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nixos/tests: add test for showing child configuration in grub menu
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This is a work in progress commit. I am able to test that the
child configuration shows up in the grub menu. However the test
case needs to ensure that

1. the child configuration is different from the default configuration
2. one can switch to the child configuration from grub menu.
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vmandela committed Aug 26, 2018
1 parent 54783c3 commit b058db7
Showing 1 changed file with 246 additions and 0 deletions.
246 changes: 246 additions & 0 deletions nixos/tests/installer-child.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
{ system ? builtins.currentSystem }:

with import ../lib/testing.nix { inherit system; };
with pkgs.lib;


# The configuration to install.
makeConfig = { bootLoader, grubVersion, grubDevice, grubIdentifier, grubUseEfi
, extraConfig, forceGrubReinstallCount ? 0
pkgs.writeText "configuration.nix" ''
{ config, lib, pkgs, modulesPath, ... }:
{ imports =
[ ./hardware-configuration.nix
# To ensure that we can rebuild the grub configuration on the nixos-rebuild
system.extraDependencies = with pkgs; [ stdenvNoCC ];
${optionalString (bootLoader == "grub") ''
boot.loader.grub.version = ${toString grubVersion};
${optionalString (grubVersion == 1) ''
boot.loader.grub.splashImage = null;
boot.loader.grub.extraConfig = "serial; terminal_output.serial";
${if grubUseEfi then ''
boot.loader.grub.device = "nodev";
boot.loader.grub.efiSupport = true;
boot.loader.grub.efiInstallAsRemovable = true; # XXX: needed for OVMF?
'' else ''
boot.loader.grub.device = "${grubDevice}";
boot.loader.grub.fsIdentifier = "${grubIdentifier}";
boot.loader.grub.configurationLimit = 100 + ${toString forceGrubReinstallCount};
${optionalString (bootLoader == "systemd-boot") ''
boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true;
users.users.alice = {
isNormalUser = true;
home = "/home/alice";
description = "Alice Foobar";
hardware.enableAllFirmware = lib.mkForce false;
services.udisks2.enable = lib.mkDefault false;
${replaceChars ["\n"] ["\n "] extraConfig}

# The test script boots a NixOS VM, installs NixOS on an empty hard
# disk, and then reboot from the hard disk. It's parameterized with
# a test script fragment `createPartitions', which must create
# partitions and filesystems.
testScriptFun = { bootLoader, createPartitions, grubVersion, grubDevice, grubUseEfi
, grubIdentifier, preBootCommands, extraConfig
iface = if grubVersion == 1 then "ide" else "virtio";
isEfi = bootLoader == "systemd-boot" || (bootLoader == "grub" && grubUseEfi);

# FIXME don't duplicate the -enable-kvm etc. flags here yet again!
qemuFlags =
(if system == "x86_64-linux" then "-m 768 " else "-m 512 ") +
(optionalString (system == "x86_64-linux") "-cpu kvm64 ") +
(optionalString (system == "aarch64-linux") "-enable-kvm -machine virt,gic-version=host -cpu host ");

hdFlags = ''hda => "vm-state-machine/machine.qcow2", hdaInterface => "${iface}", ''
+ optionalString isEfi (if pkgs.stdenv.isAarch64
then ''bios => "${pkgs.OVMF.fd}/FV/QEMU_EFI.fd", ''
else ''bios => "${pkgs.OVMF.fd}/FV/OVMF.fd", '');
in if !isEfi && !(pkgs.stdenv.isi686 || pkgs.stdenv.isx86_64) then
throw "Non-EFI boot methods are only supported on i686 / x86_64"
else ''
# Make sure that we get a login prompt etc.
$machine->succeed("echo hello");
# Wait for hard disks to appear in /dev
$machine->succeed("udevadm settle");
# Partition the disk.
# Create the NixOS configuration.
$machine->succeed("nixos-generate-config --root /mnt");
$machine->succeed("cat /mnt/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix >&2");
"${ makeConfig { inherit bootLoader grubVersion grubDevice grubIdentifier grubUseEfi extraConfig; } }",
# Perform the installation.
$machine->succeed("nixos-install < /dev/null >&2");
# This is handled as part of standard installer test
# # Do it again to make sure it's idempotent.
# $machine->succeed("nixos-install < /dev/null >&2");
$machine->succeed("cat /mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg >&2");
$machine->succeed("umount /mnt/boot || true");
$machine->succeed("umount /mnt");

makeInstallerTest = name:
{ createPartitions, preBootCommands ? "", extraConfig ? ""
, extraInstallerConfig ? {}
, bootLoader ? "grub" # either "grub" or "systemd-boot"
, grubVersion ? 2, grubDevice ? "/dev/vda", grubIdentifier ? "uuid", grubUseEfi ? false
, enableOCR ? false, meta ? {}
makeTest {
inherit enableOCR;
name = "installer-" + name;
meta = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; {
# put global maintainers here, individuals go into makeInstallerTest fkt call
maintainers = [ wkennington ] ++ (meta.maintainers or []);
nodes = {

# The configuration of the machine used to run "nixos-install".
machine =
{ pkgs, ... }:

{ imports =
[ ../modules/profiles/installation-device.nix

virtualisation.diskSize = 8 * 1024;
virtualisation.memorySize = 1024;

# Use a small /dev/vdb as the root disk for the
# installer. This ensures the target disk (/dev/vda) is
# the same during and after installation.
virtualisation.emptyDiskImages = [ 512 ];
virtualisation.bootDevice =
if grubVersion == 1 then "/dev/sdb" else "/dev/vdb";
virtualisation.qemu.diskInterface =
if grubVersion == 1 then "scsi" else "virtio";

boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = mkIf (bootLoader == "systemd-boot") true;

hardware.enableAllFirmware = mkForce false;

# The test cannot access the network, so any packages we
# need must be included in the VM.
system.extraDependencies = with pkgs;
[ sudo

# add curl so that rather than seeing the test attempt to download
# curl's tarball, we see what it's trying to download
++ optional (bootLoader == "grub" && grubVersion == 1) pkgs.grub
++ optionals (bootLoader == "grub" && grubVersion == 2) [ pkgs.grub2 pkgs.grub2_efi ];

services.udisks2.enable = mkDefault false;

nix.binaryCaches = mkForce [ ];
nix.extraOptions =
hashed-mirrors =
connect-timeout = 1


testScript = testScriptFun {
inherit bootLoader createPartitions preBootCommands
grubVersion grubDevice grubIdentifier grubUseEfi extraConfig;

in {

# !!! `parted mkpart' seems to silently create overlapping partitions.

# The (almost) simplest partitioning scheme: a swap partition and
# one big filesystem partition.
simple = makeInstallerTest "simple"
{ createPartitions =
"parted --script /dev/vda mklabel msdos",
"parted --script /dev/vda -- mkpart primary linux-swap 1M 1024M",
"parted --script /dev/vda -- mkpart primary ext2 1024M -1s",
"udevadm settle",
"mkswap /dev/vda1 -L swap",
"swapon -L swap",
"mkfs.ext3 -L nixos /dev/vda2",
"mount LABEL=nixos /mnt",
extraConfig =
nesting.clone = [
boot.loader.grub.configurationName = "Work";
environment.etc = {
"gitconfig".text = "
gitproxy = none for


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