.
# 2. Layers of symlinks are eliminated by the customization layer.
# This check tests that buildLayeredImage can build images that don't need a store.
"docker load --input='${}'"
# Busybox will not recognize argv[0] and print an error message with argv[0],
# but it confirms that the custom-true symlink is present.
docker.succeed("docker run --rm no-store-paths custom-true |& grep custom-true")
# This check may be loosened to allow an *empty* store rather than *no* store.
docker.succeed("docker run --rm no-store-paths ls /")"docker run --rm no-store-paths ls /nix/store")
Expand Down
60 changes: 38 additions & 22 deletions pkgs/build-support/docker/default.nix
Expand Up @@ -718,28 +718,41 @@ rec {
architecture = buildPackages.go.GOARCH;
os = "linux";
customisationLayer = runCommand "${name}-customisation-layer" { inherit extraCommands; } ''
cp -r ${contentsEnv}/ $out

if [[ -n $extraCommands ]]; then
chmod u+w $out
(cd $out; eval "$extraCommands")
contentsEnv = symlinkJoin {
name = "${name}-bulk-layers";
paths = if builtins.isList contents
then contents
else [ contents ];
contentsList = if builtins.isList contents then contents else [ contents ];

# We store the customisation layer as a tarball, to make sure that
# things like permissions set on 'extraCommands' are not overriden
# by Nix. Then we precompute the sha256 for performance.
customisationLayer = symlinkJoin {
name = "${name}-customisation-layer";
paths = contentsList;
inherit extraCommands;
postBuild = ''
mv $out old_out
(cd old_out; eval "$extraCommands" )
mkdir $out
tar \
--owner 0 --group 0 --mtime "@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" \
--hard-dereference \
-C old_out \
-cf $out/layer.tar .
sha256sum $out/layer.tar \
| cut -f 1 -d ' ' \
> $out/checksum

# NOTE: the `closures` parameter is a list of closures to include.
# The TOP LEVEL store paths themselves will never be present in the
# resulting image. At this time (2020-06-18) none of these layers
# are appropriate to include, as they are all created as
# implementation details of dockerTools.
closures = [ baseJson contentsEnv ];
overallClosure = writeText "closure" (lib.concatStringsSep " " closures);
closureRoots = [ baseJson ] ++ contentsList;
overallClosure = writeText "closure" (lib.concatStringsSep " " closureRoots);

# These derivations are only created as implementation details of docker-tools,
# so they'll be excluded from the created images.
unnecessaryDrvs = [ baseJson overallClosure ];

conf = runCommand "${name}-conf.json" {
inherit maxLayers created;
imageName = lib.toLower name;
Expand All @@ -751,9 +764,6 @@ rec {
paths = referencesByPopularity overallClosure;
buildInputs = [ jq ];
} ''
paths() {
cat $paths ${lib.concatMapStringsSep " " (path: "| (grep -v ${path} || true)") (closures ++ [ overallClosure ])}
${if (tag == null) then ''
outName="$(basename "$out")"
outHash=$(echo "$outName" | cut -d - -f 1)
Expand All @@ -768,6 +778,12 @@ rec {
created="$(date -Iseconds -d "$created")"
paths() {
cat $paths ${lib.concatMapStringsSep " "
(path: "| (grep -v ${path} || true)")
# Create $maxLayers worth of Docker Layers, one layer per store path
# unless there are more paths than $maxLayers. In that case, create
# $maxLayers-1 for the most popular layers, and smush the remainaing
Expand Down
13 changes: 1 addition & 12 deletions pkgs/build-support/docker/examples.nix
Expand Up @@ -298,21 +298,10 @@ rec {
name = "no-store-paths";
tag = "latest";
extraCommands = ''
chmod a+w bin
# This removes sharing of busybox and is not recommended. We do this
# to make the example suitable as a test case with working binaries.
cp -r ${pkgs.pkgsStatic.busybox}/* .
contents = [
# This layer has no dependencies and its symlinks will be dereferenced
# when creating the customization layer.
(pkgs.runCommand "layer-to-flatten" {} ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
ln -s /bin/true $out/bin/custom-true

nixLayered = pkgs.dockerTools.buildLayeredImageWithNixDb {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -415,7 +404,7 @@ rec {
pkgs.dockerTools.buildLayeredImage {
name = "bash-layered-with-user";
tag = "latest";
contents = [ pkgs.bash pkgs.coreutils (nonRootShadowSetup { uid = 999; user = "somebody"; }) ];
contents = [ pkgs.bash pkgs.coreutils ] ++ nonRootShadowSetup { uid = 999; user = "somebody"; };

76 changes: 33 additions & 43 deletions pkgs/build-support/docker/
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@

import io
import os
import re
import sys
import json
import hashlib
Expand All @@ -45,21 +44,14 @@
from collections import namedtuple

def archive_paths_to(obj, paths, mtime, add_nix, filter=None):
def archive_paths_to(obj, paths, mtime):
Writes the given store paths as a tar file to the given stream.
obj: Stream to write to. Should have a 'write' method.
paths: List of store paths.
add_nix: Whether /nix and /nix/store directories should be
prepended to the archive.
filter: An optional transformation to be applied to TarInfo
objects. Should take a single TarInfo object and return
another one. Defaults to identity.

filter = filter if filter else lambda i: i

# gettarinfo makes the paths relative, this makes them
# absolute again
def append_root(ti):
Expand All @@ -72,7 +64,7 @@ def apply_filters(ti):
ti.gid = 0
ti.uname = "root"
ti.gname = "root"
return filter(ti)
return ti

def nix_root(ti):
ti.mode = 0o0555 # r-xr-xr-x
Expand All @@ -85,11 +77,9 @@ def dir(path):

with, mode="w|") as tar:
# To be consistent with the docker utilities, we need to have
# these directories first when building layer tarballs. But
# we don't need them on the customisation layer.
if add_nix:
# these directories first when building layer tarballs.

for path in paths:
path = pathlib.Path(path)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,19 +126,14 @@ def extract(self):
LayerInfo = namedtuple("LayerInfo", ["size", "checksum", "path", "paths"])

def add_layer_dir(tar, paths, mtime, add_nix=True, filter=None):
def add_layer_dir(tar, paths, mtime):
Appends given store paths to a TarFile object as a new layer.
tar: 'tarfile.TarFile' object for the new layer to be added to.
paths: List of store paths.
mtime: 'mtime' of the added files and the layer tarball.
Should be an integer representing a POSIX time.
add_nix: Whether /nix and /nix/store directories should be
added to a layer.
filter: An optional transformation to be applied to TarInfo
objects inside the layer. Should take a single TarInfo
object and return another one. Defaults to identity.
Returns: A 'LayerInfo' object containing some metadata of
the layer added.
Expand All @@ -164,8 +149,6 @@ def add_layer_dir(tar, paths, mtime, add_nix=True, filter=None):
(checksum, size) = extract_checksum.extract()

Expand All @@ -182,8 +165,6 @@ def producer():

Expand All @@ -199,29 +180,38 @@ def producer():
return LayerInfo(size=size, checksum=checksum, path=path, paths=paths)

def add_customisation_layer(tar, path, mtime):
def add_customisation_layer(target_tar, customisation_layer, mtime):
Adds the contents of the store path as a new layer. This is different
than the 'add_layer_dir' function defaults in the sense that the contents
of a single store path will be added to the root of the layer. eg (without
the /nix/store prefix).
Adds the customisation layer as a new layer. This is layer is structured
differently; given store path has the 'layer.tar' and corresponding
sha256sum ready.
tar: 'tarfile.TarFile' object for the new layer to be added to.
path: A store path.
mtime: 'mtime' of the added files and the layer tarball. Should be an
integer representing a POSIX time.
customisation_layer: Path containing the layer archive.
mtime: 'mtime' of the added layer tarball.

def filter(ti): = re.sub("^/nix/store/[^/]*", "",
return ti
return add_layer_dir(
checksum_path = os.path.join(customisation_layer, "checksum")
with open(checksum_path) as f:
checksum =
assert len(checksum) == 64, f"Invalid sha256 at ${checksum_path}."

layer_path = os.path.join(customisation_layer, "layer.tar")

path = f"{checksum}/layer.tar"
tarinfo = target_tar.gettarinfo(layer_path) = path
tarinfo.mtime = mtime

with open(layer_path, "rb") as f:
target_tar.addfile(tarinfo, f)

return LayerInfo(

def add_bytes(tar, path, content, mtime):
Expand Down

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